Shirtless Surprise

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A groan came from you as you looked around the bedroom and noticed that there was no sight of Jimin in the room. As you adjusted to the room, you noticed light coming from the adjoining bathroom door, hearing the run of the water, knowing that it was Jimin who had decided to jump in the shower.

Whilst he got himself sorted, you sat up on the bed, grabbing your phone off of the bedside table. Your hands ran through your hair as you tried to wake yourself up, wiping your hands over your face to get rid of the sleep in your eyes.

You sat up and waited until the water stopped, watching the door. Jimin's singing could faintly be heard on the other side of the door as you pushed the duvet off your body, slowly beginning to get yourself up and ready for the day.

"Can you run me a bath when you've got a moment?" You called through to Jimin, continuing to scroll aimlessly through your phone as you heard him banging around.

"You're awake then," he instantly teased, shouting from the other side of the door, "don't worry, I'll get you a bath sorted, you probably need it after the night we had last night."

Your eyes went wide at his comment, feeling a light blush appear on your cheeks. You were thankful that Jimin could see you as you tried to compose yourself, shaking your head.

"Have you suddenly lost the ability to speak out there, Y/N?"

"No," you croaked, clearing your throat as you realised how high pitched your voice was, knowing that Jimin would have caught onto it too, "I'm absolutely fine out here."

"I don't think that you are, but I guess I'll take your word for it, I won't be a moment."

You continued to scroll through your phone as you waited for Jimin, not quite finding the strength to stand yourself up from the bed. As you heard the bathroom door unlock, you presumed Jimin was done as you heard his footsteps to.

You didn't look up for a few moments, however when you did, a gasp quickly came from you as Jimin stood before you. Your eyes quickly looked down, unable to meet Jimin's eyes at all as you noticed his abs were on full show.

A loud chuckle came from him as he noticed how shy you quickly became. "Seen something you like Y/N? You seem to have gone a little bit red in the cheeks?"

"No," you whimpered, running your hands through your hair once again, "I don't know what you think I've seen, but I can assure you that I haven't seen anything that I like."

"Would you like to tell your face that? Because suddenly you can't look me in the eye," he spoke, taking a few steps towards you, "if you want to have a good look then you know that I won't mind, it's nothing that you've not seen before."

"Don't even start, I know full well that you are enjoying this far too much Park Jimin."

His head nodded, although you couldn't see, closing the distance between the two of you. Jimin leant down and grabbed your hands, placing the both of them against his abs, leaving you staring down to the floor in surprise.

The smirk on his face grew as he watched your cheeks turn a darker shade of red, slowly moving your hands around so that they trailed against every muscle of his. "I never realised that my abs made you so weak Y/N."

Your head shook as you tried to stand up from the bed, avoiding Jimin's gaze. "I hate to break it to you, but I've got a bath that my kind boyfriend ran for me, so I'm going to have to leave this conversation here."

Jimin's head shook, snaking his arms around your waist, pulling you into his chest. "Did you really think that I was going to let you go that easily, have you lost your mind?"

Several kisses were pressed against the crook of your neck whilst Jimin tried to do everything in his power to get you looking at him. He adored the smile on your face, unable to quite control yourself around him, especially when it came as a surprise.

"Look at me," he whispered into your ear, slowly moving you into the bathroom where your bath was running. Jimin guided you towards the mirror on the wall, noticing that your eyes were still looking down to the ground, unable to bring yourself to look at him despite his request. "What are you scared of?"

"Why do you have to keep surprising me like this?" You asked him, "why can't you come with a warning when you're going to come out without your shirt on or something?"

Another chuckle came from Jimin as he twirled you around in his arms so that the two of you were face to face. "Why do I have to come with a warning? Is it because I always make you weak at the knees, completely in love?"

Your head shook, as a smirk appeared on your face, knowing that everything Jimin had to say was right, no matter how much you wanted to deny it.

"I could always stay in here and sit with you whilst you have your bath? I promise that I won't even put a shirt on whilst you're in there."

"Can't you just go away and stop making yourself smile by messing with me?"

His head shook as you finally brought your eyes up to look at him, noticing how dark the colour was in your cheeks as he met your eyes. Your hand tapped against his chest, trying to push him away, but his grip around you only tightened.

"Do you ever think you might get over seeing me without a shirt on?"

You bit down on your bottom lip, shaking your head lightly. "I don't mind that you don't wear a shirt, but first thing in the morning, what are you trying to do to me?"

The innocent look in his eyes was one of the things that frustrated you the most, Jimin always knew exactly what he was doing with you. He knew how to get you flustered in no time at all, and he knew just the way to pretend as if he was doing no harm either.

"My bath is going to overflow," you pointed out to him, but Jimin didn't budge, refusing to let you go quite so easily, "how am I supposed to get ready for the day?"

Your hand continued to tap against Jimin's chest in an attempt to get him to let go of you and leave you to start your day.

"I offered to sit in here whilst you get in the bath, but you said no. I don't want to leave you first thing in the morning when you look so nice."

"Stop trying to be kind now and leave my cheeks even redder."

His innocent smile turned up again, pressing a kiss against the top of your head. "It's my job as your boyfriend to constantly leave you red in the cheeks, and you know that I won't ever stop making you blush either."

"With abs like that, I have every confidence that you won't," you acknowledged, "you'll always make me blush."

"And I will always love making you blush too."

Park Jimin ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora