Cut Scenes Pt31

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31. You go to the beach with everyone +the crusaders+ some nice stories (age 5)

"i have a great idea for today!" sadao said.

"non of your ideas are great" Joseph said.

"why is he always mean to him?" you whispered to Jonathan

"I don't know" Jonathan said.

"... I'll ignore that, ok, what if we all go to swim today since it's very hot outside?" he said.

"YES!!" you said and he laughed

"I'll agree as well" kakyoin said

"whatever" Jotaro said, soon everyone agreed, those who didn't have swimsuits went quickly to buy one while the others waited.

When they came back everyone went to change.

"let me put some sunscreen on you before we go, you don't want to get a sunburn" Jonathan said and you nodded, he then started applying sunscreen on you.

"we're all ready" Joseph said.

"wait a second, let me put some on her face" Jonathan said and he put sunscreen on your face, after that you all left in two cars.

When you got there you got your stuff ready.

"promise me to not jump in the water" Jonathan said, you looked at him while smiling and left.

"not that again! (y/n) come back!" he said as he chased after you, the others laughed as they saw you get in the water and also trying to get away from Jonathan, the others joined, some were playing, some were searching for seashells and rocks, others just swam.

"let's play chicken fights!" Polnareff said.

"what's that?" you asked.

"ok, there are two teams with two people in each team, one gets on the other person's shoulder and they are trying to push the other team and fall in the water" Polnareff said.

"I want to play!" you said.

"no, it's dangerous" Jonathan said and you looked at him.

".... But I want to play" you said.

"I don't want you getting hurt" he said.

"please?" you said as you gave him the puppy eyes.... His only weakness

"fine" he said and you celebrated.

There were two teams, one team was Jotaro and kakyoin and the other was you and Polnareff.

"I think it's a bit unfair since you two are huge and I have the little shrimp here" Polnareff said and you glared at him.

"it's good that you're aware of your loss even before the game began" kakyoin said.

"we won't lose!" you said, after a while the gave began, kakyoin tried to push you down but he couldn't, when Polnareff got you closer to him you started pinching his legs and pushing him, he was trying to get away but he couldn't, he was surprised that your pinches were that painful, so to get away he fell in the water.

"yes!!" Polnareff said as he got you off his shoulders

"hey! No fair! She was pinching me!" kakyoin said.

"it wasn't in the rules" you said

"you're a sneaky one... I'll keep an eye on you" he said

"you want me to throw you in the air and let you fall in the water?" Polnareff asked and you nodded.

He then threw you in the air and let you fall in the water, but you had a plan, when they saw that you didn't get out of the water they were getting worried.

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