He Takes Your Virginity

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You felt your stomach knot as soon as you walked out of the bathroom and saw Jimin laying out on the bed with a soft smile on your face. His hand reached out and pulled the duvet down slightly to make room for you to lay down beside him.

Your steps were tentative as you approached the bed, sliding underneath the duvet. You kept quite a distance between the two of you as you turned to come face to face with Jimin, staring instantly down at his lips.

Once you were comfortable, he sat himself up, stripping his shirt and throwing it down to the floor beside the bed. You felt a shiver run down your spine as your eyes were drawn to the toned physique of his body, biting down on your bottom lip.

"Are you nervous?" He whispered across to you as he laid back down, "I know our first night together can be a bit of a daunting experience in any relationship, are you comfortable being in here?"

"Of course," you nodded, looking around the room. As relaxed as you tried to be about not falling asleep in your own room that night, there was still a lot of uncertainty, despite the space being Jimin's. As hard as you tried to mask your nerves, he could tell, reaching underneath the duvet so that he could take a hold of your hand.

"Shall we just go to sleep?" He questioned, a little unsure of himself of what to do, having not had anyone fall asleep beside him for quite some time. "Or shall I stick on a film?"

Your head shook as you let go of a shaky breath, pulling the duvet a little tighter around your body. "I'm ready," you whispered across to him, "I know how I want to spend our first night together."

"Y/N," he whispered back to you, "are you really sure?"

You'd been open from the start with Jimin that you were yet to experience your first sexual encounter. It was something that he was more than understanding about, he was more than happy to work at a pace that worked well with you. Despite your fears and embarrassment, he was often on hand to reassure you that there was nothing to be worried about, and that something so small would never affect your relationship or his feelings for you.

"You don't have to decide you want to do this just because you're here tonight," he assured you, squeezing your hand gently, "please don't feel like you have to say this because you're staying the night, that's not why I invited you to stay."

Your head nodded back at him, "I know it's not, but I really do feel like I'm ready Jimin, I wouldn't have said anything if I wasn't certain."

Despite the small doubt that still remained, he could tell by the look in your eyes that this was something you were serious about. It was something he'd seen you be so nervous about for so long, but the look in your eyes tonight was different than anything he'd seen before.

Hie smile grew as he moved his hand to your waist, pulling you in closely to him and closing the distance between you both. His lips softly pressed to the tip of your nose, making sure that he took his time to make sure that you didn't start to worry.

"If there's any point throughout when you want to stop, you promise me that you'll say," he requested, "don't be scared if this all gets to much."

"I promise that I'll tell you."

His head nodded, letting go of your hand so both his arms could wrap around your waist, lifting you up slightly so that you were at a level height to him, giving his lips perfect access to be able to rest against yours as his hands began to explore.

A second shiver ran down your spine as you felt Jimin's hands rest against the hem of the trousers you wore, slowly pushing them down. Your hands gripped tightly against his arms as you reacted to his cold touch, as Jimin felt your body begin to tense up.

"It's alright," he whispered softly into your ear, "I'm not doing anything to worry about."

Your head nodded, closing your eyes as you felt Jimin's hands begin to strip you down, reminding yourself to trust in him as you had done from the very first day you met him.

"I don't know what to do right now."

"Nothing," he whispered, moving his hand up to rest against your cheek, encouraging you to open your eyes and look across at him. "Just do whatever feels right to you, and if that's to do nothing, then do nothing, don't worry about a thing."

"But you're doing so much."

"It doesn't matter, tonight is just about making sure you feel loved Y/N."

"But you need to feel it too, I don't want for this to just be a one-sided thing,"

His head shook, pressing his lips gently to yours. "Nothing about our relationship is one-sided, even this. We'll work at a pace that we feel comfortable with, together we'll work as a team, and do just whatever feels right to us both."

His words brought great comfort to you as he felt your body begin to relax once again. As you began to settle, your hands moved down to rest against Jimin's bottoms, pushing them slowly down his legs as you felt him stretch out to try and help you kick them away. As he did, his hands moved to your bra, unclasping it carefully before tossing it aside.

"I'm one lucky guy," Jimin muttered as his eyes studied your body closely, "look at how beautiful you are Y/N."

His lips quickly attached to your neck, trailing a run of kisses along your jawline, peppering against your lips several times. Each kiss with filled with love and attention to make sure that you knew just how much you meant to him.

"I'm the lucky one," you responded as he buried himself into the crook of your neck, "out of thousands of fans, I'm the one that gets to be with you."

The vibrations of his laughter struck delicately against your skin as Jimin pushed you gently so that you were laid on your back. His arms rested either side of your waist, propping himself so that he laid directly above you.

"Are you still sure about this?" He questioned, meeting your eyes.

"I'm sure," you responded once again, resting your hands against his chest. "I trust you, and I know that you won't ever hurt me Jimin."

His head nodded in agreement, knowing that he would never do anything to harm you. It was the promise he made you from the first moment he met you, and it was going to a promise to you that he would always keep.

"Just remember, if you want me to stop, say," he reminded you as he lined himself up with you, "this is all just about making sure you're comfortable, don't forget that."

"I won't, I promise Jimin."



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