Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

      Everyone was confused when Eli ran out of the house. Paul rushed out after her but she had already disappeared into the thick forest, her scent being the only thing telling him where she was going. He was about to follow after her until Sam stopped him, telling him that he would handle it as her alpha. Sam waited to see if she would come back on her own but an hour had already passed, then nearly two hours had passed, and it was obvious she wasn't coming back any time soon.

Having Jared being the only one on patrol, since he and Sam were often the ones who patrolled together, and Sam having to deal with Eli, he gave up waiting and decided to go search for her. Jared was trotting along the treaty line when Sam phased, causing the male to give his full attention to his alpha when he heard Sam's thoughts about Eli.

'She hasn't phased.' Jared told Sam, continuing his trek through the forest. 'Could it just have hit her right then? That she was now actually a shifter?'

'Could be a possibility.' Sam agreed with his second in command. 'But I would like to find her just in case that wasn't the cause.' 

'Do you want me to help find her?' Jared asked.

'No, I already caught her scent leading to the cliffs.' Sam told him, already making his way in the direction her scent was strong.

'It was the cliffs last time too and she ended up being in the middle of the damn forest and nowhere near them.' Jared thought absentmindedly. Sam ignored his comment and continued towards the cliffs in search of the girl.

The waves below the cliff continued to crash along the rocks harshly. The wind was strong but Eli no longer felt the cold like she used to; she stayed warm when the cool winds tossed her hair around. She felt a weird sensation course through her body as she fought off the anxiety threatening to hit her any minute. Her body wouldn't stop twitching inside.

"Elizabeth." A deep voice pulled Eli from her thoughts. She turned around and looked up at the older male walking towards her, his already tall frame making him look like a giant from her spot on the ground.

"Hey, Sam." She gave a tight smile. "Sorry for running off again. Everything sort of hit me and I wanted to be alone." She apologized, telling a half-truth, and turning back to face the ocean.

"I understand." Sam gave a nod, taking a spot beside her on the ground. Eli found his size in comparison to hers amusing, he was a giant. "I'm surprised you didn't phase, that's usually our first instinct during situations like this." He told her, his gaze locked on the view in front of him.

"I wanted to but I didn't want my thoughts being heard just yet." She replied honestly. "Plus, I wasn't angry." 

"We don't necessarily have to only be angry." He informed her. "That's a big reason, yes, but sadness and being scared could also be valid reasons for us to phase."

"I'm not those either." She replied with a heavy sigh. She wasn't sad but she was a little scared. Sam caught onto her quickened heartbeat, letting him know that she wasn't being completely honest with him.

"You know, Eli, it's okay to be scared." Sam cleared his throat, glancing down at her. "Especially when you just turned into a giant wolf and imprinted. It's okay to be scared."

"I'm not scared because of those things." She shook her head quickly. "Those things are weird, yes, but I'm not afraid of them happening to me. It's an adjustment but stranger things have happened to me before." She said quietly. She wasn't scared of the imprint– because thankfully she liked Embry– but turning into a wolf was terrifying.

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