{ Luke 6:35 }

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Chapter 9's song: J.S Bach Mass in b minor Kyrie I herreweghe

A/n: This song has a very angelic and holiness to it. I just had to put it in this chapter. Enjoy!

{    "But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return, and your reward will be great."    }

After that outburst on Y/n's ninth birthday. That one birthday became two then three birthdays ago. The hallways that once filled up with mirthfulness and enjoyment transform into hollowed ghostly memories in the far distance. The laughter that accompanied the scurry feet currently echoes throughout the enormous estate.

The residence once again becomes a ghost town, the life that used to revitalize the negative energy, being sucked away from the people inside. Mainly, the two young kids who were inseparable from the start are now nowhere near each other.

The same hallways he grew up in are current reminders of their once so-pleasant relationship to their frigid friendship. His daily activities evolve more into a chore: Tedious and stultifying.

Vincent continues to lose interest in reading, chess, and other miscellaneous activities. Since his mind would insert the delightful thoughts of the two over and over again like a record player repeating the same song.

Recently, the noblewoman he encountered at the circus: Lilian Jocelyn Mary Rosenfield has been coming over to the place to hang out with Vincent. Although he doesn't desire to speak to anyone lately. Despite this, he still permits her to spend time with him.

The loneliness he used to enjoy is now a cavity of despair. It's as if he needs to be around someone else other than his family and it aggravates him to the core.

Nonetheless, after the second year, Vincent deferred all of his hobbies and started to sit outside the very same door to the young girl. The one girl, he could tolerate and never touch, sexually.

He was always fond of the concept of not being able to feel her as if she was a constant reminder that he can be virtuous. Even though he's a demon, he can still do the devil's work and be a bit...human.

At times, the female would leave out of her room to run some errands with her mother. Immediately, she encounters Vincent next to the entrance awaiting her presence like he's been patiently waiting his turn in line. Y/n would stand there for a good moment analyzing his face while Vincent greets her with an unutterable hullo. Eventually, she shoves her way past him without greeting him.

However, one day, Vincent got fed up with her action. When she was about to move, he blocked her passageway asking: "Why are you doin this ta me? Why are ye actin so cold? As if ye forgot who I am? I'm still the same E—Vinny ye ken." His figure's sauntering towards hers, habitually she steps away, endeavoring to maintain the distance.

All she said is: "You're a demon and I repudiate being associated with the likes of you." Y/n walks right back into her room, slamming the door in his face.

Vincent's legs buckles to the ground, his body's facing the closed entrance of the young girl. Instead of getting all melancholic, he sits there absorbing the prior minutes he had spent with Y/n. His expression leisurely transforms into his former apathetic complexion. Lifting his body off the ground to purely walk away for a bit.

One day on a Sunday morning, the protagonist goes to her daily place every morning with her mother. A place of the holy trinity and morals. All good spirits overwhelms the people in this building resulting in them applauding, agreeing, and other modest gestures to praise the all mighty.

However after the seminar is over, Y/n's mother as usual conserve amongst the other women in the place—Church. Being cordial and garrulous to them. She permits her daughter to roam around, perhaps, talk to the kids surrounding them, albeit the girl doesn't do that for the past few weeks.

Her mind is too preoccupied with the thoughts of her malicious friend. 'Maybe God's teaching me who are my unfeigned friends and who are my foe?.. Why did he put a demon in my life? Perhaps God's striving to make me into one of his strongest soldiers! But God, you were supposed to—.' Her thoughts are interrupted by a delicate calm voice, appearing right beside her on the red-mahogany wooden bench.

"What is troubling you, my child?" Her shoulders tense up with anxiousness, noticing how there's a stranger possibly another demon that's out to get her. Y/n pivots her attention to the right side of her. Distinguishing the long black robe laying on his legs as they fill the seat just to accompany the loneliness, yet apprehensive girl.

She immediately becomes more assuaged by the certain higher person. Her lips tugs upwards into a soft grin on her dainty complexion. Y/n's languidly glimpses up from her lap to the enormous golden figurines with predominant angels flying around the center of the golden saints surrounding one another with bibles in each hand.

A huge yellow circular window pane is decorated with gold and golden clouds above the angels. Below the whole picture is seven golden and crème white chairs lined up in front of the elegantly, decorative linen on a elongated table.

"Can I confess something to you, Father Matthew?" She hesitantly starts. Her thumbs begins to habitually twirl around one another in an act of soothing her nerves. "Of course, you can. This is the house of the lord, your confessions are always confidential to me and god alone..." He reassures her.

"Well, I feel like I'm being attacked by something...spiritually..." Y/n comments on what's been going on with her life and what demon has been poisoning her mind. "Well, I'm surmising that it's not a demon since The Elitists were able to wipe out the majority of the demon's populat—"

This time, it's the young lady disrupting his sentence. "No, no, it is not that sort. Look, there is this friend, I have known for literally my entire life and they showed me a family secret they've been hiding for years from me. Once I knew...I sort of freaked out and lost communication to them because I felt as if it was immoral for me to still be their friend. As if it went against my belief system."

"Well, you should not distant yourself from them because you do not like their secret. They told you this secret because they trusted and confined in you." The older man advises.

"However, the thing is...I discovered the truth and he was forced to tell me."

"And you freaked out because you were not delighted of what you heard. Am I correct?"

"Yeah, but I was not trying to freak o—I..I did not know what to do and I simply shutdown. It's a habit of mines to close peopl—

"The lord is all about change and forgiveness. My child, even if it goes against our morals. Kindness is part of that moral too. We are all taught kindness through the word of God. As he forgive us, so can we, forgive others. Hopefully that gives you some insight, my child..." The priest advises the young girl before getting up from the bench to greet the other Christians.

After that conversation, Y/n begins to ponder over his words. 'Give kindness to those who are misfortune or fortunate... No, forgive and be kind to Vincent from now on...'

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