Chapter 11: Storms

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Lightning flashed and Thunder rumbled so loudly Margaret could feel her bones rattling. She called out for Jacob and bolted upright. Blinking sleep out of her eyes, she looked around frantically. The last thing Margaret remembered was falling asleep on Jacobs shoulder at dinner. Now she was in bed in a room she didn't recognize.

She threw back the blankets and called for Jacob again. The storm outside was so loud Margaret almost didn't hear the door creak open. Jacob stuck his head through the doorway and smiled.

"Margaret," he whispered. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," she started to get out of bed. She was still not fully awake, so she didn't make it far.

"Margaret," Jacob walked across the room. "You don't need to do that."

"I should go home," Margaret swung her legs off the bed.

"No," Jacob said as he picked Margaret up and moved her back into bed. "You need to go back to sleep."

"Are we still at Emily's?" she asked.

"Yeah. The weather is already terrible and it's supposed to get worse. Emily offered us her guest room so we don't have to take the motorcycle in the rain."

"You mean the two-wheeled death machine," Margaret mumbled.

"Yes, the two-wheeled death machine," Jacob tucked her in and kissed the top of her head. "Go back to sleep."

"Wait," Margaret reached to grab Jacob's arm. Unfortunately, she was still half asleep and her motor skills hadn't kicked in yet. So she ended up only flailing her arm in Jacobs direction. "Where are you going?"

"I'm on the couch downstairs," Jacob moved her arm back under the blankets.

"You could stay here."

Jacob froze. "You don't mind?"

"Of course not. I'm cold and you're a human space heater." Margaret tried to grab Jacobs arm again. Her motor skills still weren't back yet so she missed again. But, she did get slightly closer than last time.

Jacob sighed and put her arm under the blankets again. "Stop doing that. You need to go back to sleep."

Margaret mumbled something, but Jacob didn't understand a word of it. She tried to get her arm out of the blankets one last time but only tangled herself up. Jacob laughed. Even when she was barely awake, Margaret could be so stubborn.

"Ok," he said. "Scoot over."

Margaret grunted. Then stayed in the exact same spot. Jacob shook his head and crawled into bed. Since she hadn't moved, he was left with very little space. But he didn't mind. That just meant he got to be closer to her.

Once Jacob had settled in, he turned his attention to the storm. The rain somehow had started beating even harder on the windows and thunder rumbled ominously in the distance. Jacob hated the storm. He wanted it to stop. Normally storms didn't bother him. The area around Forks was constantly getting rained on, storms were just a fact of life. People either learned to deal with it or they moved away. Jacob had learned to love them. Especially since he first transformed. His heightened senses let him hear thunder lightning from miles and miles away. He always knew when the storm was coming. But right now, the storm was just another thing out of his control. If the storm decided to knock down the whole house there was nothing he could do to stop it. He couldn't protect his pack from it. He couldn't protect Margaret from it.

Just like how he couldn't protect Margaret from the vampire.

The blood-sucker should have been dead already. There was no reason why the pack shouldn't have been able to track him down and rip him to shreds. But he kept disappearing. No matter how hard they tried to track him, they very simply could not follow him. His scent and tracks would vanish without a trace. He left them literally nothing to work with except for the occasional dead body in Forks and a regular trip by the girls' houses.

That was the real reason Emily had offered her guest room to Margaret and Jacob. The vampire had been stalking the girls, so the pack wanted to keep them together. That way it would be easier to protect them. Jacob's stomach twisted when he thought about it. This vampire was trying to hurt the women the pack cared about most. He was trying to hurt Margaret. It filled Jacob with rage.

Lightning struck a tree. It was so close that Jacob had to cover his ears. Somehow Margaret didn't wake up, much to Jacobs' relief. He wanted to let her sleep. Tomorrow was going to be difficult. Tomorrow he had to tell her about their little stalker problem.

Jacob brushed the hair out of Margaret's face. She smiled and rolled closer to Jacob. When she smiled like that the whole world stopped. She was everything Jacob had ever wanted, and she was right there in his arms. Jacob pushed the vampire out of his mind. There were more important things for him to focus on right now, like how cute Margaret was when she snored. So he pulled Margaret closer and let himself relax. He had her, and that's all that mattered.

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