{ Proverbs 25:2-3 }

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Chapter 4 song: La Valse de L'Amour by Patrick Doyle

{    "It is the glory of God to conceal things, but the glory of kings is to search things out. As the heavens for height, and the earth for depth, so the heart of kings is unsearchable."   }

'Mommy still won't tell me what they are and E keep saying: it's goin cost ye in his own words and when I pay up, he gives me the stupidest of the stupidest hints. The latest hint he said: I'm the one people come to when in need...

Like what does that mean? I feel like he's using me, he keeps asking me for my energy, and every time I say yes, I feel weaker and tire..er. Whatever! Mommy can't read my mind at this range.' The little girl summarizes the past 2 years and a half being at the Callaway's Estate.

Her eyes searching for a specific jet black hair with ends a natural platinum white. They're out in the luscious green meadow away from the house to be able to have fun. Noticing the person's sitting on top of an oak tree branch far up for the girl to reach, however, her determination and dedication are higher than any tree.

Beginning to climb up the tree, she grins, tapping the closest thing to touching them. "Tag, you're it!" She exclaims, jumping down onto the ground to merely run away from the same person. The girl giggles at them leaping off of the tree. Picking up her dress, she sprints faster.

The crisp, cool, spring breeze gently peppers her features, her eyes automatically shutting to feel herself immersing in the nature around her. Abruptly, she opens them back up, peering behind her to see the laddie chasing her. "Nah, Nah, Nah, boo, boo, you can't catch meee!!" She squeals, moving her head forward. 

All of a sudden, Y/n catches a glimpse of a familiar creature in the distance. Like before, stands there watching her from afar. The proximity it's in has an oblivious abyss—darkness surrounding it. The creature once more radiates pure evil and wickedness. The darkness around it begins to seep out of the entity and heading straight toward her in a very leisurely manner.

Her whole body feels as if an urge is telling her to get away from that creature, from Vincent, from his family, from this estate. Y/n's expression soon morphs into a petrified face, the smile that once dominated her complexion is replaced by a frown, and her eyebrows furrow downwards. Promptly before the liquids in her eyes dare to break free.

Her tiny figure collides with something hard, and firm, resulting in her collapsing onto the ground. "Owwww..." She winces, rubbing her bottom to soothe the sharp pain. Glancing up, she distinguishes white and black hair above her, the sun blocking the person's appearance, although a hand extends out in her face.

Gripping it, the person pulls Y/n off of the ground. She dusts her dress off, especially her bottom part. "Watch where yer goin, A leanbh." He utters. The last part of the sentence baffles the girl, albeit she doesn't let it show. Like her mother told her earlier that he uses Gaelic at times.

"You got in my way." She blames the boy in front of her, he merely shifts his attention away from her cynical expression. His eyes moving over to the spacious meadow around them. Tiny creatures hopping, slithering, flying out and about with apathetic prancing alongside the animals.

The girl allows a breath to slip out of her lips. Vincent simply rotates his head back to the little girl noticing how the orgastic inside her gradually morphs into languidness. "Dae ye want to play, again?" Vincent implies, his hand planting onto her head, attempting to get her focus on him.

Lifting her head upwards to him. "Honestly, I'm gettin—"

'Y/n! It's time for our stroll in town.' Y/n's mother's voice echoes within the daughter's mind. "What lassie? The devil got yer tongue?" The girl ignores the boy while commencing on gathering herself together and latching her hand around his, albeit Vincent flinches away from their interaction. "Sorry." The girl bashfully apologizes.

"Where ye goin?" He questions her, his footing scurries over to the nimble pace of the small girl. Y/n simply whips her head around to discover the lean boy trailing behind her eventually side by side with her pink, white fleecy, enormous skirt permeating around her.

She crosses her arms against her chest as her smile spreads across her cute, tiny complexion. "Well, me and mommy are going to town!" She admits, sensing the exultant at the verge of her exploding from triumph. "Aye, 'tis that time?" He queries the girl.

"Yup! It's my faaavorite thing to do! I—I love going into town with mommy!" She adds on, her feet lifting off of the ground, her skirt accompanying her tumultuous motion.


The street bustling all around the shops, town folks striding in the spacious yet compacted sidewalks. People subconsciously maneuvering their way around the kids in the middle of a circle, dancing, singing, playing, and simply being literal kids.

Contrary to the protagonist, she's analyzing her surroundings around her, her eyes cast in awe by the indiscernible beings in the atmosphere. Albeit, she and a few people (her mother) are able to perceive these divine creatures.

'If Mommy can't tell me what E and his family are? Then I will be invest—investago—in... Whatever! Stupid word. I'll be conducting my own studies on them.' Y/n mentions her main itinerary for this entire visit.

Hand in hand with the warm, older lady's. The young child tucking and dragging the woman along every time she catches an angelic being. Dogs, angels, people, cherubs, cats, horses, ducks. Literally anything! "Y/n, I know you love exploring, but Jesus Mary, and Joseph pace yourself, bisque. The shop isn't going nowhere." The mother of the child exclaims.

Eventually, the protagonist halts all of her tugging and dragging once they're both standing in front of a normal door having a dark purple sign hanging on it with writings saying: Let me show you your future. Above the entrance is the shop's name: Charmé. Beside the door are two large peek glass panels on either side. These Golden curtains drape down the windows and an enormous, white, circular zodiac chart.

The middle-aged lady releases the younger girl to merely grasp onto a brown, satchel bag. Hearing the sounds of keys rustling around the bag while the child on the side ecstatically awaits, jumping up and down for her mother to unlock the shop. "What's got you so hyper, today?" Her mother inquires. Y/n lifts her head to gaze upon the beautiful lady she so reassembles.

"Research." She blurts out, the lady simply arches an eyebrow upwards at her truthful response. Rotating the key to the left, the girl simultaneously distinguishes a subtle click coming from within the entrance.

The mother automatically places a foot forward to be the first inside however the deft child of hers sprints and passes her, already rushing towards the books in the back. "What are we going to do with that girl of ours?" The mother proclaims, rotating her head to perceive a very familiar man on the side of her.

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