Chapter 5: A Night on the Beach

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Margaret was thrilled when she got home. She was about to go out with Jacob Black again. He was also about to introduce her to his friends. Like any reasonable girl in her twenties, Margaret severely over-thought her outfit. She knew it would be cold outside and she didn't want to freeze. So she picked out a cute sweater and warm jacket. Then she ditched the jacket. She didn't want to be too warm so Jacob could give her his jacket. But then she didn't want to assume that Jacob would give her his jacket. So for the next fifteen minutes Margaret kept taking her jacket on and back off again while trying to decide which boots to wear.

Just as Margaret was putting her jacket on for the fifth time, she heard a knock at the door.

She ran to the door and opened it. Jacob stood there waiting. His hair was pulled back and he had a colorful flannel on.

"Hi," Margaret smiled.

"Hi," Jacob beamed.

"Your flannel looks like something my grandpa would wear," Margaret said as she locked her apartment door behind her.

"Why does everyone keep insulting my flannel?" Jacob sighed. "It's soft."

"Aww, who else was insulting your flannel?"

"All of them," Jacob pointed to a car with a few others sitting in it. "These are my friends. If they tell you any embarrassing stories I promise they're lying."

Margaret laughed as she hopped in the car. This was going to be fun.

Everyone in the car cheered as she jumped in. A guy with short black hair in the driver's seat turned to face her. "So here she is," the guy said. "The infamous Margaret Skilling. I'm Sam Uley. Nice to meet you."

"I'm Emily," the girl sitting in the passenger seat said. Emily was beautiful. She had dark eyes and shiny hair. But she had a large scar across her face that was a little alarming at first. "So now please be honest," she said as she gave Margaret a serious look.

"Alright," Margaret said, panicking a little.

"Doesn't Jacobs' flannel look like something a hipster would spend way too much money on?" Emily asked as her and Sam burst into laughter.

Jacob slid into the car and shouted "There's nothing wrong with my flannel."

Margaret quickly became comfortable with Jacob and his friends. They joked about Jacob's flannel for a while before Emily asked about Margaret's job. "I know some of your students. I hope they haven't been giving you too many problems?"

"No, recently my kids have all gotten much more behaved. I don't know what Jacob said to them to make that happen though," Margaret shook her head. "But I've made it a whole week without giving someone detention."

"Jacob has that effect on people," Sam chimed in. "When he heard they were making pregnancy jokes about you he had those boys scared straight."

Emily nodded in agreement. Jacob stared at his feet.

"How exactly do y'all know my students?" Margaret asked. She was still concerned about why all these adults had so much influence over the fifteen and sixteen year olds in her class.

Sam and Emily glanced back at Jacob. Margaret could see the wheels spinning in his head as he tried to think of a good answer. What is this guy's deal? She wondered.

"This is a small town. We all look out for each other." Jacob finally announced "I wanted to make sure they were learning. It's important."

Margaret was still convinced there was something else going on, but she didn't press it. She knew how much Jacob loved to avoid answering questions. "Well I appreciate it. My job has gotten much easier."

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