Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

Everything felt different. Her vision, hearing, smell, taste- anything she considered normal before was now different- it was more intensified. Her skin was hot to the touch and she had grown a few inches in height, standing a good five-five now in comparison to her once five-one frame. Her height wasn't the only difference in her physical appearance. Her muscles were now more defined and her weight had slightly increased.

Her eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets when she saw how different she looked. Not only did she not feel like herself anymore, but she also didn't look like herself anymore.

Eli grew frustrated when she couldn't find any clothes that fit her probably. They all felt constricted against her belt frame. Eventually, she found some of her brother's old clothes she stole before he stopped visiting. It was the only thing that felt comfortable and baggy.

She had patiently waited in the bedroom for nearly an hour for Paul to return. He had guided everyone outside the house and away from earshot, not wanting to risk upsetting her again while he handled the situation. She was already vulnerable; he didn't need her to hear something that would cause her to phase again.

He already had to worry about potentially phasing and snapping the boy's neck between his teeth. He was pushing his anger aside for once for the person that was the most important during that moment. His little sister.

He had three females to worry about, but he had to prioritize which one was more important that very moment. One wrong move and they would be royally fucked.

Eli couldn't help the tears of frustration that slipped down her cheeks. Everything was too much for her- especially with these new intensified senses.

Once she heard the front door open and heavy footsteps walking towards the bedroom, she quickly whipped the tears away before he could catch her crying. He couldn't know how upset she truly was by phasing. If the boys could do it, if Leah could do it, then so could she.

Paul pushed open the door and peeked his head in. He stood there for a few seconds just taking in her new appearance. She looked the same just slightly taller and more defined. A normal change for a shifter.

"What happened?" Eli asked after a long minute of silence.

"Rachel told everyone off pretty good. Now she's talking to Sam for me." He answered, stepping into the bedroom. "I upset mom, but she'll get over it."

"What'd you say?" She cried out, not wanting to hear that from him.

The last thing she wanted to do was mess with their already damaged relationship anymore. She was tired of having bad relationships with people she loved. She felt awful for losing control during dinner and casing a scene that could have easily been avoided.

She could have been a good daughter and talked to her mother privately about it. She could have pretended that she never knew Hunter before then, that they never had a past together. He seemed to not wanted to say much of anything before she made the rash decision to open her mouth out of anger.

But she couldn't just sit there and watch him lie through his teeth. And apparently, the wolf inside of her agreed.

"I said you didn't want to see her." He told her vaguely. He seemed so emotionless when he said that like he didn't care that he hurt his own mother's feelings.

"Why would you say that? She's already mad at me, Paul!" She exclaimed, heading towards the door. Paul held his arm out to block her from leaving the room.

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