Chapter 2: Monday

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The next Monday Margaret braced herself. She'd always hated Mondays, even before she became a teacher. Now that she was a teacher, Mondays were a whole new monster for her. Spending the already terrible Monday teaching moody teenagers who also hated Mondays was a nightmare. Margaret was ready though. She'd spent the whole weekend mentally preparing herself for the horrors that awaited her in her classroom. But when she got to school something was off. When students began showing up for class it was quiet. Too quiet. Something was missing.

It took her a second to figure out what was missing. The howling. The group of abnormally large students she'd labeled "the pack" had come in howling and roughhousing since the first day of school. It had only gotten worse as more students joined their little gang. Today, however, the pack simply walked into class, meandered back to their seats, and sat down. One of them even said good morning.

It was a prank. Margaret knew it. She was going to start teaching, and the second she thought she was safe they were going to pounce. She didn't know what they were going to do, but she knew they were going to do something. Why else would they be so quiet? All she could do now was wait for them to do something stupid and derail her lesson plans.

So she started the day's lesson by explaining how to find the radius of a circle when you're only given the circumference. Some students complained as students do. Though not nearly as many complained as normal. Margaret began to feel calm. The lesson was going well. The few good students she had asked questions. No one threw anything at her. Maybe today was just going to be a normal day? No. The pack must have been tired or something, Margaret thought. That's why they're so calm. They wouldn't voluntarily behave themselves. But she soon realized she was wrong. When she turned to check on the pack in the back of the classroom she was horrified. They were taking notes. Since when did these students take notes? This was absolute anarchy.

The class continued without a hitch. When the bell rang the boys then did the unthinkable. They stood up, thanked Margaret, and left. No punching. No howling. All of them were wearing shoes. It was the weirdest thing she'd ever seen in her entire life.

Her day only got weirder when it was time to go home. She walked outside and was greeted by Jacob Black sitting on the hood of her car.

"Hi," Margaret said. She didn't think a diet coke thief who had the audacity to sit on her car deserved any more greeting than that.

"Hi," Jacob said. He had that look on his face again. Like he was staring at the most important thing in the entire world. For a second Margaret found it endearing. It made her feel special. And Jacobs' long hair was perfectly framing his face. His muscles looked like they were about to rip through his shirt. Finally, Margaret got her thoughts together and was able to respond.

"Why are you sitting on my car?" she asked.

"I came to see how my boys did in class today," Jacob said.

"I'm assuming you're talking about the giants trying to pass off as freshmen in my class," Margaret crossed her arms. "They took notes today. I didn't hear a single one of them bark." He didn't really answer why he decided to sit on her car, but she was more concerned with 'his boys'.

"Good, I wanted to make sure they stopped giving you a hard time. And let you know that they've all started their homework."

"Did you come all the way out here just to see if those boys behaved in class?" she asked.

"Yeah," Jacob said. Margaret was so confused. Who was this guy? He wasn't their parent, obviously. He also wasn't their legal guardian. So what authority did this man have to make these students do their homework? And why did he care enough about her to try and make her life easier? Also, what conditioner was he using because DANG. His hair was a work of art.

"Well, I appreciate it. It was nice being able to get through a lesson without a pregnancy joke" Margaret laughed, remembering how her students lost their minds when she spilled water. She really thought they were never going to stop announcing that her water broke. "Anyways, How'd you know this was my car?" Margaret was dangerously close to swatting him off her hood.

"Wait, did you say pregnancy jokes?" Jacob looked worried.

"Yes. Long story. I'm not pregnant. How'd you know this was my car?" she sighed. He was bad at answering questions.

"There was a diet coke bumper sticker," Jacob was relieved to know Margaret wasn't pregnant.

"Ok, detective diet coke," she said as she walked towards the car. "Thank you for checking on my students. I appreciate you getting them to do their work."

Jacob made that really cute face again. He opened his mouth like he was going to say something. Then he closed it. Then he opened it again and actually spoke this time. "Could I take you to dinner sometime? This Friday? So I can buy you another diet coke after I spilled yours last week."

Margaret froze. Did this absolute hunk of a man just ask her on a date? "Yes, absolutely. I'd love that." Margaret said before immediately kicking herself for her response. I'd love that, Margaret thought, Way to be way too forward. He's gonna hear the word 'love' and run for the hills. While Margaret stood there overthinking every decision she'd ever made, Jacob jumped up from the car. He was beaming.

"Great. Awesome." He repeated the words 'great' and 'awesome' over and over for a few more seconds before remembering he needed to use complete sentences. "I can pick you up around 6:00?"

"Yes, absolutely. I'd love that," Margaret said before immediately biting her tongue. She would spend the next week kicking herself for using the same sentence two times in a row. It wasn't even a good sentence the first time she used it.

"Great, here's my phone number," Jacob handed her a crumpled piece of paper with his name and number on it. When Margaret took the paper from Jacob, her hand brushed his. Her heart rate skyrocketed. His hands were warm and calloused and she had the weird urge to reach out and hold them. She didn't know how long she stood there thinking about his hands before Jacob started talking again. "Let me know when you get home safe. Goodnight."

"Goodnight," Margaret said. Then Jacob smiled at her and ran. Literally ran. The man didn't hop in a car or walk away. He simply turned and ran. Margaret noticed three things when he did this. First of all, he was fast. Absurdly fast. Inhumanly fast. Second, he didn't wear shoes. Apparently, the boys in this town just didn't believe in wearing shoes unless she told them to. Third, his hair flowed beautifully in the wind.

And just as quickly as Jacob appeared, he was gone again. Margaret could hear Ms. Hastings in the back of her mind. "That man is seven feet of pure man."

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