You're In An Arranged Marriage

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It was never going to be easy, being set up with a random stranger, dedicating the rest of you life to them, without knowing the first thing about them, complications were bound to come. To begin with you found Jimin incredible endearing, there were plenty of men who you could have been set up with who were a lot worse than Jimin.

He was kind, sensitive, understanding, and took excellent care of you, just like your parents had hoped for. Your busy lives kept the two of you going for quite a while, but it didn't take long before the cracks started to show.

Little things began to irritate you, traits that most people would learn about a partner before marriage, when you didn't get the chance. Like how he wouldn't tidy up after himself, or the fact he was a loud eater, that over time annoyed you more.

Jimin had his own frustrations, you were sometimes a bit demanding, you liked things done in a certain way, and you liked to know where he was.

One night he came home, leaving his shoes at the front door, as you nearly tripped over them, it was the final straw. "How are you unable to look after yourself?" You asked, finding him in the living room.

"What do you mean?"

"Your bloody shoes, I nearly fell over them. It's not much that I'm asking, just move things when you're done with them so they don't make the house untidy."

He rolled his eyes, folding his arms across his chest. "Are you finished nagging me? I swear sometimes it's more like living with my mother sometimes than my wife."

"Go back to your mum then, see if I care." You surprised yourself by what you said, instantly regretting it. It took you a moment to react, sitting down as you began to feel lightheaded.

Jimin nodded, letting go of a deep breath, choosing his words wisely, not to hurt your feelings like you did his. "I didn't realise you felt this way, do you want to divorce?"

For all his flaws, Jimin held a massive place in your heart, he'd taught you love, respect, happiness and so much more. He treated you incredibly well, was always on hand when you needed him, and supported you through all the hard times.

"I don't know what to do anymore. I feel like we're slipping away from each other and I'm struggling to see a way back. I always knew it was going to be hard, we basically married strangers, but I'd hoped that things wouldn't end like this. I'm trying so hard to keep this marriage alive, I love you for goodness sake Jimin, but things are just complicated."

"That's what marriage is, it's complicated. If it was easy, all couples would stay together and live happily. I'm not willing to give up on you, on us, because I love you too. As soon as I met you I thanked my parents for setting me up with such a wonderful girl."

He moved from his seat on the sofa, sitting down beside you, resting his hand over yours. You allowed your head to rest on his shoulder, feeling his lips on the top of his head.

It was comforting to feel him hold you, it had been a while since the two of you shared a warm embrace, hugs became quick second things before you left for work in the morning rather than an expression of your love together.

"It scared me that you wanted a divorce for a moment," he whispered.

"Really?" You asked, glancing up at him. He nodded in response, softly smiling. "Sorry."

A little laugh escaped from him, "you don't need to be sorry, just know sometimes that your words hurt. We both have our faults, and maybe we need to discuss these like adults, and try and wok some of them through to make each other happier."

"I like the sound of that."

"Look." He stood up, carefully sliding you out of his grip, walking to the front door. He took his black shoes, and placed them in the gap in the shoe cupboard, left for them on purpose. "I will start putting my shoes away, because I know how much it annoys you."

For all the times you'd told him off for it, you found it strange not seeing his shoes at the front door. It soon dawned on you how these things were a part of Jimin, how finding things you thought annoyed you, actually just reminded you how great he was.

"What's one thing that annoys you about me?"

You dreaded to think what he could say, you were far from perfect and definitely knew how to wind Jimin up if you really wanted to.

"Okay, I'll start with something small. It annoys me sometimes how you follow behind me, correcting things I do. I like to have the cutlery drawer in a certain way, for example, and then you go and change things around."

"I understand."

Coming from two different upbringings the two of you had to find a way to balance out your ways of life. Jimin had his routines, and you had yours, over time the two were integrating to create the perfect system for the two of you.

"I can do that," you assured him.

He smiled, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "See, that wasn't so hard. We both shared a bug with each other, fixed it, and we've both still got smiles on our faces."

"That's true," you giggled, admiring the adorable grin on his face. "Maybe that's the secret, talking more. If we can talk through our problems, I firmly believe that everything will be alright."

"So do I," he agreed, "it's still taking time to adjust to each other, but we'll get there. I'm not ready to give up on you, you've changed my life, and annoyingly my parents found the best partner I could have ever hoped for."

Your arms draped around his neck, hands running through his jet black hair. "I hate to admit it, but my parents found a good one in you too." You giggled embarrassingly, pressing a kiss to his lips. "I love you, together we'll be fine."

"I love you too, we're a team, we're married, I think deep down we both need each other more than we care to admit."

You nodded, knowing that Jimin was the one you wanted to spend the rest of your life with, as the positives always outweighed the negatives.

"I'm sorry for shouting, from now on, I won't raise my voice."

"It's okay, maybe it's what we needed after all to get this marriage back on track."

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