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summary: agreeing to watch a romcom with jimin already seemed sweet enough, but with plenty of cheese with jimin too, you're in for the ultimate fluff fest

Your hand pulled Jimin straight away in the direction of the sweet stall as you walked into the cinema, stunned as ever by the vast selection that was on offer to you, hurrying to pick up the largest pick and mix bag that you could.

"I was about to ask what you want, but you've beaten me to it," Jimin laughed, struggling to keep up with your pace as you began to fill the bag up.

Jimin's head shook at how eager you were, forgetting every single time just how much of a sweet tooth you had. Before he knew it, your bag was full, a proud smile looking back at him as you squeezed in as much as you possibly could.

"That'll cost a fortune," Jimin warned you as you placed the scoop back into the tray.

Your shoulders shrugged in reply to him, more than happy with what you had to satisfy your sweet tooth. "We never get to go to the cinema; I'm determined to make the most of it."

"In that case, I don't need to ask if you'll want one of the ice slushies," he smirked, beginning to walk off to the counter, only for you to stay exactly where you were.

Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion as Jimin went to walk away emptyhanded, with not a single sweet chosen by him for the film. When he realised that you weren't behind him, Jimin spun back around, looking at you with a smile.

"Are you coming?" He asked you.

Your eyes flickered between him and the sweets, "are you not going some of these?"

"Why would I?" He challenged, holding his hand out for you to take, "I'm already sweet enough, aren't I?"

Your eyes widened at his cheesy joke, shaking your head in disbelief, thankful that there were no people around the two of you to hear.

"You make me sick sometimes," you frowned, taking Jimin's hand anyway.

"I might get a mix of sweet and salted popcorn though, I've got to balance out how adorable I am at times," he warned you, joining the queue for the ticket counter to finish purchasing all of the bits that you wanted for your film.

You were a blushing mess as Jimin moved his hand out of yours and snaked it tightly around your waist, "I know that you love how cheesy I can be deep down."

"Right now, I'm tempted to take my sweets and sit in that cinema by myself," you retorted, "they'll be enough cheese in the film, without you adding to it."

"Why did you sign up to watch a romcom with me when I am the best at romance?" Jimin continued to tease, pressing a kiss to your cheek as the line began to move forward.

"I'm really regretting my decision now," you joked in reply.

"Will you regret your decision when I offer to pay for your sweets?"

"Have I ever told you how much I love you?"

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