Chapter 8: Die Hard is a Christmas Movie

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Margaret and Jacob stood there on the beach for a while, watching the storm roll in. Margaret asked more questions about how imprinting worked, how many members there were in Jacobs pack, and what they were gonna do about the vampire. Eventually Margaret tried to work back to normal conversation topics. She needed something normal.

"What's your favorite Christmas movie?" Margaret asked. There was nothing more normal than discussing the emotional significance of different holiday themed movies.

"What?" Jacob sputtered. "Did you just ask what my favorite Christmas movie was? After I told you I'm in a pack of 17 other werewolves you're just switching to Christmas movies?"

"Yes," Margaret said. Adequate conversation transitions are for pansies. "And it's beginning to sound like you have bad taste in Christmas movies and you don't want me to know."

"Okay, okay," Jacob shook his head. "Jingle All the Way, that's my favorite."

"Why?" Margaret responded.

Jacob frowned at her. "What's wrong with Jingle All the Way? It's funny."

"It's stressful. Christmas movies shouldn't be stressful. The guy should've planned ahead. Don't wait 'til the last minute to buy your kid a Christmas present." Jingle All the Way was probably one of Margaret's least favorite Christmas movies. It was about a man trying to get a very specific toy for his kid. He didn't go get it until just before Christmas and chaos ensued.

"That's what makes it so good, seeing him freak out." Jacob paused before adding, "Plus, it has the guy from Terminator in it. You can't beat that."

"Sure," Margaret laughed. "Fair enough."

"Trust me, I have amazing taste. What's yours?"

"Die Hard."

"That's not a Christmas movie," Jacob frowned.

"It is a movie that takes place at Christmas time, therefore a Christmas movie." Margaret had defended her favorite christmas movie many times before and she'd do it again. She was ready. "Plus, the fact that it is Christmas is relevant to the plot. The bad guys wouldn't have tried to rob the building if it hadn't been Christmas."

"No, Die Hard is an action movie with Christmas lights thrown in for the drama. That is it."

"I said what I said," Margaret shrugged.

"Wow Margaret," Jacob feigned horror and tried not to laugh. "I didn't realize you had such bad opinions on movies." Margaret punched him in the arm. She immediately regretted it. His arms did more damage to her fist than she did to him. "Hey," Jacob shouted, pretending his arm was hurt. He stopped trying to hide his laughter "And now you're getting violent. Tsk tsk."

"Awww," Margaret said, her voice thick with sarcasm. Her hand still hurt a little. Jacob had biceps made of steel apparently. "Did I leave a bruise?"

"Yeah, come look at it," Jacob cradled his 'injured' arm.

"I think if I look really close I can almost see it," Margaret placed her hand where she'd punched him. He wasn't hurt in the slightest. Then she noticed just how close Jacob was standing. He was looking down at her with those deep brown eyes. Margaret's heart sped up. "Remember last night, right before your friends started howling?" She brushed Jacob's hair out of his face and glanced at his mouth.

"Yes," Jacob smirked and leaned a little closer. "What about it?"

Margaret tried to say something snarky but the words got caught in her throat. Jacob was so close. All she had to do was stand up on her tippy toes and kiss him. Her heart was pounding. She didn't know if she was shaking because of the adrenaline or the cold. But she did it. She stood up straight, pulled his gorgeous face to hers, and kissed him.

After a second Margaret pulled back, blushing. She looked back at Jacob.

"Hold on," Jacob smiled and started laughing a little.

"What do you mean 'hold on'?" Margaret panicked. Was she too forward? Did she misunderstand something?

"Hold on," he said again, "get back here." He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulled her against him, and slammed his mouth into hers. Margaret gasped, forgetting how to breathe. She threw her arms around his neck and pulled him as close as she could. His hands were tangled up in her hair. It was like the whole world disappeared. The only thing left was him and her.

Margaret didn't know how long they stayed there, but when she managed to break away, it was beginning to rain. "I gotta get back," she was so out of breath she barely got the words out. She smiled so hard her cheeks hurt.

"Yeah, of course," Jacob grinned, and his face had turned bright red. "But one more thing," he added as he stole another kiss. Margaret forgot how to breathe all over again. He took her hand and walked her back to the car. "Do you want to go see a movie or something? It's not that late."

"Next time," she sighed. "I just learned that werewolves are real and Forks has a vampire problem. I need to lie down before I go into shock."

"Alright, that's fair." Jacob leaned down and kissed her one more time. "Text me when you get home so I know you're safe."

"Only if you promise not to stay out in the woods for too long. That storm does not look nice," Margaret shouted at him over another round of thunder.

"Yes Ma'am," Jacob shouted back.

Margaret got into her car and waved bye to Jacob. He waved back, turned around, and bolted into the woods. Margaret couldn't help but laugh.

When she got home she texted Jacob that she had made it. Then everything that happened finally hit her. She cried a little because of the vampires. She stared at a wall and repeated some choice swear words in her head because her boyfriend was apparently part wolf. That was going to be fun to explain if her parents ever found out. Then she remembered the kiss and started giggling like a little girl.

Although she hadn't done much that day, she was exhausted. The day had been an emotional roller coaster. So when she laid down to rest her eyes for a moment, she immediately passed out.

She didn't know how long she'd been sleeping, but it was dark outside when she woke up. It wasn't raining but she could still hear thunder in the distance. Her phone buzzed with a message from Jacob. He'd proudly let her know that some of the younger wolves thought they could beat him in a race and they were very wrong. She smiled. There was a lot going on, but it was going to be okay.

A strange noise from outside pulled Margaret's attention away from her phone. She got up to investigate through her window and noticed a man standing across the street. He was staring right at her. He was so pale he almost looked like a ghost. Goosebumps ran up her arms. Margaret yanked the curtains closed and shuddered. It began to rain again. She was certain it was her imagination, but she could've sworn his eyes were red.

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