What If Pt21

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21. What if..... You were send back in time but you were a baby? (age 1)

The stand user quietly got in your room, he got closer to your crib and looked at you as you slept.

'that's it... I'll get rid of her and then I'll be lord Dio's favorite again' he said, he brought out his stand and it send you back in time.

When you woke up you heard birds, you looked around and you saw grass... Where was your father? You began to crawl around but you didn't see your father... Or your friend.

"dio wait! Something is moving in there" Jonathan said

"probably a snake.... Let's go home already" dio said.

"I'll go and see what's there" Jonathan said and Dio groaned, Jonathan started searching until he saw you.

"did you find a snake?" dio asked.

Jonathan looked at you and you looked at him and then smiled.

"jojo, answer me!" dio said.

Jonathan picked you up and turned around and showed you to Dio.

"a baby!?" dio asked and you giggled.

"but.... Why is it dressed like that?" dio asked.

"there's a letter on their back, let me read it" Jonathan got the letter and gave you to Dio, Jonathan read it.

"that is horrible!" Jonathan said.

"what happened?" dio asked.

"I don't know if I should believe it or not, but basically someone kidnapped the baby and left it here... In our time line as they said, the baby's name is (y/n)" Jonathan said and then he looked at you, you looked at him and giggled.

"the person was probably jealous... Or something like that" dio said.

"what are we going to do with her?" dio asked as he looked at you.

"we should bring her back with us and let father know" Jonathan said and Dio nodded

When they arrived back home they immediately went to talk with George, they began to speak with him and explained how they found you and showed the letter too, George looked at you as you crawled around while making noises.

"she will stay here.... We don't know how she'll get back to her parents though" George said... And that's how you ended up staying with them for a while, George brought back Jonathan's baby bed so you could use it.

Right now a maid was chasing you so she could bathe you, right when you were about to escape someone picked you up.

"don't give the maids a hard time, here" dio said as he gave you to the maid, she thanked him and she left, you were angry at dio.

When the maid gave you your bath she let you play in your room, suddenly the door opened, you looked up and saw Jonathan.

"how are you (y/n)?" he asked as he got closer, you smiled and held your hands up, he picked you up and you hugged him.

"awww, you want hugs" he said as he hugged you back.

"ew" you both heard dio say, you looked at him and then looked away angrily.

"why is she angry at you?" Jonathan asked, he went to give you to Dio but you whined.

"because I caught her and the maid gave her a bath" dio said.

"I would be angry as well" Jonathan said, after that you all went to eat, the maid started feeding you as the others ate alone... You couldn't wait to be a big girl!

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