Festive Home Away From Home

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You waved goodbye to your family on the screen, watching until the call cut out and the screen of your laptop went dark. You slowly lowered the lid of your laptop, biting down on your bottom lip as you felt your eyes begin to water.

You gave yourself a few moments to compose yourself before standing up from the breakfast bar, hopping down to the ground off of your stool to go in search of Jimin, letting him know how your last cool with your family had gone before Christmas came around.

As he heard your footsteps walk through the room, Jimin sat himself up properly on the sofa, opening his arm out as soon as he spotted you, inviting you to take a seat beside him, letting you curl up tightly into his side.

He could tell just by looking at you that you were having a hard time, struggling to deal with the emotions that came with spending your first Christmas away from home, even though you were excited to spend it with Jimin too.

Once you were in his side, he squeezed his arm tightly around you, pressing a kiss against the top of your head. He knew that you had several conflicting emotions to deal with, unsure whether you were homesick, or happy most of the time.

"It's alright to miss them," Jimin assured you as you forced a smile onto your face, trying to assure him that he had nothing to worry about when it came to you.

Your hands lightly wiped underneath your eyes to dry your tears, "I miss them, but I'm so excited to spend Christmas with you too, I don't quite know what to do, or how to feel."

"I get it," he assured you, helping you to turn yourself so that you were able to sit facing him, "it's Christmas Eve, and I know that you guys usually have your traditions when you're at home."

Your head nodded back at him, "I guess it's weird just not being involved this year, I could see the boardgame on the table behind my parents when they just called, it hit home a little bit."

"Maybe we could come up with our own tradition," Jimin suggested in an attempt to make you feel better, "we can introduce it to our families when we spend our next Christmases with them too."

The smile on your face grew in appreciation, resting your hand over Jimin's that settled against your leg. "Honestly Jimin, I really am fine. I think I just need a quick moment to pull myself back together, and I'll be alright again."

"We can still come up with a couple of traditions, I think it would be a good idea for us."

You knew that there was no point even arguing with Jimin, when he wanted to try and cheer you up, he wouldn't settle until he had achieved what he wanted. The last thing he wanted you to feel over Christmas was homesick, he just wanted for you to smile.

And as he began to try and come up with some traditions that the two of you could enjoy, you knew that he was going to do exactly what he wanted to. After grabbing a pen and paper to write a few ideas down, you soon found yourself distracted and settled in Seoul once again.

"One of our traditions has got to involve drinking," he told you, writing it down straight away in big letters on the page.

You nodded in agreement straight away with him, "what about a Christmas movie? That's something that we always do at home right before we go to bed."

"That's one that I can definitely agree to doing with you."

Slowly your list of traditions began to come together, with plenty of things planned out that the two of you could do together in the build up to Christmas. Although it wouldn't quite be the same as being with your family, Jimin hoped your time with him could still be special.

Your evening quickly began to fill up with all sorts of different activities for the two of you to do, from games, food, and plenty of movies and music in the middle of it too, Jimin had soon organised the perfect Christmas Eve that would distract from your homesickness.

And as he began to get organised, the first thing that Jimin knew that he could definitely make a tradition for you both, was the perfect hot chocolate. Whilst he left you in charge of picking the first song that you'd listen to, Jimin headed into the kitchen.

Having spent the previous Christmas at home with your family, he knew all about the perfect hot chocolate that your mum made, trying his hardest to imitate as best as he possibly could.

Whilst you had created the start of a playlist, Jimin soon reappeared with two full mugs in his hand of hot chocolate, with as many toppings as he could find in the fridge and the kitchen cupboards, creating a mountain of sweet treats for you just as your mum always did for you and your siblings on the night before Christmas too.

Your eyes lit up as you saw it, taking one of the mugs out of his hand, popping a marshmallow from it into your mouth, humming in delight at how familiar it all felt, feeling as if you were at home, even if you weren't.

"This is just what I needed, thank you Jimin," you told him.

He smiled back at you as he sat down on the living room floor, pressing play on the playlist that you had created on your laptop before placing his mug down on the coffee table. From his back pocket, he pulled out two spoons, passing one across to you too.

You gladly took it from him as you began to take small spoons of whipped cream from the top of your drink, allowing your smile to grow with every mouthful that you ate. "This can definitely be a tradition for the two of us, right?"

"If you want it to be," Jimin sniggered, grabbing his pen and adding the hot chocolate to his list of traditions that he had come up with. "Maybe we could have another one later, but with a splash of alcohol too, it's Christmas after all."

"I like the sound of that," you agreed, placing your spoon down as your foot began to tap along to the music, settling yourself back down once again.

Despite not being able to be with your family for Christmas for this year, being with Jimin was easily the next best thing for you. There was a lot of change, but plenty of smiles too, with lots of memories for the two of you to make together too.

"We could always invite the boys round for a bit later if you want a few more familiar faces."

"Do you mind if I just spend Christmas with you instead?"

Jimin's head shook back at you, having had a suspicion that you'd want to enjoy Christmas just with him anyway. He knew how worried you were about your homesickness, and how reluctant you were to let the boys see you get so upset too.

"The first Christmas away from home is always the hardest," Jimin assured you, sensing that your smile was beginning to drop yet again. "Suddenly everything feels different, but it can be hard to get your head around, but once you start enjoying a new way of celebrating Christmas, then things certainly begin to get easier, and I promise that will happen for you too."

Your head nodded in reply, "I am looking forward to spending Christmas with you Jimin, I don't want for you to think otherwise."

"I know you're excited," he quickly assured you, reaching across the table for your hand, "but I also understand that it can be a lot for you to take in, not having your family here too. Seeing them all celebrating without you must have been hard for you, but they're going to miss out on all the fun stuff that we're doing too. I'm sure that your family are missing you in their celebrations just as much as you're missing them."

You weakly smiled as he reassured you softly, "they're probably loving having to cook for one less person and buy presents for one less too," you joked, letting go of a gentle laugh which warmed Jimin's heart.

"Well, if it makes you feel any better, I love that I've got one more person to cook for this year too," he chimed, squeezing gently against your hand, "it might be a small Christmas for us both, but I promise that it will be perfect."

"Of course, it will be. We've got all of these traditions to get through before the end of the night."

"And we can have a drink or two for your family too," Jimin suggested.

"Absolutely, I'm sure that they, and I, would love that."

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