Chapter 12: Pancakes and Kisses

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When Margaret woke up Jacob was almost completely on top of her. She didn't remember falling asleep like that, but she wasn't about to complain. He held her tightly to his chest, his arms wrapped around her waist. He was holding onto her so tightly that Margaret couldn't get up even if she tried. Luckily Margaret had approximately zero plans to do so. Jacobs face was millimeters away from hers. Which was great, but Margaret thought his face should have been just a little bit closer. She

Jacob tried to pretend he was still asleep, but he couldn't hide his smile. "Good morning," he said. His voice was even deeper than normal since he'd just woken up.

"Good morning," Margaret said as she attacked his face with more kisses.

"I would give anything to wake up to this every morning," Jacob sighed. He loosened his grip on Margaret.

She placed her hand on his very, very muscular chest and noticed something was missing. "Where'd your shirt go?" Margaret asked. His shirt was nowhere to be seen. Not that Margaret minded. If you asked her about it, she would tell you it was the highlight of her week. And that's saying something. Because She'd had Emily's chili that week. And Emily's chili was the definition of God-tier.

While Margaret's mind was going on a tangent about Emily's chili, Jacobs was more concerned with the fact that he was shirtless, in a bed, with his girlfriend. He sighed and pulled himself on top of Margaret. "Who cares about the shirt?" He leaned in and kissed her. Margaret immediately forgot about the chili and kissed him back. Jacob moved his hand down Margaret's leg. She became fully aware of just how short her shorts were. Then he started kissing her neck. Her breath caught in her throat. She thought she was going to melt. She could've stayed there forever. Then Sam knocked on the door.

Jacob pulled away for a moment to shout "Go away," then went right back to kissing her.

"Jacob, seriously," Sam shouted back. "It's time to get up."

They ignored him for another minute before they heard him twisting the doorknob. "Ok, give us a moment," Jacob grumbled. He rolled off Margaret with a groan. "We have to take care of a few things."

"Like what?" Margaret asked. "It can't wait?"

"Probably not." He got up and retrieved his shirt. Margaret's disappointment was immeasurable. She thought she was gonna cry when he pulled his shirt back over his chiseled abs. His beautiful, perfect abs.

Jacob started getting ready with so much determination that Margaret didn't question him. Margaret wouldn't say that Jacob angrily brushed his teeth, but she did wonder if the toothbrush owed him money. Because he looked angry. She desperately wanted to drag him back to bed and pick up where they'd left off, but Jacob clearly had something on his mind.

Emily loaned Margaret a pair of sweatpants, Jacob donated a sweatshirt, and Sam presented a pair of wool socks he found in the back of a drawer somewhere. It was Margarets new favorite outfit. She cautiously walked downstairs once she was presentable. She hadn't seen the damage done to Emily's table yet. It was worse than she imagined. So she said a prayer for the poor table and followed the amazing smell coming from the kitchen. Emily was making pancakes as quickly as she could while the boys ate them even faster.

"This next batch is for girls only," Margaret announced. The boys booed. No one questioned her though. She was proud of herself for that.

"There was bacon earlier," Emily said. "But the boys inhaled it before I could save you any."

"It's alright. I should've been down here earlier. Thank you for letting me spend the night. After breakfast I can clean the kitchen, then I'll get out of your hair." The room got quiet when Margaret asked this. Everyone but Sam, Emily, Jacob, and Margaret grabbed their plates and scampered out of the room. Margaret frowned at Jacob. "What's going on?"

"We should eat breakfast first," Jacob said as he stared down at the floor. He was making his 'kicked puppy' face. He always made that face when he was in trouble.

"No, you should tell me what's going on." Margaret looked to Emily. She would tell the truth. "Emily, what's he not telling me?"

"I'm gonna give them one last chance to tell you themselves," Emily turned to Sam. Sam turned back to Jacob. Jacob stared even harder at the floor. No one looked at Margaret.

"Let's step outside," Jacob said. He still wouldn't look at Margaret. He led her out to the back of the house and sat down on the porch swing. Then he told her everything. The vampire was stalking the girlfriends. They were certain. Last night during the storm Joy's mom saw the vampire run across their backyard, the reservation police saw him camped outside Margaret's house, and then he made a stop by another girl's house. The pack couldn't track him. The blood-sucker kept getting away and there was nothing they could do about it. That was why they had spent the night at Emily's. The pack decided that in order to keep the girls safe they would keep them all together. It's easier to watch them that way.

Margaret didn't know what to say. She wasn't surprised. Jacob had done a terrible job of keeping this a secret. She wasn't mad either. This obviously wasn't how Jacob wanted this to play out. She was, however, very annoyed. Jacob hadn't given her a heads up that she would be staying at Emily's. She would have brought a toothbrush if she had known.

"You could've told me sooner," Margaret leaned on Jacob's shoulder.

"I didn't want you to freak out," Jacob still wouldn't meet her gaze.

"You've turned into a wolf in front of me. It's a little late for that."

Jacob laughed and let himself relax for a moment. She hadn't realized how tense he had been until he let all of it go. Now that he'd been honest about the vampire, he smiled like a weight had just been lifted off his shoulders.

"Margaret, are you really ok with this?"

"Yes," she nodded. She didn't really have any choice but to be okay with it. "I trust you and I trust you friends. That blood-sucker doesn't stand a chance."

They sat there in peaceful silence for a few moments. Then Jacobs' stomach did a very convincing blue whale impersonation.

"Can we go eat now?" he asked, he sounded truly desperate for some pancakes. "Please."

"Last one to the kitchen is a vampire's lunch," Margaret shouted as she sprinted to the kitchen. Jacob bolted after her. Legend has it, if you're very quiet on a Saturday morning on the reservation, you can still hear them arguing about who got to the kitchen first.

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