{ Job 4:16 }

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Chapter 25's song: Recently By Liana Flores

A/n: This song just popped up in my head. I don't know why, but I thought this song fit the chapter. 

{ "Anyone who withholds kindness from a friend forsakes the fear of the Almighty." }

"J'ai tu, ma rusé renard! (I got you, sly fox!)" A masculine voice booms behind the protagonist's back. There's a long sneaky pair of arms slithering across her waistline. Her body immediately gets propelled upwards to the clear sky above the lascivious grass a foot or so up. Subconsciously, her hands seize up on the limbs maintaining her sudden height difference, holding them to station and steady herself in her profound level.

The sweet lovely sounds are created by the same arms capturing her. The soothing humorous noises are flowing throughout the two people sharing the joyous atmosphere. "Oh dear. Monsieur, s'il vous plaît! Place the lady down!" She pleads despite her sentence, her elocution is slightly heightened to the waves of laughter permeating within her as she exhibits exuberance and sarcasm to creep in her tone.

"D'accord! (Okay!)" He obliges. Normally, he would be reluctant and rebellious to her commands. Always wanting to be acknowledged of nonsensical things she had to quickly spew out. Abruptly her body's thrusted forward instead of dropping straight down. She senses herself being piloted to the west, the cool crisp breeze caresses her face, shoving the loose strands in the opposite direction to her.

Eventually, she collapses onto crunchy yet pointy edges to embrace her fall for her. It crunches once she's in a pile of the same miniature orange/red thin objects. It's completely unorganized and scattered everywhere around her, some most likely are getting caught in her morning stroll gown.

"Bug!" Y/n exclaims. She tightens her grasp on them, distinguishing the infamous crunch and the breakage of the once whole item into minuscule pieces.

He's currently calming his laughter fit down while an amused grin plastered onto his tanned appearance. "Quoi? You said to place you down and I obliged." He confesses. She rolls her eyes at his prompt behavior to jump and immediately obey her every instruction. Émeric's hands are placed in both of his pockets, tilting his head lightly to the side. Bug's eyes seemed as if he was waiting for his three-year-old daughter to finish her mess.

"Thank you so much for listening to me, nonetheless, you could've positioned me two inches away to avert this pred—

"Oh, wow! Can I assist you up?" Another feminine voice is approaching their playful criminal scene. They both pivot their heads to the upcoming person being unbothered by the confusion spiraling in their minds. The woman isn't alone though, on the right side, she has the infamous Vincent the Barbaric of Scotland silently judging them. Y/n's arms are extended out, waiting for her assistant to help her out during this mortified dire situation.

The salt and pepper-haired demon positions his figure to Y/n's side to aid her, albeit Bug Aka Émeric's already on it with assisting her lift. "Non, I got it." Émeric advises him. He snatches her hands into his, tugging her upwards onto her feet as Vincent's golden eyes morph into cool lights of warning to Émeric.

The subtle touch to Y/n somehow provokes something inside him, emotions that can easily cause him to wreak havoc on this planet. Soaking the lands in his malevolence of sin as he continues to corrupt/warp the human's minds. The blood stains upon his pale hands.

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