Chapter 3: Dinner Date

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Authors Note: My upload schedule will be all over the place. I won't apologize. But I will try to upload a new chapter at least once a week. Moving on

Margaret was stressed, and for good reason. At that very moment, a seven foot tall, very attractive young man was driving to her apartment to take her to dinner. She'd been on dates before, so it wasn't a huge deal. But she'd never been on a date with a man who could run as fast as a car. It didn't help that she was still overthinking their interaction on Monday. He literally ran out of the parking lot. She'd dropped the word "love" twice. They were not off to a great start.

Margaret was finally pulled out of her own head by a knock on the door. In that one moment her fight or flight response activated. She ran back to her room, stopped, remembered how cute Jacob was, ran to her door, did a little dance, and threw the door open.

And there he was, wearing shoes this time. So that was nice.

Jacob stood there smiling nervously. He was wearing a pair of jeans and a white dress shirt he tucked in. His boots were covered in dirt. He'd pulled his hair back into a braid. Margaret thought he looked adorable.

Jacob thought Margaret looked like the most beautiful human to ever grace the face of the planet. "Hi," he said.

"Hi," Margaret said.

"You look nice."

"Thanks," Margaret started panicking. For a moment she forgot every word she knew except for 'shoulders'. She hated awkward silence and she began to worry she would be hearing a lot of it tonight.

"Are you ready to go?" Jacob asked.

"Yeah, I'm starving." Margaret stepped out of her apartment and shut the door behind her. "How are you?"

"Pretty good," Jacob sighed. "But my dad's been super stressed about the weird murder over in Forks. So that's what I've been hearing about all week. Have you been to the burger shop down the street? They're really good."

"Um, no, I don't mind burgers," Margaret frowned. "Did you say murder in Forks?"

"Yeah. Have you not heard about it?" Jacob started walking down the street.

"No. What happened?"

"They found some guy with his blood drained out of him," Jacob shook his head. "But I shouldn't have brought it up. How was your week?"

"It was good," she said. "But you said the guy has his blood drained out of him? How does that happen?"

"No one knows," Jacob shrugged. "It was probably some freak accident. And now that I think about it, it's probably not a good thing to talk about right before we eat. How have the kids been behaving at school this week?"

"I've never seen the students this well behaved. My classes are so quiet now." Margaret was relieved to change the topic. Someone getting their blood drained out of them sounded like something you'd only see in a movie.

Jacob laughed, "I'm glad. I told my boys to stop being hard on you."

"You should tell them to do the same for all their teachers. The others think I'm a miracle worker for getting them to behave," Margaret said.

"Hmmm, I'll see what I can do."

"So, how do you know these kids? And do they just do what you say?" Margaret still had no idea how Jacob got the most rambunctious teens she'd ever met turned into model students.

"I know people," Jacob replied.

"You just know people?" Margaret prompted. She waited a moment for him to elaborate but she never did. Eventually she got sick of the awkward silence and started talking again. "Anyways, guess how many diet cokes I've had today," Margaret asked.

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