Danu Talis's Downfall

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Percy POV

I raised my head to the sky, smiling. The rain evaporated before it reached my face because of the intense heat of my fires. I summoned fireballs and rained the city with it. Bastet tried to jump on me but I flicked my hand and she smashed into the Temple. Typhon rose, groaning. I smiled.

"Goodbye, Typhon." I snarled and closed my fists and squeezed. Typhon dropped to his knees, groaning. His heart exploded and he died straight away. Echinda screamed a anguished scream. I snapped my fingers and Danu Talis began to have major earthquakes. Lightning striked the Temple and the Main Hall. They exploded with a bang. I screamed to the sky, and thousand of swords fell from the sky. They pierced Elders and buildings, and the battlefield was covered in screams. Danu Talis exploded. I saw Thor hurridly teleporting the Valkyries away. I sent an arrow to them but they managed to get away. Shinogami got hit instead, killing the Elder of Death immediately. Danu Talis sank from the aura of my power.

Back to present

The Valkyries stumbled away from me, fear in their eyes. I pulled out the spear and twisted the spear menacingly. I advanced, fingering the point. I tossed the spear aside but it floated and flew torwards Nidhogg and killed it immediately. The Valkyries ran outside but I snapped my fingers.

"Don't you dare forget I have the power of Time. I failed to kill you once, I will not do so twice." I smiled. "Fore I'm Destiny, and none runs from Destiny."

The Valkyries stopped, straining to get out of my time stop. I smiled. I twirled my blade, advancing slowly, like how Kronos did to me when I was a demigod. I sliced and the Valkyries burst into gold dust. Nicholas Flamel, the Alchemist ran torwards me.

"What is it now?" I asked

"We need you on San Fransisco's bridge. The Spartoi has been summoned by Bastet and Quetzalcoatl. Prometheus and Niten are there right now, dying." He replied. I nodded. I teleported immediately to the site, and almost got skewered. I dodged the spear and twisted its point to face the warrior and stabbed it into his chest. The Spartoi just started spinning in circles, making me turn with it, and the spear snapped and I flew and crashed into a pole. A car was thrown torwards me, crushing me with the impact. I picked up the truck and threw it back, crashing ten of the Spartoi into the Sea, where I called the waves to make a whirlpool torwards Tartarus. I saw twenty-two of the Spartoi left, and Niten was already killed. I roared my battle cry. I charged and started swinging my blade, and my instincts started kicking in. I cut a spear from its handle and used it to stab another Spartoi in the head while swinging my sword 360 degrees. The Spartoi stopped focusing on Prometheus who was almost dead and started focusing on me. The skies raged with me and I summoned lightning, smiting another ten of the Spartoi but they just stood up again. I roared and sent a gust of wind, picking Prometheus and Niten's body to safety before I did another 360 slash and stab my sword into the ground. Midway, my sword turned into a trident, and the bridge shook with my power. Tsunamis were on both sides of the bridge, and it took the entire bridge. The bridge and the Spartoi were all blown off, and that includes me. I slammed into the water. I made a whirlpool to suck everything in, and sent everything to Tartarus. I teleported back up. Prometheus was alright, but Niten was officially dead.

"NO!" Prometheus shouted.

"Prometheus, I couldn't save him in time, I'm sorry. When I arrived after dealing with Nidhog, he was already dead." 

"AOFIE LOVES HIM! HE CAN'T DIE NOW!" Prometheus screamed. I put my hands on Niten's chest, and summoned the power of healing. I pushed all my power to him, but his heart refused to beat.

"I have no power to cure him of death." I replied sadly.

"But I do." Tsagaglalal said. 

"Do it then." I replied. Tsagaglalal revived Niten and I teleported to the Dark Elder's base. Echinda's eyes widened.

"So, you haven't died yet, eh?" I snarled.

"YOUR DEAD PERSEUS!" She screamed and Bastet tried to claw me but I caught her paw and crushed it. She howled. The Morrigan rose but I summoned my trident and threw it at her, stabbing her in the chest and pinning her to the wall in one swift move. Perses tried to pull his sword out but I summoned Eternal End and cut him into two from the waist. Anubis jumped at me but I caught him by the neck and slammed him into the floor and put my foot on his head, crushing his head. Ard-Griemne tried to tackle me but I punched him in the face and he flew torwards the wall and a loud crack was heard, no doubt ending the immortal. Nereus tried to flee but I sliced my blade and managed to kill him in a single move. Quetzalcoatl tried to summon his minions but I put it into an end immediately cause I summoned my shield and threw it like Captain America and sliced of the Elder's head. Xolotl howled and charged. He was the only one who managed to pull his sword out but I immediately disarmed him and kicked him so hard he flew torwards a throne, no doubt for Typhon, and his back cracked when he hit the throne. I advanced torwards the throne. Eris tried to stop me but she was the weakest Elder in the entire universe. I slayed her easily, she was more easy to kill than the Spartoi. Asteria came running at me with Echinda, with dual starlight blades. I dodged her strike and kicked her in the leg, making her kneel and I slammed Eternal End's hilt into Echinda's face, knocking her out and sending her to a column and she crashed into it. Asteria swung another blade at me but I managed to dodge in time, and kick her in the face and throw my sword torwards her head, depacitating her. I summoned Dual Eternal Ends and faced The throne. I was going to finish what I started with Danu Talis's downfall. I was going to end the war, and I could maybe teleport back to my universe. I made my blades into an X, and slashed outwards. The Throne became four pieces, but I continued slashing until you could not even see the pieces of the throne anymore. Suddenly I was teleported to another world. I was infront of a girl in a red cloak with Eternal End at her throat and I was shocked. I drew my blade away and I saw a man in a black cloak summon darkness and made it into a cut and threw it at me. I raised my finger and multiple shields came out. Out of the 4 shields I made, the cut only broke two. I jumped back.

"Now, who the hell are you?" 

Do you all like this chapter? I made Percy overpowered in this chapter because I feel like he deserves it after being held in this world for so long. What are your guesses for this world, and maybe you'll be correct. hint: the tags.

(1232 words.)

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