Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

      Warmth was all that Eli felt around her. Arms were wrapped around her waist and her legs were intertwined with someone else's. The blanket that was covering her when she fell asleep was now halfway off of her body, no doubt having kicked it off in her sleep from being too warm.

She was completely relaxed. She wasn't thinking about anything else for once besides the boy wrapped around her. She turned her head and stared at his peaceful expression. His mouth was slightly agape and his hair extremely messy.

She smiled at the sight until she wasn't anymore.

Her eyebrows knitted together in confusion. She had never been so attached to someone so quickly. She enjoyed being around Embry. He was easy to talk to and spoke to her, seemingly genuinely interested in what she had to say. He seldom left her side for the past three days when she grew unexpectedly ill. He even stayed with her when she slept.

She didn't understand why that was but she was too scared to question it. She was too scared to question a lot of things lately. She swore to herself that she was content with loneliness, that she wouldn't make any more friends, but here she was, having someone that seemed to care for her as a friend would.

Or maybe even more.

Eli mentally scowled from that thought. He was only a friend, he even said that himself. They have only known each other for a good two weeks and here she was romantically thinking about him. That was extremely out of character for her. She didn't even feel that way when she was actually in a relationship.

Maybe this crush was making her think a little too deep into his kind acts.

Eli carefully placed her hand on top of his arm and attempted to move it. She figured that he was only asleep and didn't know what he was doing. She wanted to save him the embarrassment if he woke up to find himself spooning her unintentionally.

A small groan passed his parted lips when she moved his arm slightly. His grip around her waist tightened, causing a painful gasp to emerge from her when he pressed against the healing bruises on her sides.

His eyes snapped open and he pushed himself up, releasing his grip from around her waist. "Are you okay? I'm sorry." He quickly apologized, concern covering his once relaxed features.

A small smile tugged onto Eli's lips from his appearance. He looked adorable according to her. "I'm fine." She chuckled, pushing herself up into a sitting position.

"Are you sure? I didn't mean to. I was–"

"Embry, it's fine. You were asleep. It's okay." She interrupted him. She reached her hand out and bushed his hair down, grinning when it only popped back up.

"It's no point." He told her with an amused smile. He rubbed his face and took in a long breath. He could smell and hear the food that was being cooked downstairs. There were only two voices, meaning that everyone else was probably still asleep.

"Do you wanna go downstairs? Emily is probably cooking breakfast." He told her, swinging his legs onto the side of the bed before standing up and stretching his arms above his head.

Eli watched his muscles flex when he stretched. She has never been attracted to muscles before until now. She was suddenly finding them very attractive– or maybe it was just him that she found attractive. She blinked and looked down at her hands before he could catch her gaze.

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