Chapter 6: Answers

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Margaret's phone buzzed for the hundredth time that Saturday morning and it was only 9:00 AM. Margaret knew she should look at it, but she wasn't awake enough for that yet. It didn't help that she hadn't gotten much sleep the night before. She lay awake for hours thinking about what happened the previous night at the beach. Jacob had tried to kiss her. He was so close. Just the memory of his arm around her and his face so close to hers made it hard to breathe.

But it all came crashing down when the wolves started howling. Guys just ran into the woods like it was nothing. Then Jacob kept looking around like someone was chasing them. Margaret wished she could get her head together long enough to figure out what had happened. But her mind kept taking her back to Jacob and how close he was.

Part of Margaret was kicking herself for not trying to kiss Jacob again later that night. Lord knows she wanted to. She could have tried outside her apartment. Then, another part of Margaret was kicking herself for wanting to kiss Jacob. Because at the end of the day, there was still so much she didn't know about him. There was still so much she needed to know about him. She didn't need to turn into a boy-crazy ditz because Jacob had batted his beautiful eyelashes at her.

After overthinking for a little while longer, Margaret finally got up at 10:00. She popped open a can of diet coke. About halfway through it, she knew she had to text Jacob back. He had texted her several times throughout the night. So, Margaret just looked at the most recent messages from him.

I'm sorry about last night

I think I owe you an explanation

Could I see you today? There's some stuff we should talk about

Margaret sighed. She was relieved that he did want to talk about it. But she was still annoyed that he couldn't have talked about it last night.

Yes. What time.

 And where do you want to meet up?

11:00 at the beach

We didn't get to appreciate it much last night. So It'd be cool if we could go back there

Alright. I'll see you then.

So an hour later, Margaret was standing there on the beach waiting for Jacob to show up. She got progressively more annoyed the longer she waited for him. It was windy and looked like it was about to start raining. She didn't want to get caught in the rain waiting for this man to show up, she wanted to be watching a British TV show with a diet coke in the safety of her own apartment.

After what felt like hours Jacob finally showed up. He literally walked out of the woods. No car, no bike. Just a man on his own two feet. Walking out of the forest like a totally normal person who wasn't up to anything suspicious. "Hi. It's nice to see you," he said as he moved to hug Margaret.

"It's good to see you too," Margaret replied as she hugged him back. For one perfect moment she was warm and safe in his arms. He shielded her from the wind and stroked her hair. But it couldn't stay like that. Margaret had questions. She stepped back, looked up at him, and asked "Are you in a gang?"

Jacob blinked. "No, we're not a gang. We're like a family. We look out for each other."

"That still sounds like a gang. Were your parents all friends? And that's how y'all know each other? Or do you babysit all these kids? Are you in charge? What's the deal with the wolves? Do you just wander around the woods until it's time to put shoes back on and wander out?"

"No, that's a lot of questions," Jacob ran his hands through his hair. "We're a pack."

Margaret just stared. That still sounds like a gang, she thought. She also thought about telling him he sounded crazy, but she had a feeling that he already knew.

"Do you want to sit down for a minute?" Jacob asked. He pointed out some rocks and walked her over to them. Margaret sat down, but Jacob started pacing. "So here on the reservation, there's a group of us that are different. We're supposed to protect the tribe from things that want to hurt it. That's what you saw the other night. My pack. All of us are here to protect. And there are some bad people who are trying to get on the reservation. They went after one of our own last night. That's why we all freaked out."

"Bad people?"

"Yes," he said. "We think they have something to do with the murders in Forks."

"Why not call the police?" Margaret asked. She noticed that Jacob had said 'murders', not 'murder'. She hadn't heard about them finding another dead body yet.

"They wouldn't be able to do anything," Jacob shook his head. "These people are dangerous."

"How are you guys different? What makes you more qualified to take on a murderer than the literal police?" Margaret's head was spinning.

"Have you ever heard of shapeshifters? Or any variation of them? People who can change shape?" Jacob looked at her hopefully, as if what he just asked would make everything make sense.

"Yes," Margaret hesitated. "What does that have to do with you?"

"I'm gonna show you. But please don't freak out," Jacob said as he started taking his shirt off.

Margaret started shouting as Jacob unbuckled his belt, "What are you doing?"

"Just give me a minute. Don't freak out," Jacob shouted back.

"What do you mean don't freak out? What did you think I was gonna do other than freak out?" Margaret began to wonder if she could outrun Jacob. Her car wasn't that far away.

"Just hold on," He had moved behind a rock that hid him from the waist down. But that didn't stop Margaret from staring. Part of her felt like she should run, but she hadn't realized just how muscular Jacob was. His shoulders were huge. His abs were something straight out of a magazine. His chest gave Margaret heart palpitations.

Then, Jacob threw his jeans across the rock and looked up at Margaret. She blushed when she looked back up to his face. She hadn't meant to stare that much. Then, Jacob gave her a mischievous smirk, shrugged, and turned it into a giant wolf.

Margaret screamed. She climbed further up the rock, not that it made much of a difference. The wolf standing in front of her was gigantic. If she had been standing beside him he would have been at least a foot taller than her.

So, since there wasn't much else she could do, Margaret just kept screaming. She probably would have kept screaming if she hadn't run out of breath. She inhaled as much air as she could so she could start screaming again. But at that moment, she noticed that the wolf wasn't moving to attack. He was barely moving at all. He was just staring at her with kind brown eyes that she could just drown in. Jacob's eyes. Margaret finally started connecting the dots.

"Jacob?" she asked.

The wolf nodded and whined.

Then Margaret let out a stream of swear words. She really didn't know how else to describe what she was feeling. She climbed off the rock and slowly walked towards Jacob. She reached out. Margaret almost expected to feel nothing when she reached her hand out. There was no way this was real. It had to be a hallucination.

But it wasn't. Her hand was resting on the head of a very large, very real wolf. His tail even started wagging.

"Ok, ok," Margaret stepped back and let out a few more expletives. "So, is it actually you? Can you understand me?"

The wolf nodded.

"Can you turn back? I have more questions," Margaret rubbed her temples. She felt a migraine coming on.

He moved back over to the rock. The big bad wolf ducked down behind it, and a perfectly human Jacob stood back up. He got dressed again but neglected to put his shirt back on. Margaret didn't complain.

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