End In Sight

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A soft sigh came from Jimin as he dropped his bag, noticing you still sat at your desk in the back corner of the living room, typing away. Your mind was focused, completely unaware of his presence in the room after his day at the studio, even when your name was muttered from his lips.

It was only when you felt a hand rest against the top of your head, did you finally pay attention and realise that he was home. As your eyes looked to him, Jimin's widened in horror, getting his first glimpse of how exhausted you were as you tried to finish up your essay.

It had been a long few days for you, and despite Jimin's protests, you'd continued to work late into the night. You were convinced by now that you'd get it done, but with only a few days remaining, you were still far off your word count, with no end goal seemingly in sight.

"Don't worry," he smiled.

Your hands lifted from your keyboard and into your lap, holding tightly to each other to try and stop you from shaking. Jimin was quick to notice, moving both of his arms so that they wrapped around your shoulders, holding onto you tightly, securing you in his hold.

"Don't stress," he whispered gently into your ear, even if it was easier said than done. "You just need to relax for a little while and stop getting yourself so worked up, you'll get this done, if you just try and keep yourself calm."

Your head slowly shook, knowing that each passing second was time that you could have spent researching or typing. Jimin knew you too, exactly how your brain worked, keeping you firm in his hold to stop you returning to your work.

"You can talk to me when you're having a hard time, remember? It's going to be alright."

The essay was your last one of the semester, and the most important too. It was the time when you cursed your dedicated mind the most, how you cared for the most intricate details of your essay that many others would ignore, striving only for perfection.

"You've worked so hard this year, you're nearly done," Jimin reminded you, as if he could read your mind. "There's no point throwing yourself over the edge now, just take a deep breath and wait for the essay to figure itself out, you need time."

"I don't have time," you tried to argue, but rather than tighten his grip, Jimin pulled your wheelie chair away from your desk. "Jimin, I need to get this essay done. There's food in the fridge if you're worried about dinner or something, but I have to do this."

His head shook, dinner could wait, he didn't care about it at all, the only thing his mind cared about was you, and trying to stop you from falling apart.

"Look, I know you want to do well, but your grades throughout the year should prove to you just how hardworking you are. You know what you have to do for this essay, even if it feels like it might be a flop right now, this time next week, you'll wonder why you were so stressed."

"You just don't understand Jimin. This essay can't flop, it's not just like a song that you can throw away, this is an essay that counts, it could be the difference for something big."

"Why?" He challenged firmly, "why should one essay define you and change anything?"

"Because that's education works Jimin," you slightly snapped back at him, "it's not as easy as just being able to stand on stage and sing a song."

He knew you were hurting, trying not to take your words to heart too much. He was lucky that he didn't have to experience the stress that you did, but that didn't mean he didn't know what it felt like to be under pressure. He got it, the same emotions, the same fears, he'd walked a very similar path to you.

After a few moments, Jimin felt your body go limp in his hold as finally you felt yourself beginning to break. His grip tightened, keeping you as upright as he could as your body pressed firmly into his chest, trying your hardest to stop your tears from falling.

"It's alright," he comforted, running his hand along the length of your back, "just let it all out now and I promise in a short while you'll be feeling better once again."

"I just don't get it, why is it not coming together," you cried out against him.

"Sometimes the best things just take time," he reminded you, pulling you into his lap as he stepped back to sit on the sofa. "You can't rush what doesn't want to be rushed Y/N."

Your head nodded slowly, trying to focus on the words that Jimin spoke, using them to reassure your conflicted mind. "It's just one more, I thought I'd be able to just get this done and enjoy the end of the essays, but it's not happening."

"What can I do to help?"

"I need you just to be here right now," you whimpered.

"I can do that," he chuckled softly, pressing a kiss to the top of your head, "you know that I'm always here to support you. I know that you're more than capable of producing an incredible essay, but only when the time is right."

"Why can't the time be right now?" You sighed "why can't I just get this done, when the end is just so close, why does this stupid essay pull me back every time? Why does the end feel like it's the most difficult goal to reach?"

"It's always the way," Jimin smiled, having experienced the same feeling too many times himself before too. "But I know one thing, and that's that you can't give up now, you're so close to the end, you can't let one final essay get in the way of all the things you have to look forward to."

"I'm exhausted Jimin, I can't do anymore."

His head shook, placing his hand underneath your chin, pulling your eyes up to meet his, ensuring that he had your attention firmly on him as he spoke. "You can do this, you've been able to do this all year, I'm not going to let you quit at the final hurdle. You've got to dig deep and find it within yourself to get this essay done."

You trusted him, and every piece of advice that he had for you too. Even though you were struggling to take yourself over the mental brick wall in front of you right now, with time and patience, you were going to break through it.

"Why don't you just take tonight off? Regroup and come back to it tomorrow? I think you need to look at something else than a computer screen for a while."

"You? You think I should look at you for a while, right?"

His head nodded as the corners of your mouth turned up into a smile. "I want you to look at me so that I can look after you and help you get through your final essay. With the end so close, I'm going to help you across the line."

Your hands settled carefully against his chest, "you're not just helping me cross the line, you've helped me from the very start."

"All of this is because of your own hard work Y/N."

"And because of all your support as well Jimin," you chimed.

"We're a team, always will be."

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