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Percy walked back to the hall way her room is in, and stopped at the two doors she sensed people in.

She knocked as she opened the door. She was not expecting to see a knife flying towards her. She grabbed it at the handle, millimeters from her face.

She set the knife down on the dresser, and looked at the wide-eyed kid.

"Breakfast is ready," she said, not even fazed by the knife. The Ares cabin, and Athena cabin did that a lot. It even became a training exercise. Then she shut the door and left, while humming a song from The Little Mermaid.

She went to the other room she sensed someone else in and frowned at the light coming out the bottom of the door. She walked inside and sighed at the sight.

Tim was asleep at his computer, surrounded by four, empty, large mugs of coffee.

She saw a cup of water away from the computer, but on the desk. She shot the water at Tim's face, and quickly put it back in the cup, before Tim opened his eyes completely.

"Tim, you awake?" Percy asked, as if she didn't just wake him.

Tim looked at her, "did you just splash me with water?"

"No, and you're completely dry," Percy said, lying straight faced.

"Huh. Must have been a dream. But why are you here?" Tim asked, not rude; just genuinely curious.

"Alfred asked me to get you all, as he finished breakfast," Percy said.

"Oh. Thanks," Tim said, smiling at her from his chair.

Percy smiled back, and then left the room, taking the four mugs with her.

Tim looked at the cup of water, and then back at the door.

Then he shook his head, "strange dream," he muttered to himself. Then he got up and quickly showered and got dressed before heading down to the table.

Percy was knocking on Bruce's door, since she heard a sink running, and could sense a lot of water in the air. She assumed he'd just finished showering.

She heard the water stop running, and Bruce head toward the door.

"Yes?" Bruce asked, as he opened the door.

"Alfred asked me to tell you breakfast is ready," Percy said.

"You were up already?" Bruce asked.

"I'm not answering these questions again. But yes, I helped make breakfast," Percy said, then she turned and walked away.

Bruce watched her walk away, and sighed. But he just turned around and finished getting ready.

Percy went back to the kitchen, and saw Alfred putting food onto plates, and placing it on the cart he used yesterday.

"Anything I can do?" Percy asked.

"What would you like to drink?" Alfred asked.

"Just some orange juice and a water bottle, please," Percy said.

"Of course," Alfred said.

"Thanks, Alfred," Percy said, then she left the kitchen and went back to the dining room.

She saw that Damian was already there, looking at her with narrow eyes.

"Morning, Damian," Percy said, giving him a small smile, as she sat down where she sat yesterday.

"You caught the knife," Damian said.

"Would you have preferred I didn't?" Percy asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

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