Your Daughter Asks Him To Be Her Dad

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"Can Jimin put me to bed tonight, pretty please?"

The sudden voice of your daughter caused your eyes to look up as she crawled across the floor to where you sat. Beside you, Jimin was already off of the sofa, ready to scoop her up and carry her up the stairs. His head nodded as you glanced questionably across at him, leaning down to kiss your daughter goodnight before he carried her away.

The bond the two of them had often left you speechless, Jimin had much been a father figure for most of her upbringing, but you never imagined that she'd attach herself as much as she did to him. Nor that he'd be so happy to take on such a big role in her life.

It was only when she started school and met all of her friend's dads did, she realise what she was missing out on. To replace it, she'd always tell everyone about Jimin and how incredible he was both for her, and for you too.

Whilst you remained downstairs, Jimin helped your daughter complete her usual bedtime routine before leading her into her bedroom and tucking her tightly under the duvet.

At times, he couldn't remember a time without her in his life, even if she wasn't technically his. When the hole was there to fill, he did it in a heartbeat, when he got with you, he knew what he was getting himself into, and still, he did it with no complaints or struggles.

"Jimin, do you mind if I talk to you about something without mummy?"

"Of course," he smiled, perching on the end of her bed, running his hand over the top of her head, "whatever you want to talk about, it can be our secret."

Her head nodded, holding her pinkie out for Jimin to intertwine his in with. "One of my friends asked me today what I think about dads."

"Really? What did you say?" He asked her, trying to keep as composed an expression as he could, "because you know having a dad isn't a big deal, just because you don't have one."

Her head continued to nod, it was something every member of your family had told her time and time again. "I think sometimes that it would be super cool to have a dad though."

The two of you knew a time would come when she'd begin to wonder about who she is and where she comes from. Having just one parent had always been something she'd enquired about, wondering what made her so different from the rest.

"It's super cool not having a dad too, because you have an incredible mummy who raises you, and you have me, and all your friends and families too. I'm sure your friends all have missing parts of their families that you get to have. Do all your friends get to have someone as incredible as me as part of their lives?"

"No," she giggled, poking at his chest, "but it takes some special to be like you, that's what mummy always tells me. She says that you're a one of a kind and that no one will ever be able to do as incredible as a job as you do for us."

His smile grew at her words as she told him more of the things you'd said. They were things that Jimin never knew you felt until your daughter decided to speak up.

Jimin only had respect and pride for what an incredible job you'd done in raising her, he knew being a single parent was far from easy, and yet you'd taken it all in your stride. Of course, he hoped to be there for the two of you, but there was never going to be anyone there for your daughter more than you were.

"Your mummy is amazing; do you realise how lucky you are to have someone like her?"

"I do," she grinned, "that's why I'm extra lucky to have you and her together."

Jimin's head nodded, feeling a light blush grow onto his cheeks as she continued to remind him amazing, she found him. Perhaps by blood he'd never be able to call himself hers, but he tried his utmost to do everything else for her.

"I still think about what times would be like if I had a daddy."

"Do you really feel like you need a daddy?" Jimin asked her, frowning as her head nodded back at him. "Do you want to find out more about your daddy, because I'm sure it's something that we can talk to mummy about?"

When her head shook, she only felt Jimin even more confused. Not much sense could be made of what she said at the best of times, but that was just another reason why Jimin adored her. His eyes continued to stare down at her as he searched for some sort of explanation, waiting for her to decide when she wanted to carry on.

"I want to be able to say that you're my daddy, rather than just Jimin."

His eyes widened, shuffling a little closer to her on the bed. She soon sat herself upright, resting her hands in her lap as she stared up at him in anticipation.

"If you want to call me dad, then I'd be more than happy with that. But you do realise how big that is, it's not just a word, it carries a lot of meaning too. And although I might not be your proper dad, I'll always be the dad in your heart."

"I know what it means silly, that's why I asked."

His head nodded as she crawled into his lap, throwing her arms around his waist. His head leant down and pressed several kisses against the top of her head, squeezing her tightly to keep her warm in amongst the winter weather.

"Are you too excited now to sleep?" He asked her.

She smiled up at him, her usual cheeky charms on show to everyone. His eyes rolled, encouraging her to lay back down, staying beside her. "Can we just stay here for a little while longer?"

"If you want to," he grinned, too wrapped around her little finger to be able to say no to her. "I'll stay here until you fall asleep, as long as you promise to close your eyes now. You've still got school to go to tomorrow."

"Will you take me?" She quizzed, "I want to be able to show everyone that you're my dad, at least everyone will stop asking me about it too."

Jimin smiled down at her, brushing his hand over the top of her head. "Of course, I'll take you. But you have to promise me that you won't let other people's questions bother you, because they're not a part of our family, are they?"

"No," she chuckled, "our family me is me, mummy, and daddy," she grinned, unable to stop herself from giggling as she tried to get her head around calling him dad.

It was slightly surreal to Jimin too, but he managed to keep his composure. He sat and waited for her to calm herself down and allow her eyes to close.

"Get some rest," he whispered down to her, "it's an honour to be your daddy little bug."



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