Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

Eli was awoken the next morning by the sound of loud and obnoxious talking. She released a heavy sigh and pushed herself up from the bed, still wrapped tightly in the woven blanket. She pulled open her bedroom door and quietly walked down the hallway and peaked into the kitchen where the noise was coming from.

Her eyes scanned the table and her nose scrunched up in annoyance. "Can you be anymore louder?" She said in annoyance, walking into the kitchen.

The two boys grew quiet and their eyes fell onto her. "It's already two in the afternoon." Paul smirked. "If it's past ten then we're allowed to be noisy."

"Well you disturbed my peaceful slumber. I'll remember that, Paul. I'll remember that." She said tauntingly, filling a glass of water.

"I'm shaking." Paul mocked scared.

The siblings minor argument from the day prior was nothing but dust in the wind now. Paul didn't take what his little sister said to heart and Eli realized she was in the wrong and should have told someone that she was leaving instead of disappearing like she had. They were both over it now– like when most of their smaller arguments happened.

Eli rolled her eyes and disappeared back down the hallway. Suddenly her body slammed into a warm chest when turning the corner, causing the cold glass of water to spill over the front of her body and slip from her hands and onto the floor, shattering.

Paul and Jared were now standing behind Eli, loud and obnoxious laughter echoing throughout the house once they realized what had happened. They were mainly laughing from the terrified look the male in front of Eli wore on his features.

Her brown eyes slowly trailed up towards the culprit she had ran into and a blush immediately rose onto her cheeks.

"I'm so sorry, Eli!" Embry apologized. He had gone to the bathroom and was too distracted by the pictures littering the hallway when walking back to watch where he was going. He was mainly looking at the pictures of Eli when he bumped into her. She looked completely different when she was younger.

Funnily enough, he hadn't heard her walking down the hallway like he should have with having his abilities. Jared had briefly informed the pack about his discovery involving the young Lahote's ability, but nobody really thought twice about it. That was besides Jared and his alpha, of course.

"It's okay." Eli mumbled. She knelt down and stared picking up the shards of glass, carefully placing them into the palm of her hand.

"Let me do that. Go ahead and get change." Embry told her, motioning towards her soaking clothes and blanket.

Eli placed the pile she collected onto the floor and stood up, carefully stepping over the glass. Her head hung low in embarrassment while she passed Embry and rushed into her bedroom, slamming the door shut behind herself.

She was quick to get ready. She pulled on fitted jeans and an olive green sweater that held multicolored designs. She walked into the bathroom and brushed her teeth and hair before she pulled her wavy dark brown hair back. She sprayed on some perfume before switching off the bathroom lights and walking back out into the hallway.

The mess was already cleaned up.

The boys were now sitting in the living room watching a game on the television. She noticed that Quil had joined the group now as well. She continued into the kitchen and grabbed the phone from its dock, hopping up onto the countertop while she dialed the number she knew by heart.

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