Chapter 15: The Meeting

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Jacob frowned when Margaret sat on the other end of the porch swing. He waited for a minute, giving her a chance to correct her mistake. She didn't. So he shook his head, reached over, and pulled her closer to him.

"Sir," Margaret gasped as some of her tea spilled on her.

"I wouldn't need to move you if you'd sit closer to me in the first place," Jacob laughed.

Margaret tried to be annoyed, but Jacob started playing with her hair. It's hard to be angry when a gorgeous giant of a man is carefully trying to braid your hair. So Margaret leaned into him and enjoyed the moment. He looked better than he had last night. He was smiling again.

The rain had stopped too. It was alarmingly sunny that morning. That was the whole reason they were outside. The pack was having a meeting to discuss the vampire. Quil was determined to have it in the backyard since it was such a beautiful day. As if that would make the meeting any better.

No one else was there yet, but Margaret didn't blame them for being late. No one wanted to talk about Jacob and Sam's new plan to catch the bloodsucker.

Jacob sighed as he finished pulling Margaret's hair back into a messy braid. It was barely holding together, but it was better than his previous attempts. Earlier that week Emily had spilled the beans that Jacob didn't actually know how to braid hair. She had been doing it for him this whole time. So Margaret was making him learn.

"You're getting better," she handed him a scrunchie to tie it off. She was happy to have a distraction from the vampire.

"I have a really good teacher," Jacob smiled at Margaret. He didn't say anything. He just looked at her.

"Why are you staring?" Margaret blushed. She always got flustered when he looked at her with those deep brown eyes.

"I'm just admiring my work," He smirked.

"Oh yeah," she sighed, thinking he meant her hair. "Like I said, you're definitely getting better. It's a beautiful braid."

"I wasn't talking about that," Jacob pulled down on the collar of her shirt, revealing the little blue bruise he had given her on her collarbone.

"Jacob," Margaret snapped and swatted his hand away. Her face turned bright red. She looked around and was relieved to find that no one else had joined them yet. She knew that the bruise wasn't a hickey. And she knew that the bruise had come from a well-placed, close range nerf gun shot. But she also knew that literally no one would believe that. So the scars from her nerf gun battles had to remain hidden. As she readjusted her shirt Jacob kissed her on the cheek while laughing.

But alas, their cute moment was brought to a screeching halt as the pack began showing up. They were back to business. Even the youngest boys weren't goofing around. They quietly circled up and listened as Sam explained the situation. It was time for the vampire to die. This had gone on for long enough and it needed to end. Since the vampire was obviously going for one of the imprinted, they would use one of them as bait.

This got a negative reaction. No one liked the idea of using one of the girls as bait. They argued and howled for over an hour. But no one had a better suggestion. The circle went quiet. Then one of the boys spoke up.

"Who's going to be bait?"

The tension was so thick you couldn't have cut it with a knife if you tried. It was more likely to break the knife than for the knife to successfully slice through it.

"I will," Margaret said. She and Jacob had already spoken about it. So many of the imprinted were still in high school. So they were clearly not an option. And since this whole plan was Jacob and Sam's idea, it was only fair that their girlfriends would be involved.

"Me too," Emily added.

"We attack tomorrow at noon," Jacob looked around the circle, stopping at Margaret. "We'll do whatever it takes."

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