Baby's First Steps

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The moment you opened up the studio door, the room fell silent as you tried to keep control of the pram and get it through without bumping into things. Jimin raced across to help you out, holding the door open until you were through it.

"What are you guys doing here?" He questioned, pressing a kiss against your cheek before reaching into the pram to lift your daughter out and bring her into his chest, "this is a lovely surprise to have."

"We just thought we'd stop by," you grinned, "see if you guys were busy."

As you looked around at the other six who were all laid out across the floor on their phones, your question was soon answered. "We've been hard at work," Namjoon laughed as he met your eyes, "this is just a really extended break."

"Whilst you're free, you guys can resume uncle duties for a while," you sniggered, placing the pram to the corner of the room so that it was out of the way, "she keeps asking for you guys anyway."

Jimin carried your daughter across to the boys, placing her down on her hands and knees, allowing her to roam free across the studio floor. "She still insists on crawling everywhere."

"You've been trying to get her to walk?" Taehyung questioned, reading into Jimin's statement. As you nodded back at him, his eyes lit up. "What better place to try it then here, right?"

Your daughter looked around cluelessly as the boys all moved around the room, calling out her name to entice her across to them. Straight away however, she crawled straight back over to Jimin, burying against his chest nervously.

He quickly took a hold of both of her hands, standing up with her in front of him, slowly moving one foot in front of the other. As he tried to slide one of his fingers out of the way, she gripped onto it even tighter, drawing a yelp of pain out of him.

You could only laugh as you watched on in the background, knowing first-hand how reluctant your daughter was to let go. The two of you had tried several times to encourage her to walk on her own, but she depended every time on you both to keep her steady.

"Has she walked by herself yet?" Hobi asked to you from across the room.

"Not quite," you frowned, "she's let go a couple of times, but I think it scares her falling on her bum, you're lucky sometimes if she'll walk only holding onto one of your hands."

"Give her five minutes with Uncle Hobi and she'll be walking in no time," he replied.

Hobi shuffled forwards on the floor so that he was positioned in front of Jimin, tapping against the floor to get your daughter's attention. Her eyes watched him closely, but as he tried to encourage her to walk across to him, she stumbled back into Jimin's lap every time.

It was clear in her eyes to see how keen she was to try and walk, but every time it was as if something was holding her back. A fear almost washed over her every time she tried to let go of Jimin's hands, knowing that she was much safer with him rather than trying to move by herself. You weren't quite sure how to break the cycle, or even where to start.

"Why doesn't Y/N swap positions with Hobi?" Yoongi suddenly suggested as he too watched the situation unfold.

"At least then she'll be looking at a face she likes," Jin teasingly added.

Hobi glared across at Jin before moving out of the way, giving you plenty of space to kneel down on the floor in front of her.

As soon as her eyes landed on you, her smile grew, especially as she looked into your hand and found her favourite toy. You weren't quite sure if it would work, but you were getting desperate, especially as many of your friends bragged about how much their kids were walking around.

"Look what mummy has got," Jimin whispered closely into her ear, trying to ease her out of his lap once again, "do you want to go take a look? Save bunny from mummy?"

"Bunny," she mumbled, looking back to Jimin as if she needed the reassurance to go.

When his head nodded back at her, she began to stumble forwards once again, refusing to take her eyes off of her bunny. You placed it carefully into your lap so that she had something to focus on, calling out her name as you stretched your hands out to let her know you were there.

As one hand slipped out from Jimin's, the whole room fell silent as the boys watched on with three either side of you. Her steps were tentative, with little wobbles, waiting until she had managed to find her footing before letting go of Jimin's hand, standing all alone.

"That's it," you smiled, watching on as Jimin moved back slightly to give her some space.

As she looked back, noticing how far away Jimin was from her, she knew that you were the only destination she had. Before you knew it, small steps were taken towards you, with her pace picking up with every step closer towards you that she took, eventually stumbling into your lap as excitement got the better of her.

"Look at you," you cheered, passing her bunny to her, pressing a kiss against the top of her head, "that wasn't so hard, was it?"

"Y/D/N, you're so cool," Hobi grinned from beside you, pulling a funny face across at her to draw a giggle from her, "you're so grown up now."

Whilst she enjoyed the noise that was going on around her, your eyes looked across to Jimin's, chuckling as he sighed in relief. The two of you knew how much of a challenge it had been to get her to find her independence.

"You're going to be dancing in no time," Hobi continued to tell her, "and I'll make sure to teach you loads of cool routines too."

"She's walked once, let's not run away with ourselves," Yoongi stated, the most realistic of the group.

Your head nodded in agreement with him, although it was your daughter's first walk, you knew she still needed a lot of time to build up her confidence to trust in her own abilities for a while.

"She just probably wanted to impress her uncles, that's why she was waiting to walk," Jungkook joked, "she knows that we'll spoil her for showing off in front of us."

Your head shook as your daughter toppled back down to the floor, lost in chasing around the studio with her bunny in her hand. Jin was quick to step in and entertain her as he always did, moving her all around the studio.

A sudden figure appeared by your side as you watched on, feeling an arm wrap around your shoulders. You instantly settled yourself against Jimin's chest, sighing in relief once again at what you'd just seen.

"I knew she'd do it," he whispered against the top of your head, "sometimes these things just take a bit of time."

"She'll be racing around the house in no time now," you laughed, "suddenly she just seems so much more grown up."

"Don't say that, she's still only my little girl," Jimin chuckled in response.

"Chim, she'll always be your little girl."

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