Chapter Thirty One

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Chapter Thirty One


She has never been so exhausted in her life. Not during the sleepwalking. Not during the nightmares. Not even during late night patrolling she had to endure when she was learning how to patrol the lands. No... This was a different kind of exhaustion. She didn't even remember falling asleep until she woke up in Emily's guest bedroom.

Actually, she didn't remember even going to Emily's guest room...

Pushing the blanket off of herself– which was rare considering her high temperature– and placed her aching feet onto the cool wooden floor, she rubbed her hands down her face in an attempt to wake herself up. She didn't know how long she has been there but it mags probably been long enough– Sam would be wanting her help with patrolling. She was supposed to be on La Push Duty.

Releasing a heavy breath, she pushed herself up from the bed and immediately cringed at the sudden ache circulating her body. That was an unusual thing to happen unless her body was healing from a fight... for which she hasn't been in one the last she remembered.

The house was quiet as she made her way down the hallway and into the living room. Nobody was in there or the kitchen. Though she heard quiet muttering coming from the porch.

She followed the voices and found Emily and Rachel sitting outside. It was an oddly nice day for it being winter. They had woven blankets keeping them warm with mugs in their hands. Eli quietly opened the sliding door and took a step outside, a shiver flowing down her spine from the cold air. She caught their attention and immediately noticed the look of concern covering their beautiful features.

"What's going on?" She wasted no time to ask.

"Hey, you're up sooner than we figured you would be." Emily said with a gentle smile, standing from the porch swing. "How're you feeling?"

Eli was taken aback by her question. Of course she felt fine more or less. "I'm fine..." She glanced between the two women. "Why?"

"Well..." Emily took her hand and guided her toward the swing to sit down. "There was a small fight between a few shifters and you got caught in the middle."

"What? I don't remember that." Eli was confused. She didn't remember there being a fight between anyone. Though as she thought about it, she vaguely remember patrolling with Quil along the border.

"You and Quil split for a second and you... you ran into Jake." Rachel mumbled, looking down at her hands. "He was going to see dad to ask him questions and, well, it got out of control."

"Got out of control?" She furrowed her brows in more confusion. Though her dislike for Jacob wasn't unknown... meaning she probably said something that pissed him off beyond coming back from wolf-rage.

"You hit your head pretty hard." Emily told her gently. "It's been a few days."

"What?!" Eli exclaimed in disbelief. She was a wolf with super-human healing so how did that manage to happen. She should have been able to shake it off. "I don't understand..."

"Sue's been helping a lot whilst the boys have been gone..." Emily continued, clearly avoiding eyes contact. Which may have been usual for Eli to do but it wasn't usual for Emily to do.

"A few days! What about the demon baby? What about–"

"She was born," Rachel announced. "And hasn't tried to kill anyone... yet."

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