Chapter 9: Motorcycles

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 The past few weeks had been hectic to say the least. It all started when Jacob came by her apartment. He looked like he was about to murder someone. Benjamin, one of the boys from the pack, said they could smell the vampire around town. Jacob swore that the blood-sucker had been by Margaret's apartment at least once. Because of this, when Jacob wasn't guarding the perimeter of their territory he was at Margaret's keeping watch.

It was a little concerning that Jacob thought a vampire might show up at her place, but it meant she got to spend more time with Jacob. So she didn't complain. They had a good system worked out. He would pick her up from work, they would pick up dinner, and watch the great British bake off. Except for on Fridays. On Friday Emily would make dinner for the pack at her house.

Margaret was thrilled when the school bell rang at the end of the week. Emily was making chili for dinner. Emily's chili was legendary. Margaret's students shuffled out of the classroom. Some of the polite ones told her to have a good weekend. As soon as the last student was out of the door she grabbed her purse, finished off her diet coke, and sped out to the parking lot. Margaret thought nothing could mess up the perfect weekend she had planned. Then she saw Ms. Hastings.

Conversations with Ms. Hastings always left Margaret with a headache. The principal who definitely had a crush on Margaret's boyfriend. She was not afraid to show it.

"Ms. Skilling," Ms. Hastings shouted. She had been waiting by the door to the teachers parking lot. "What a coincidence seeing you here. How are you doing?"

"I'm doing well," Margaret put on her most professional smile. She wanted to say wow what a coincidence seeing you outside the teachers parking lot at the end of the day. But she decided to just say "How are you?"

"I'm good, do you have any plans for the weekend?" Ms. Hastings tried to playfully poke Margaret, but she dodged.

"Nothing exciting." she said. Margaret had learned it was best to be as vague as possible when talking to Ms. Hastings. Don't give her any details to latch onto.

"Oh please," Ms. Hastings clicked her tongue. "I doubt it's anything but exciting with a boyfriend like Jacob Black." The principal started fanning herself. She made a face that made Margaret incredibly uncomfortable. "I'm sure he makes your live very exciting." It took Margaret a moment to recover from what Ms. Hastings had said. The way Ms. Hastings said exciting made Margarets skin crawl.

"No, he's actually really boring," Margaret said as she pushed past Ms. Hastings, trying to stop thinking about what the principal was insinuating. "But it would be inappropriate to talk about that while at work. Have a nice weekend."

"Oh you don't mean that, Ms. Skilling-" Ms. Hastings tried to say something else but Margaret was out in the parking lot before she could finish.

Jacob was there waiting. He was on his motorcycle.

"No," Margaret said. "Immediately no." She was not getting on a motorcycle. Those things were death traps.

"Come on Margaret," Jacob sighed. "I wouldn't ask you to ride on it if it wasn't safe."

"What happened to your car?" Margaret asked. She got closer to the motorcycle and looked it over. It really did look like an accident waiting to happen.

"Nothing. It's nice outside today. I thought we'd take the motorcycle," Jacob smiled and tilted his head to the side.

"I'm not so sure," Margaret grumbled. She still despised the idea of riding on a motorcycle, but it was hard to say no to Jacob when he looked that cute. He was really good at making puppy dog eyes.

"Trust me," Jacob climbed off his motorcycle and pulled her close. "I'd never let anything hurt you."

Margaret just frowned and thought it over. Riding on a two wheeled death trap did not sound fun at all.

"I promise I wouldn't ask you to do anything that would put you in danger," Jacob leaned down and kissed her. For a perfect moment the only thing in the whole universe was Margaret and Jacob. Then Ms. Hastings decided to interrupt.

"Hi, Jacob," she shouted from the back steps of the school. "Sorry to interrupt your moment. I just wanted to say hi." Her voice was sweeter than honey but she was making a face like she had tasted something sour. "You two are just so cute," she said through gritted teeth.

"Thank you," Margaret shouted back. "We were just heading out, see you around." She pushed Jacob towards the motorcycle. While the motorcycle still terrified her, it would be much more pleasant than suffering through Ms. Hastings tactless flirting.

"Oh, you don't have to rush off so soon," Ms. Hastings whined. "I haven't gotten to speak to Jacob since he was in high school."

"We're in a hurry," Margaret said as she jumped on the bike behind Jacob.

"Hold on," He turned back to tell her, so she did. Margaret wrapped her arms around Jacob's waist and held on for dear life. She also couldn't help but smile. Partly because of the face Ms. Hastings made, and partly because she could feel Jacobs' abs when she held onto him like this.

Jacob hit the gas and flew out of the parking lot. When they got on the main roads he went even faster. Margaret's hair was whipped around in the wind. Cold air rushed past her. She screamed and held on tighter to Jacob. She could feel him laughing.

While Emily's house wasn't that far from the school, the drive felt like an eternity. Margaret just wanted off the bike. When they finally pulled up to Emily's, Jacob was still laughing. "You were screaming so loud I thought I was going to go deaf."

"I'm surprised you could hear me over your stupid, loud motorcycle," Margaret tried to relax and pry her arms away from Jacob. She'd been holding on so tight her arms were frozen in place. Jacob just chuckled and helped her off the bike.

"Are you ready to go inside?" Jacob asked. They could hear shouting from inside the house. Emily's house was never quiet.

"Absolutely," Margaret smiled up at Jacob. He took hand and led her inside.

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