What If Pt69

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69.....hehe...okay, what If you got back in time as a baby but you stayed there forever?

So you know what basically happens right? I wrote this scenario too many times, anyways, so yeah, you're just a baby, just a few months old and someone that's too jealous got you back in time to get rid of you and they succeeded.

When you were back in time you ended up in a field and you just layed there waiting for someone to find you, the person who left you there also left a note explaining how you are existing and stuff like that.

You waited and waited, but no one came to get you, so you started crying to at least grab someone's attention and it did.

"you heard that right?" Jonathan asked dio and Dio nodded, so they went to investigate and they found you

"what kind of monster leaves a defenseless baby out here?" Jonathan asked as he picked you up and tried to calm you down

"there's a note" dio said

"let's get back home first and then we'll read it, after that we'll contact the police" Jonathan said and they both left with you.

When they got there they got one of the maids to take care of you

"I'll go to change and then let's go and read it with father" dio said and Jonathan nodded

Jonathan went to his room but couldn't help and take a peak of what it was written, when he did he was SHOCKED!!

When both him and Dio went to talk with george Jonathan was still angry but tried to hide it

"go ahead and read it jojo" George said and Jonathan nodded and started reading it out loud, by the end of it George was shocked and horrified and Dio was just shocked.

"..... How is it even possible?" George asked

"it looks like it is, there were photos in the envelope, it really happened.... He poisoned you, he then killed you, he also tried to kill me which he succeeded in the end, he then stole my body and did what he did.... Oh, did I mention that he turned into a monster? A blood draining monster?!?" Jonathan yelled, dio was caught red-handed, he was about to leave but Jonathan stopped him

"the stone mask is no more, I destroyed it.... Father what shall we do about him?" Jonathan asked

"he's going to stay here and help raise his child, you're going to do the same Jonathan, this girl is both yours and his biological daughter somehow, you will both help raise her but you'll also continue with your lives" George said

"but father! He is trying to kill us! You're going to let him be?!?" Jonathan yelled

"I don't have any other choice, I'm thinking the best for the girl" George said, Jonathan just exhaled loudly and left, he was going to find the antidote for his father and then give it to him

He was gone for most of the night but he came back, he also made a friend but that's for another day.

When he came back he gave the antidote to his father and just gave a nasty glare to dio and he decided to see how you were.

When he got into the room you were going to be staying he saw maid playing with you, and you were laying on your stomach while looking at the maid and smiling

"can you leave us alone please?" Jonathan asked the maid, she nodded and got up and left, Jonathan then sat down next to you and picked you up, you just smiled while looking at him.

"your hair looks like mine.... And you got Dio's eye color, but I suppose your face structure and skin color are like your mother's since you don't look like me or dio, but you're still a baby so we have time until we know who you look like" he said and you continued to smile at him.

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