What If Pt7

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7. What if dio was a horrible father?

Dio looked at you with a disgusted look, great, he ended up with a child that looked like Jonathan

"you can take care of her, I don't care" dio told Enya and then left.

So Enya ended up taking care of you, she made sure that you were well fed and kept clean, she only did so because you were Dio's child and she was afraid that he might kill her if you died.

One day you were playing in your room with hol horse when dio entered your room, he looked at you with disgust again and then looked at hol horse.

"get up, I need you to do something" dio told him

"what about (y/n)?" hol horse asked.

"I don't care, put her in her crib and come with me" dio said, you turned and looked at him.

"papa?" you said

"oh my God... That's her first word!" hol horse said

"ew, don't ever call me that.... Don't even talk to me" dio said and then left, you looked confused and then turned at hol horse and he looked sad for you.

One other day you were walking around, you know, practicing your walking and stuff when you knocked something down and it broke, dio so happened to turn the corner and saw it.

"for fucks sake you good for nothing useless thing! Look what you've done!" he yelled at you and you could feel tears form in your eyes.

"now you're going to cry? Do you want me to give you something to cry about!?" he yelled again, you looked down and tried not to cry, but it was almost impossible because some broken pieces got in your hands and feet

"Enya get over here!" he yelled and soon Enya appeared.

"take this thing away from me and send someone to clean this mess" he said and Enya nodded as she gently scooped you up

She made sure to treat your wounds well, she felt awful for how dio treated you, you were his child so why did he treat you like that?

Years passed and you grew to understand that dio didn't love you at all, you tried many times to show him that you cared for him but he simply didn't care.

"I made this for you" you said as you gave a drawing to him, he took it and then ripped it.

"it's disgusting, now leave" he said and you looked down and left

Or another time, it was his birthday, someone from the mansion told you and you made him a gift.

"happy birthday" you said as you held the gift out, he just smacked it out of your hands and it broke.

"it would be happy if you didn't exist" he said and then left.

You grew to be so tired of him treating you like that, so you started to hate him.

One day you overheard him talking to Enya about some people that want to kill him, you tried to sneakily leave but they saw you.

"why did you eavesdrop?" he asked you

"I didn't mean it" you said

"yeah right, a good for nothing brat like you always acts like that" he said.

"I hope they kill you" you whispered

"what did you say?" he asked but you stayed silent.

"answer me!" he yelled and you flinched

"I said I hope they kill you" you told him and he looked pissed.

"(y/n) please say you didn't me-" Enya started to say but stopped when dio slapped you.

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