Chapter 16: Road trip

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They'd been standing by the door of their room for half an hour at this point. Despite the fact that he was holding Margaret as tight as he could, Jacob still tried to pull Margaret even closer. "Don't go yet," he mumbled into her shoulder. He wanted just a few more seconds alone with her before she had to leave.

"We don't have a choice Jacob," Margaret tried to worm her way out of Jacobs arms. Considering how big they were, she really was wasting her time. She'd been trying to get ready and get downstairs for an hour and Jacob was not helping. She knew it was time to get moving because she could hear boys running and shouting throughout the house. Sounds of pots and pans rang through the house as Emily fed the small army like the saint she was. After one last attempt to break out of Jacobs grasp, Margaret groaned. "I actually have to go, Jacob."

"Ok," he sighed and loosened his grip. But before she could get out the door he pulled her back. He placed his hands on her waist and looked deep into her eyes. He stayed there for a moment, looking at her like she was the only thing in the entire universe. There was nothing for him except for her. "I love you," he whispered so quietly Margaret almost didn't hear what he said. But she could hear the emotion, the devotion in his voice.

Margaret opened her mouth to say it back, but he was gone before she got the chance. He ran out of the room and downstairs so fast Margaret almost missed it. She felt cold without him standing by her. She wanted him to come back.

A loud crash from the kitchen brought her back to reality. There was work to do.

Margaret rushed downstairs and helped Emily finish up breakfast. Somehow Emily managed to smile normally like she wasn't scared out of her mind. As much as she didn't want to, Margaret forced herself to eat some toast. An empty stomach wouldn't help anything.

Eventually the boys led them out to a truck and handed Margaret the keys.

"You're gonna head north for as long as you can. Don't turn east until you're past Forks," Sam told her. "Jacob put a Diet Coke in the drink holder for you. Emily has a walkie talkie to talk to us. We'll try to stay in constant contact with you."

Margaret nodded and hopped into the car. She looked around for Jacob. It was finally time to execute their plan to kill the vampire. She had been holding it together well enough. But now that she was in the car, ready to go. And it hit her what she was actually about to do. She was scared. She wanted Jacob. Sam seemed to know exactly what she was thinking.

"Jacob ran ahead," Sam frowned. "Should I have made him wait?"

"No, it's alright," Margaret forced a smile. She shut her car door and looked over at Emily. "Are you ready to go?"

"As I'll ever be."

Margaret nodded and headed North.

The drive was odd. Not because anything was out of the ordinary. But because it was such a normal drive. These were roads she had driven dozens if not hundreds of times. But now they felt like a death trap. The trees seemed to close in on them. Clouds limited visibility. Other cars and people were terrifying sights. She wanted this to be over.

The pack kept checking in on the radio. They hadn't seen anything. Emily began talking. She wasn't talking about anything interesting, just talking to fill the silence. Margaret sipped her diet coke.

After nearly three hours of waiting, the pack called it. "Ok, go ahead and turn around when you get the chance. If we don't see him before you get home we'll regroup and try again."

Margaret felt anger and relief. She was angry that they hadn't found the vampire. But she was relieved that she could go home. Jacob would be at home. There was more diet coke at home.

But her relief was short-lived. They turned around at a gas station and headed south. That's when they saw him. A man. A tall, pale man with blood red eyes standing right in the middle of the road.

"Margaret," Emily wheezed.

"Call them," Margaret said. Every ounce of her being wanted to scream, but she knew that wouldn't help anything. Emily grabbed the walkie talkie and stuttered out an explanation of where they were. Howling started in the distance. That's when the vampire started moving. He glided towards the truck with a terrifying grace.

Margaret didn't wait for him to get to them. She whipped the car around and gassed it. The vampire matched her speed. He was toying with them, staying the exact same distance from their truck. They turned towards the nearest town. Margaret figured if they could get to populated areas, the vampire wouldn't blatantly attack.

Unfortunately, the vampire knew exactly what she was thinking. Just before the truck was within sight of a gas station, he rammed into the side of the truck. The truck flipped of the side of the road, rolling onto the roof.

Margaret and Emily screamed as they hung upside down. The world was spinning. They were covered in cuts and bruises. Someone was shouting over the walkie talkie. Wolves were howling all around them. But a soft voice pierced through the noise.

"Darlin'," a male voice said. He sounded almost musical. "I admire the attempt to run, but all you did was waste a perfectly good truck." The vampire leaned through the shattered windshield. "Which one will I take? Which one of your men is the alpha?"

Emily was too disoriented to speak. She shook her head side to side and shouted incoherent sentences. Her eyes were wide with terror.

"Shut up will you?" the vampire snapped. His voice still sounded like a melody even when he was angry.

Emily shut her mouth.

The vampire chuckled and ran his alabaster hand through his long white hair. "I'll take you," he said before yanking Margaret out of the car. "You look smart enough to not piss me off. And you," he turned his attention back to Emily. "Tell them I want your alpha. Only him. If anyone else comes with him to get his woman, I'll kill them and her."

Margaret felt her consciousness slipping away. She'd hit her head in the crash and the adrenaline was wearing off. She shouted in pain as she was thrown over the vampire's shoulder. She heard barking, felt the vampire begin to run, and slipped out to blackness. The last thing she remembered was Emily screaming and an evil laugh.

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