Chapter 4: He's Back

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The next few days at school were weird. First of all, everyone kept talking about the murder in Forks. The police hadn't gotten anywhere and now a hiker had gone missing. Everyone suspected they'd find another body soon. And second of all, the pack was still well-behaved. That in itself was nothing short of a miracle. But they were even weirder than normal.

They all looked tense and stressed. They whispered quietly in the back of the classroom about a hunting trip. Then they were constantly looking out the windows. When the bell rang at the end of the day they almost ran out of the classroom.

Overall, it wasn't a bad school week. But it was still concerning. Once Margaret finished some grading, she gladly packed up her stuff and headed out. But before she could get out of the building, something stopped her.

"Ms. Skilling," Ms. Hastings shouted from down the hall.

Margaret cringed and pretended she didn't hear. She walked faster, hoping that Ms. Hastings wouldn't follow her.

"Ms. Skilling," Ms. Hastings repeated. She was closer this time.

Margaret sighed and turned to face her. "Hi, Ms. Hastings. How are you?"

"I'm good," Ms. Hastings giggled. "But, dare I say, not as good as you."

"Why do you think that?" Margaret knew exactly why Ms. Hastings would think that, but she hoped if she played dumb, she could change the subject. It was no secret that the principal thought very highly of Jacob Black. She had no doubt heard about Margaret's date and wanted all the details. And Margaret did not particularly want to share them.

"Don't be coy, we all know you've snatched up the most eligible bachelor in the state," Ms. Hastings started fanning herself. "I don't know how you did it. I've had my eye on that man for quite some time."

"Didn't he used to be your student?" Margaret frowned at the principal. She really wondered how this woman got her job in the first place.

"That was a while ago," Ms. Hastings snapped. then she gave Margaret a large very fake looking smile before asking "But what's he like?"

"He's very sweet," Margaret shrugged and started walking faster down the hall. School was over and she just wanted to get back to her car. She'd made it through a whole day without a headache. She wasn't about to let Ms. Hastings and her boy crazy ramblings mess that up.

"Oh, please," Ms. Hastings scoffed. At this point she was having to jog to keep up with Margaret. "That's not what I mean and you know it. What is he like."

"I'm sure I don't know what you mean," this time Margaret honestly wasn't sure what Ms. Hastings was asking about. She did, however, have a feeling that she didn't want to know.

"I'm certain you do know what I mean" Ms. Hastings sounded exasperated. "But nevermind. Are you going out with him again?"

"I think so," Margaret replied as she walked out of the school into the parking lot. "But the date did end kinda weird. So I don't know." She felt her head beginning to hurt. She had been trying so hard to stop thinking about the end of the date. All it did was stress her out.

Ms. Hastings gasped and pointed to Margaret's car. "Well, I don't think you'll have to worry about it for very long. I'll talk to you about it later," and she ran back into the school while dissolving into a fit of giggles.

Margaret looked out and saw Jacob sitting on her car. Again. She really needed to tell him to stop doing that.

"Hi," Jacob shouted and waved. He was holding a handful of flowers that he obviously picked himself. Some of them still had their roots attached. It was the most beautiful bouquet Margaret had ever seen.

"Hi," she couldn't help but smile. Yeah, she'd have preferred that he not sit on her car, but he was really cute.

Jacob stood up and gave Margaret a hug. He wrapped his big strong muscle arms around her. Margaret thought she was going to faint. He was warm and smelled like pine trees. She hugged him back and pressed her head against his chest.

He pulled back and smiled down at her. He had that look on his face that he always got. He looked at her like she was the only thing in the whole world.

"What're you doing here?" Margaret asked once she remembered how to breathe.

"I came to apologize for the other night. I ran out of there kinda quickly." Jacob held out the flowers, "These are for you."

"Thank you," Margaret took them. They were yellow, white, and blue. She decided those were her new favorite colors. "Can I ask what exactly happened last night?"

"It's a long story. I just wanted to say sorry and that it won't happen again." Jacob said and stared at his feet, which did have shoes on them. Margaret waited for him to keep talking, but he didn't.

"I have time," she waited another moment for a response. She finally realized she wasn't going to get more details out of him. She remembered how he liked to avoid questions. "Anyways, you have to stop sitting on my car," she added.

"Does it bother you?" Jacob asked.


"Alright. No more sitting on you car," he smiled. "On one condition."

"What would that condition be?" Margaret asked.

"You come to eat dinner tonight with me and my friends."

"I'd love that," Margaret replied then instantly winced. She was going to overthink that sentence for a while. "I'd need to run home and change first though."

"Ok, I'll swing by and pick you up in about an hour."

"Alright, can't wait," Margaret beamed. She felt like she could just float away she was so happy.

"Can't wait," Jacob echoed while he started to walk away. Margaret expected him to just turn and run again, but instead he hopped on a motorcycle and rode away. She'd always hated motorcycles. Though, the more she'd thought about it, she wouldn't mind riding on one if Jacob was with her.

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