Cover Your Eyes

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The noise in the arena was deafening as the lights went dark once again, allowing the staff to set up for the next stage without giving too many spoilers away. As they did so, you shuffled your chair a little closer to Jimin's, feeling his arm wrap around you so that he kept you nice and close to his side too, able to hear what he was saying.

It was the first time the two of you had been allowed to sit together, with the rest of the group all around you, and Jimin especially, was determined to make the most of it, refusing to let you anywhere but by his side.

"I love being able to have you here so we can talk," he whispered across to you through the noise, "normally I forget the things I want to say by the time we get home."

"Do you know who's performing next? I can't remember."

Jimin leant across and grabbed one of the programmes from the middle of the table, flicking through the setlist that had been handed to them, searching through until he landed on the next group.

"Ateez," he spoke, feeling his breath hitch when he read through the overview of what their performance would be about, "I might have to stop you from watching this."

"Don't be stupid, how bad can it be?"

Jimin wasn't too sure as he moved away a little as the lights came back on, with the host introducing the next stage. Everyone cheered as Ateez appeared, with all eyes on them, something about their performance felt as if something big was coming, and they far from disappointed.

At the end of their first song, a dance break was introduced, with all eight of the boys falling to the ground, beginning to thrust against it in time to the music.

"Time to close your eyes," Jimin laughed from behind you, moving his arms around your frame so that his hands cover over your eyes and stop you from watching.

A chorus of laughter came from around the table as Jimin pressed his hands to your face, trying his best to keep them there despite your wriggles to break free.

"Why can't I watch? It's just dancing," you cried out, resting your hands over his to try and pull them away, but Jimin was just too strong.

"You can watch when the sexy dancing stops," he assured you, keeping an eye on the stage.

"What are you scared of? That I'm going to prefer watching Ateez dance to you?"

"No, but I'm the only man that you get to see thrusting like that, let all the single fans enjoy it again," Jimin responded, trying his best to not show off how envious he was in his voice.

You had no idea what was happening as the music played, trying to figure out the sorts of moves that they would be doing. It was typical of Jimin to be protective of you, to stop you seeing anything that was too inappropriate.

As Ateez continued to dance, slowly unbuttoning a few of the buttons on their shirts, Jimin tightened his hands against your first even further to stop you from having a peak.

"What on earth is going on?" You groaned, feeling Jimin push against you further, "I'm not being funny, but this is being broadcast around the world, surely this can't be as sensual as you're making it out to be."

"Just trust me Y/N, you don't need to see this."

A sigh came from you, knowing that you weren't going to win, accepting your fate and leaning back in your chair, waiting patiently for the music to come to an end so that you can see again.

"Can you stop covering my eyes now?" You questioned as soon as cheers began to ring around the arena, drowning out what was left of the final beats of their final song.

"I just want to be sure," Jimin replied, waiting a few moments to see if the performance really was over before removing his hands from over your eyes, placing them back into his lap.

"You're unbelievable," you sighed as soon as you were able to look back across to him.

Jimin shrugged back at you whilst the rest of the boys continued to laugh at his antics, "as your boyfriend, I'm supposed to protect you from these things."

"What was so wrong about their performance that I couldn't see then?"

"W-well," Jimin stuttered, struggling to find the words. His eyes looked to the boys for help, butt hey all ignored him, agreeing with you and how overprotective he was being.

Jimin hated it all, even when you're backing dancers had to get a little too close to you, he desperately wanted to pull you away at times and take their place instead so that you only had to be around him instead.

You gave yourself a moment to try and adjust to the room again, the bright lights and the fancy outfits were a lot for you to deal with after spending the last few minutes only able to see pitch black thanks to Jimin.

"I think I preferred it when we were at separate tables last year," you teased as Taehyung handed you a bottle of water, "at least I could see everything then."

"I'm telling you, it was for the best," he reminded you.

Beside him, Namjoon shook his head, "they didn't even take their tops off, the cameras would have had to zoom in pretty close to even see a muscle."

"And even their hip thrusts didn't touch the ground," Jin interjected, much to Jimin's frustration, "they were incredibly tame, enough to make all of the girls in the arena scream, but nothing like what we've done before."

"So, you covered my eyes for nothing then?"

"It wasn't nothing," Jimin encouraged, moving his arm around your shoulders, "I thought I would cover your eyes as a just in case, none of us knew what was going to come of that performance, what if they did actually end up taking their tops off?"

The panic was clear in Jimin's voice, despite how hard he tried to deny it. Everyone around the table knew what he was like, since the start of your relationship he had been protective of you, around just about everyone too.

Even the boys still had to be cautious, knowing that one wrong move would be enough for Jimin to start on them, and when he did, he was pretty relentless too.

"You'll be pleased to know, I don't plan on running off with Ateez tonight," you joked.

"That's only because I stopped you from watching their performance," Jimin pushed, "I mean I've seen San dance, and even you would be impressed."

"I bet he's nowhere near as impressive as you though," you smiled, resting your hand over the top of Jimin's, "there's only one person's performance that I want to watch, and that person is always you too."

From across the table, you heard a gasp, "what about us?" Taehyung frowned, "we're a group, we're not just by ourselves."

"Hey, Y/N said that she liked me," Jimin quickly spoke up, shooting a glare across at Taehyung, "if she said she likes me, that means just me."

"You really are so protective, aren't you Chim?"

His head nodded in reply to Yoongi, "can you blame me? I bet there are thousands of people who would love to be in my shoes right now."

"And I bet there are thousands more wanting to be in mine too," you assured him.

"They'll never take my place, ever."

Park Jimin ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora