What If Pt74

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74.what if you went back in time as a baby and you were taken care of by the pillarmen? (I should thank someone in the comments for this idea)

*sigh* do I EVEN have to say it? No, because you know what happens. Someone doesn't like you and is jealous and they get you back in time to get rid of you but it never works.

So now you were suddenly in a dark place and you didn't know what was going on, and sadly you can't crawl because you're too young for that, so what can you do? Cry! And it alerted someone..... Wamuu!

He heard the cry and he decided to see what was going on, when he saw a baby on the floor crying he was surprised, he also saw a note, so he read it and he was more shocked. He picked you up carefully and went to his masters.

"What is that Wamuu?" kars asked as he pointed at you

"a human baby, I believe this letter will explain everything" Wamuu said as he handed the letter, kars and Esidisi read it and then looked at you

"a baby from the future?" Esidisi asked as he got you in his arms

"is it an infant or not? By the looks of it they can hold their head up on their own" Esidisi said again, you just looked at him confused

"we're keeping it" Esidisi said as he looked at kars.

"you're not the one deciding" kars said

"aww, just look at it, it's cute" Esidisi said

"it's a human" kars said

"it didn't do anything, it's innocent" Esidisi said as he held you up, kars just looked at you and rolled his eyes

"as long as one of you is taking care of it then you can keep it" kars said.... Well that was one wrong move I think.

That same night Wamuu was send to get some baby stuff for you.

"I've never seen a human baby before" Wamuu said

"human babies and pillar babies are almost the same. Human babies need more food because they grow faster, pillar babies on the other hand don't need much food because they grow slower. For example a human baby by the time they grow to be five years old they can already walk and they are bigger than now, pillar babies on the other hand won't grow this fast, when they start to walk they reach at least a thousand year of age" Esidisi said

"fascinating" Wamuu said.

Days passed and both Wamuu and Esidisi got fond of you.

"master kars, if I go out then the little human will be left alone since you don't want to take care of it" Wamuu said

"just go and I'll stay here with it, leave right here and then go" kars said and Wamuu nodded, he left you next to kars and then he was dismissed and left

"now it's just you and me, little disgusting human" kars said as he looked at you, you just smiled at him. He then picked you up and looked at you

"are you stupid and you're smiling at me like that? I know humans can understand what's going on from the moment they are born... So perhaps you know what I'm saying" kars said, you just kept smiling, you then reached out to him for something, he brought you a bit closer and you layed your head on his shoulder and just wrapped your little arms around him

"what do you think you're doing human?" he asked but obviously you couldn't answer because you couldn't talk. Kars kept calling you 'disgusting and useless little human' until he realized that you fell asleep

"maybe human babies don't understand what people are saying" he said as he slowly layed you on a big pillow

This went on for a while, kars denying that he enjoys spending time with you.

One day you were playing with his hand while there was something going on downstairs.

"I guess Wamuu returned and he's fighting someone" kars said, when he mentioned Wamuu your face lit up and you wanted to go!

"I guess you are fond of Wamuu" he said, he got up and then picked you up, he went to the door and spoke with a vampire that was outside

"tell Wamuu to stop and come here, also get whoever is here too, I feel like it's the hamon users" kars said and then closed the door and sat back down and waited.

A few minutes later Wamuu arrived and the hamon users too.... Which means Joseph, ceasar (yay, he didn't die) and Lisa lisa.

"...... A pillar baby?" Joseph asked

"no, it's a human baby" kars said as he handed you to Wamuu, you were very happy!

"and since you hate humans why do you keep a human baby around?" ceasar asked

"this one did nothing wrong, it was stolen away from her home and abandoned in this timeline, it's very much innocent, so we don't have anything against it" Wamuu said

"abandoned in this timeline?" Joseph asked

"it turns out she's been brought here from the future" Wamuu said as he let you play with his hair.

"I'm still surprised that you like a human" Joseph said

"if no one comes back to get her then I'll keep her, I don't mind it" Wamuu said

"you're getting too fond of her Wamuu" kars said

After that they made a deal that Lisa Lisa stays and ceasar with Joseph get the red stone and after that they'll fight.

You are currently playing with Lisa lisa as you both sit in the same room as the pillarmen

"you seem experienced with babies" kars said

"I had one" lisa Lisa said

"really now? Where is it?" kars asked

"I had to leave him behind to protect him" Lisa lisa said

"Ah yeah, you had to leave jojo behind" kars said

"you're right, and Because of you I got to see him after almost 19 years, you did something good for once" lisa Lisa said

"what made you leave him behind?" kars asked

"a zombie killed my husband and I went and killed that zombie, but he was in the military so I am wanted worldwide" lisa Lisa said as she played with you.

Before the fight happened you managed to fall asleep, while the fight was happening kars held you while he was looking.... When Wamuu died you woke up crying while knowing something bad happened

"she felt that he's now gone, don't underestimate human babies, when they have a close bond with someone they can feel if that someone is safe or not" lisa Lisa said and they soon heard a chuckle

"the woman is right" someone said, they all looked at him but they couldn't see his face

"and who are you?" kars asked, suddenly you disappeared from his arms and you were in the arms of the mysterious man and you eventually calmed down

"the father of this child, I managed to come back in time to get her back home... And you must be the creator of the stone masks" the man said

"that's true... How do you know it?" kars asked

"I used the mask, I was granted immorality, by worry not, my child is human" the man said, most of them were shocked

"I shouldn't waste my time, I want to go home a Spend time with my daughter... I missed her a lot... Oh, and we'll meet again in the future... Joseph joestar" the man said as he turned to look at Joseph, after that he disappeared leaving everyone shocked and confused..... But they forgot about it so no problem.

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