Runaway Bride

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The frustrations of planning a wedding had never been something that appealed to either of you. The fuss, the arguments, it all ended up feeling slightly wasted by the end of your evening together, but that didn't stop everyone close to you pleading endlessly with the two of you to share even the smallest of details about your day together.

You ended up taking the lead on most things, under the pressure of your mother who was desperate to see you marry Jimin. Although you tried your best to smile through most of the process, Jimin could see the anguish so much of it caused you.

To begin with, it seemed quite fun, venues, dresses, suits, they were the best bits, but as you began to study the more miniscule details, table runners, name holders, cushion covers, the fun disappeared, turning much of your wedding into a chore.

As you laid in bed one evening, at the end of another night of planning, Jimin's mind couldn't help but wander as it seemed to do so often by your side.

At first, you felt his hand run through your hair, followed by the sound of him clearing his throat. "I've been thinking," he announced, glancing down at your head that rested in his lap, "and this might be crazy of me to suggest, but have you ever thought of elopement?"

"You mean we just get married, without telling a single person about it?"

"I guess, when you put it like that," he chuckled, "but also, think how much easier it'll be. No stress, no pressure, no people around us constantly making comments, it can be exactly how the two of us want it to be."

Your lips pursed together momentarily, the more you thought about the idea, the more it seemed to appeal. "When you put it like that, it doesn't sound like the worst idea in the world."

"Weddings are supposed to be fun," he reminded you, a statement you'd forgotten about long ago in your planning, "but right now ours feels anything like fun, and neither of us are going to end up enjoying what's supposed to be our special day."

Your head nodded in agreement, placing your phone against your chest. "If I get one more text from either of our mums asking which flowers I've decided to use as the centrepiece for the buffet table I think I'm going to end up going insane."

Despite a chuckle coming from Jimin, he could see in your eyes just how serious you really were. The stress of your wedding had drained every piece of fun that was supposed to come with it, and slowly as time progressed you could feel it begin to crack your relationship with Jimin too.

"Ultimately, I want our wedding to be for us, and I want us to be happy," Jimin spoke up, continuing to run his hand softly through your hair. "I can see that you're not enjoying yourself, and I always held onto a bit of hope that things would change. But I don't think they are, and I can't marry you knowing that it's making you this unhappy."

"Eloping would certainly eliminate a lot of stress, but there's so many people with expectations for us to get married and have this big ceremony, it'll let a lot of people down. Can we really afford to upset so many of our relations, not to mention our friends?"

Without a thought, Jimin's head nodded. None of that mattered to him, your happiness came above all of it, without even having to think, he knew that none of it could ever compare.

Whilst he'd always grown up with an idea of what marriage would be like in his head, what was unfolding between the two of you right now was anything but what he had hoped for. Above all else, he hoped for happiness, and even that had quickly faded away.

"I think for once we should put ourselves first," he honestly suggested, "we've spent too long feeling like we need to put others first, especially since we got engaged."

"Everything we have planned so far has had some sort of input from a family member," you sighed, "and I can't keep living like this for the next few months."

The more you both spoke, the more the idea seemed to appeal to the both of you. Yes, people would be disappointed, but those relationships could be recovered. What you couldn't recover though, was the months of unhappiness you'd both already experienced.

"Do you think we should tell people?" You asked up to him.

"No," he responded, shaking his head too, "let's wait and tell them once we've done it. They'll only try and put us off, they've not seen what we've wanted for months, so I don't think any of them will start listening to us now."

As much as you both adored your families, their opinions had already taken up too much of your time when it came to planning your wedding. They wanted your day to be perfect, of course, but far too much was expensed as a result of that.

"Don't just feel like this is something you want to do for me though," Jimin suddenly spoke up, "if we do it, then it's a decision that we make together."

Your head nodded back at him, you'd wasted too much time being engaged and miserable, it was about time the two of you could enjoy your time together as an engaged couple.

"I want to do it," you assured him, reaching your hand up into the air for his free one to intertwine with. "So, what if we upset a few people along the way, our wedding is supposed to be about us, and so we'll do what we want to do."

"Exactly, that's what's most important."

Jimin couldn't hide the relief he felt when you began to agree with his idea. Elopement wasn't something you had considered, but you would still be married, and still be with Jimin, which were both the only two things that would matter to you on your special day.

"When should we do it?" He proceeded to question.

Your eyes glanced over his excited expression, "probably before the date we've already got booked for our wedding. We've got a lot of cancellations to do now, you do realise that?"

"Of course," he grinned, "but I'll enjoy making every single one of those cancellations, because it means that we're finally doing what we want to do, and not what someone else wants us too."

"I can't believe this is the way we're going to get married," you chuckled, nuzzling yourself further into his lap. "These are the sorts of things you always see in the movies, but I never imagined that it would actually happen for us."

Jimin's smile continued to grow, "I can't sit back and see how miserable all of this is making you any longer. So, from now on, until we get married, let's just agree to do everything exactly the way that we want to do it?"

"I can definitely agree on that," you smiled, moving out of his lap to lay beside him, pressing a kiss against his cheek. "I'm excited to marry you, again."

His head nodded, "me too. Our marriage is going to be something that we can look forward to, not something we can run away from."

"Although we are kind of running away," you joked.

"I guess we are, a runaway bride and groom."



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