Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

Eli seemed to have been doing great with the news about the supernatural. However, whenever she fell asleep, her dreams started to haunt her more than they already were, but these ones were different compared to all the others.

These ones were somehow much worse.

Eli no longer found herself in the forest but rather in a endless room, never being able to find a source of light like she usually could. Her hands guided her down what seemed to be a long and narrow hallway, the cold surrounding her and nearly paralyzing her shaking body.

Coldness and fear was all she felt in those dreams.

She could feel the rough walls underneath her fingertips and her bare feet walking down a smooth and solid surface. She couldn't hear anything but she knew that if she could, she would hear nothing but her own sobs echoing around her.

The next few days were interesting for the teenager. However she slowly started to make some progress when going into her bedroom– but that was only because she was no longer sleeping anymore. She refused to sleep when the new dreams started occurring. She couldn't stay in the living room without possibly waking someone up, so she decided to overcome her fear and spend time in the one place she used to never want to leave.

Eli spent every night reading to occupy herself. Eventually, she had read all the books she had brought with her, which wasn't very many. Every morning at five, she would start her new routine. Workout, shower, fix her hair and put on some makeup to hide how tired she actually looked, make breakfast, clean, then maybe do whatever her new friends wanted to do– like go to the beach or play some type of sport with them, and Emily even started letting her help with cooking and cleaning again.

Eli contemplated on completely isolating herself again but this time she didn't want to be away from everyone. She just tried harder to not let her sleep deprivation show– meaning her annoyance and sleepiness. But after a few days, Eli's body was slowly starting to fail on her from not having any proper rest.

The other imprints were now allowed to be around her again too, which she still didn't know anything about. She hadn't even questioned why the other two girls hadn't been around because, frankly, she didn't really care all that much. Everyone had noticed how moody Eli had grown, though she wasn't necessarily angry just annoyed by everything, which wasn't very uncharacteristic for her, so Sam slowly allowed them to come around again, as long as they still kept a distance between them. The imprinters were happy from the news but still slightly on edge, warning the imprintees to keep a distance from her.

Eli was currently sitting at the beach with the others when an intense wave of exhaustion overcame her. Growing used to this feeling, she decided to do what she has been doing every time she grew tired, and that was to go for a small walk. Though when she went to push herself up, her body couldn't muster up enough strength to do it and she feel back down on her butt. She quickly looked around the group to make sure that nobody had saw her. Luckily the boys were too busy playing with the soccer ball and the girls were too busy talking to each other to notice her struggle.

Eli sighed heavily and fell backwards onto the large blanket they were sitting on, closing her eyes. The cool wind surrounded the group, but for once, Eli didn't mind being cold since it helped her stay awake. Her body shivered when a cool breeze blew by, but unfortunately she soon felt a warmth radiating from beside her. She cracked an eye open and stared up at the male who was already staring back down at her.

"Cold?" He raised an eyebrow. He held a jacket in his hand, that he had actually only brought for her just in case, and he was glad he had made that decision. Although Eli usually only wore sweaters, she wore a thin long sleeved shirt that particular day. She tried to steer away from heavy clothing when going to the beach on warm days for obvious reasons. Though La Push was still La Push, meaning it was always chilly no matter what.

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