Tickle Attacks

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A loud echo of laughter came from you as Jimin threw himself down beside you, causing the bed to rock and your body to jolt up into the air. As you did, your phone slipped out of your hand, landing on your chest before bouncing to your side, all the way off of the bed.

Beside you, Jimin couldn't help but chuckle at the look of disgust on your face as a result of his actions, shaking your head in disbelief back across at him as he made himself comfortable.

"Don't mind me," he grinned, continuing to push all of the right buttons to try and wind you up, "I just thought you might like some company, it's not nice to be laying in bed all by yourself."

"I was perfectly fine," you tried to argue, but Jimin quickly shushed you from arguing.

Your head continued to shake as his smile continued to grow, moving his hand across to rest against your arm. There was nothing that Jimin loved more than winding you up, you always managed to give him the response that he needed to know that he could keep toying with you.

"You made me drop my phone too," you pointed out to him, glancing at the floor beside you.

With that, Jimin rolled across so that he was hovering over you, a hand on either side of you as he tried to reach down and grab your phone. As he did so, his hand grazed against your side several times, jabbing right in your hip every time.

You tried your hardest to keep your laughter at bay, biting down hard on your bottom lip. However, as you continued to snigger at the gentle tickle that ran along your body, it didn't take long for Jimin to hear you, glancing quizzically across at you.

"Why are you laughing? What's so funny right now?"

"Nothing, absolutely nothing is funny," you told him, trying to regain your composure.

As Jimin moved past you again, his touch was a little firmer, leaving you unable to stop yourself from laughing any longer. "Oh, I see," Jimin smiled, pushing himself back up so that he was hovering over your body once again with a smirk plastered across his face.

Your head shook as you watched his eyes flicker between your laughter and your hips, sensing that there was a connection between the two. As soon as Jimin tried to move his hand across to your hip, you slapped it away. "Don't," you warned, knowing what was coming.

"Do you really think that I would be kind enough not to tickle you right now?"

Your head shook once again as Jimin began to graze his fingertips very lightly against your hips, beginning to get you laughing. You tried your best to ignore it, fighting with every part of your being to stop yourself from laughing aloud and letting Jimin win.

"I'll keep going," he warned, tickling you a little bit faster as you began to laugh, trying to push his hand away from your hip, but Jimin was much stronger than you were.

"No more," you asked of him, but your pleadings for him to stop only encouraged Jimin to do it more, knowing that he had you exactly where he wanted you.

It didn't take long before his hand began to tickle at full force against your left hip, with his right hand soon attacking your other hip to get you in a state, legs and arms flailing everywhere.

Jimin chuckled as you frantically tried to get him away from you, "are you alright Y/N?" He teased, hearing you shriek in reply, unable to get a word out in between your laughter.

He continued to tickle against you, following you around the bed as you tried to wriggle away, refusing to let you out of his grip unless he got exactly what he wanted from you, not settling for any less.

"Tell me that you love me," Jimin smirked, "and then I'll stop tickling you," he added, watching as your eyes went wide, trying to get him to stop for long enough so that you could speak.

"What if I don't tell you that I love you?" You asked, but rather than tell you, Jimin showed, you firmly tickling against your hips once again, leaving you in hysterics.

As you began to realise that you had little other choice, you quickly called out that you loved Jimin, feeling his hands slip away from your sides whilst you tried to catch your breath.

"Can you repeat that one more time, otherwise I'll tickle you again?" He asked as the room slowly fell silent, wanting to make sure that he heard every word again of what you had said. "I can't believe that I never knew you were ticklish."

"I love you," you firmly told him.

"Y/N," he cooed, unable to wipe the smile off your face as you tried to pull yourself together, "I've never seen your cheeks so red; you look so adorable right now."

Your head shook back across at him, running your hands through your hair and straightening out your outfit so that you looked presentable once again. You didn't want to say it, or give Jimin the satisfaction, but you couldn't help but smile at how close he was to you.

"You can stop now," you told him as his hand poked gently against your hip to bring your eyes back across to look at him. "And you can wipe that smug smile off your face too, or have you forgotten that I know exactly where you're ticklish too? I will get my own back on you, one day you'll just wait and see."

It was one of the few things that you could hold over Jimin, the fact that you had managed to find out exactly where he was ticklish before he had managed to do the same for you.

The smug smile on his face was one that you particularly hated, Jimin loved whenever he managed to get up on you, and so you knew that he wasn't going to drop it for a while either. Worst of all you knew for the rest of your time with Jimin you were going to have to be very careful about leaving your hips for Jimin to get.

"I can't stop smiling," Jimin admitted, despite your request, "the look on your face when you realised that I'd figured out you were ticklish was such a picture Y/N, I wish I could frame it."

"I will get you back for this," you assured him, jabbing your hand against his chest, "when you least expect it, I will make sure you know not to mess with me."

His eyebrows raised questionably, "you do know that if you try and get back at me, I will go straight for the hips, those things are going to become your worst nightmare soon enough."

You couldn't begin to imagine about how much of a big mistake you had made, leaving your hips exposed to Jimin to tickle was by far going to be one of your biggest regrets, even if you would try and get payback on him.

"I promise that I won't tickle your hips, unless you leave me no other choice," Jimin vowed, "I'm not that much of a monster to tickle you constantly."

"My hips will be broken," you laughed, shaking your head across at him, "if you so much as touch them without reason you'll get a week in the spare room, no arguments."

"In that case, I will definitely not tickle you now."

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