Chapter 20: A motorcycle ride into the sunset

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Margaret skipped out of her classroom. It was Friday, she had Diet Coke, and her hunk of a man was waiting for her outside. Her day had been so good, even a motorcycle ride couldn't ruin it. Not even Ms. Hastings's inappropriate comments echoing down the hall spoiled her mood.

"Ms. Skilling," she cooed, "I heard a certain handsome gentleman's motorcycle revving outside."

Margaret refrained from pointing out the fact that more than half the seniors at the school had motorcycles. Instead, she just greeted the woman. It was best to pretend you didn't hear her mooning over your boyfriend.

"What are your plans for the evening?" the flirty little professor asked while running to catch up with Margaret.

"I have a date with Jacob," Margaret took a swig of her diet coke. She prayed the diet coke would give her the fortitude to make it through the conversation without pointing out that Ms. Hastings was old enough to be Jacob's mother.

"Oh, and what else," Ms. Hastings was now huffing beside her.

"Nothing much. I was hoping to be in bed early."

"I bet you were hoping to be in bed early," Ms. Hastings teased in a knowing voice. Margaret frowned before the principal continued. "You know," the woman waved her hand dramatically, "in bed early, with Jacob."

Margaret choked on her Diet Coke. It turns out that Margaret did, in fact, not have the fortitude to make it through the conversation without reminding Ms. Hastings that she was old enough to be Jacob's mother. "Ms. Hastings, do you remember when Jacob went to school here?"

"Yes, I was his teacher."

Margaret nodded. She didn't feel like that answer required follow-up. Apparently, Ms. Hastings didn't either because she slowed down, wished Margaret a good weekend, and slid down an empty hallway.

When Margaret exited the building her boy was waiting for her. Her heart melted when she was Jacob's face. He was hers.

She couldn't believe it.

Every day with him was a joy. His kindness, loyalty, and unending love were shown in every one of his actions. Everything from holding open the door to buying her a custom Diet Coke motorcycle helmet displayed that he was hers with every fiber of his being.

She ran across the parking lot and into his arms. Her Diet coke spilled onto the concrete. Margaret didn't care. Jacob's glorious, muscular shoulders were much more critical. After a rather dramatic, passionate embrace the pair climbed onto Jacob's two-wheeled death trap. Then they happily drove off into the sunset. Margaret may have been screaming like a banshee and holding on for dear life, but trust me. She was happy.

Authors Note: I just wanted to thank everyone for reading, commenting, and voting. It meant so so so much to me. I think this will be the end for now. I may come back to create a new story for Margaret and Jacob. But, right now I think this story has come to an end. 

For every single person who made it this far, I'm honored. If you have any suggestions or requests for new books or one-shots please let me know. I'd love ideas and advice.

Hugs and Kisses, MuffalettaGrace <3

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