Cut Scenes Pt10

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10. Your First period (you're 12 here btw)

Before you went to bed you had a few pains on your lower belly and a few back pains but you went to sleep anyway.

The next day you woke up and felt that your bed was weird you looked down and saw that you were bleeding, you froze and stayed there.

"oh (y/n) you woke up! Just in time for breakfast" you heard Jonathan say and you stayed there

"what's wrong? Get up let's go" he said and you still stayed there.

"can you call Holly please?" you asked and he nodded and went to call Holly.

A minute later holly came in the room and told Jonathan to wait outside because she was suspecting what was going on.

"what is it (y/n)?" she asked.

"we might need to go to the hospital" you said and she tilted her head.

"why?" she asked.

"my bed is covered in blood, I might be bleeding from somewhere and my lower belly hurts" you said and her suspicions were confirmed.

"oh there's no need for that! It's totally normal for girls your age to have that, wait here, I'll go and get you some stuff you'll need and then you can go to your bathroom and change" she said and you nodded, she got up and left the room, soon enough she was back with something.

"let's go to the bathroom and show you how to put it on" she said and you both went to the bathroom that was attached to your room.

After a few minutes you knew how to put a pad on and you also changed your underwear and clothes.

"I'm pretty positive that dad will freak out" you said and she thought for a bit.

"yeah, it's true, don't worry I'll handle it, you go and eat your breakfast with the rest" she said and you nodded.

You went in the kitchen and sat down.

"what happened and took you so long to wake up?" Jotaro asked as he fed jolyne

"nothing, holly will explain everything" you said and you started eating, Jotaro and marina looked at each other and then shrugged.

As you were eating you suddenly heard loud sobbing and Holly trying to calm someone.

Jonathan got in the room and he was the one who was sobbing, he came up to you and hugged you and started talking gibberish for some reason.

"why is he crying? It's worse than jolyne's loud crying" Jotaro said

"he's just sad that (y/n) is growing up so fast, she just started her period" holly said with a smile.

"oh my God congratulations!" marina said.

"what's about to congratulate.... S-she'll be bleeding for every month for most of her life, plus she'll be in pain too, why does this have to happen!" Jonathan said as he still sobbed.

"it's normal calm down please, if she's in pain she can always get a few painkillers" marina said.

"jeez, I think you're overreacting a bit" Jotaro said.

"you'll understand me when jolyne will grow up!" Jonathan said as he still hugged you.

"can I continue my breakfast please?" you said and he let you go.

For the rest of the day he acted like if you were going to die, holly warned him that you might have a bad temper and to give you some space and Jonathan surprisingly listened for a bit.

"how can a period stop? Can she somehow stop it?" Jonathan asked.

"unfortunately a period cannot stop... Well it can stop if the woman gets pregnant but that's out of option for her" holly said and Jonathan was about to cry again but you stopped him.

"for the love of God please stop!! I won't die!" you said and he stopped.

"I told you about the bad temper and you didn't listen" holly said.

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