What If Pt6

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6. What if giorno's mother abandoned giorno at the age of 3 for dio to take care of him? Btw here dio doesn't die

One day you and Dio were having a normal day like every other day but today it was gonna be different.

Dio was doing his own thing and you were just going around the house when you heard a knock on the door, and since no one else was there you went and answered the door.

When you opened the door you saw a boy around your age and he also had a suitcase with him.

"who are you?" you asked and he didn't seem to understand what you said so you did the only thing you could think of.

"papa!!!" you yelled and a few seconds later he was in front of you

"what happened?" he asked and then noticed the boy.

"why did you open the door? Wait how did you open the door? You're only 3!" he said and then turned his attention to the boy.

"what do you want?" he asked the child and the child held a letter out for him, dio took it and opened it.

'dio, if you're reading this then it means haruno had the courage to knock on the door, I'm leaving him with you since he's your child, he doesn't speak English very well but whatever, I'm gonna leave him with you since you're the reason he's here, I also don't want to say goodbye to my freedom because of him, good luck'

Dio looked at the letter and then at the child, and back at the letter and again at the child, until he thought of something.

"come over here" dio said and haruno listened, he got up to Dio and then dio kneeled down and looked at the child's shoulder, yep, haruno was his son, he got up and let haruno in and took his suitcase too.

"papa, who is he?" you asked

"well, (y/n) turns out that he's your brother" dio said.

"but mama died when I was born, how is he my brother?" you asked.

"you two are siblings from different mothers" dio said.

"oh.... Is he going to sleep in my room?" you asked dio.

"for now yes" dio answered, you went up to haruno and looked at him.

"what's your name?" you asked

"haruno" he simply answered

"I'm (y/n)!" you said as you took his hand and shook it.

"don't be aggressive with him" dio said and you nodded, dio took the suitcase and went upstairs to your room, in the meantime you showed haruno around as dio asked you to do so.

After a few hours dio sat the both of you down and thought.

"you'll need a new name" dio told haruno

"giorno" haruno said.

"you want to be called giorno?" dio asked and haruno nodded

"then giorno it is" dio said with a shrug

At first giorno was very introverted and shut himself in the room, but you encouraged him to go out so you two could play.... And now he's a bit of a trouble child because of you.

Dio walked in the library, from the second he got in the library he knew that something was wrong, so he was cautious, he went and took his book and went to sit on his chair, when he sat down he heard fart noises, he got up and saw a woopsie caution, he sighed.

"(y/n)! Giorno! What did I say!? Don't pull pranks on your father!" dio said, you and giorno laughed as you left the library while dio chased you two.

In the end he managed to catch you, he held both of you under his armpits and then looked at you two.

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