{ Proverbs 30:18-19 }

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Chapter 20's song: Vigil By David Ross Lawn

{ "There are three things that amaze me—no, four things that I don't understand: how an eagle glides through the sky, how a snake slithers on a rock, how a ship navigates the ocean, how a man loves a woman." }

The protagonist's back is pushed up against a wall, her arms intersecting each other as her eyes primarily focus on the clean shining floor of the Callaway's manor. Her mind chases around her conclusions. The word 'I' constantly keeps being brought up in her conscious mind. Her right thumb caresses her inner bicep in a manner of soothing the loud melodies of confusion and concern.

However, in her lucid trance, she doesn't acknowledge the person on the side of her, contemplating her apprehensive face. The person—Vincent came from the room right beside the wall she was leaning on. He doesn't move his lips because of his highly peculiar hobby of observing Y/n in her habitat.

Something about this particular human causes him to learn and study their behaviors. For him to comprehend his profound emotions resurfacing every time he notices, thinks, or touches the mortal. His body desires to desperately pull at the corner of his lips, finding some entertainment in watching her bask in her thoughts.

Her features during this stage, allow her face to soften slightly, nonetheless, her eyebrows are obstinate to her. They furrow cutely downwards, forcing her eyes to become miniature by the abrupt pressure placed upon her. Her expression causes Vincent to remove the tiresome, tepid facade he plasters on him in an attempt to scare people away.

However, when it's with the mortal, he can't bring himself to fabricate feelings toward her. He desires to explore these all-so-new emotions with the mortal that most likely caused it to arouse in him.

During this time, the woman snaps herself out of her mind and pivots her eyes to the being right next to her. Glimpsing up to the taller man, she presents a humorous smile to substitute the subtle frown she subconsciously had on her. "Hey, what did they say?" Y/n musters up the question that plagues her overwhelming mind.

Vincent creates an audible low sound to vibrates within his throat as his head turns to the humongous window ahead of them. The black large curtains drape to the side of it. The outside world is shown in the small ajar positions in the curtains. "They stated they do not mind, however, they yearn for our welfare." Vincent apprises the decision of his family.

Y/n immediately brings both her hands together making a raucous sound ring throughout the hall. The smile she previously had, only grows a tad wider by the announcement. "Well... Hurry up and pack your belongings. You merely have a few days for France!" She exclaims, continuing to produce the same amusing sounds with her palms.

"Ye seem merrier than me?" Vincent questions her ulterior motives for her sudden excitement, knowing discreetly he, too, is thrilled by the sudden anticipation. The thought of the L/n and him being far from his own judgmental family delights him. "It's because you don't show enough emotions, that's why." She taunts the demon on his stereotype. He lightly shakes his head and crosses his arms up to his chest. "I dinna need ta." Vincent adds.

A few days later
Departure to France...

'Hurry up, Y/n. Let's go!' The woman's voice bounces within the head of the protagonist. The servants on the side helping couldn't distinguish the lady guest below. Y/n's hands grip anything that appears to be an utmost importance to her. "Come, come now, ladies. We shall be done in three minutes." She instructs them. They inclined their head to the commands. None attempting to objectify her wishes.

Once the packing is finalized, she snatched two bags on her sides allowing the servants to only carry two other luggage. The teenager scurries her body out of her room and into the long corridor hallways. A delicate grin sneakily makes its appearance on her exhilarating countance.

Her mind soars with all of the possibilities she will be competent to do with her best friend Émeric. Although it's been years since she's played or visited the Aveline she fondly remembers the brunet curly-haired boy with tan brown skin tone. They were so little, that all of their amusing activities were slightly different.

'Gosh, reminiscing on all of this, now, makes me ponder. How long has it been? I was only six. Five? Seven? He did visit when I was 10, nonetheless, that was eons ago.' The protagonist's thoughts wander around one another, chasing each time a core memory pops up.

'Oh, Vincent is going to love him! He was great the last time I recalled. Well—' The seventeen-year-old girl is immediately disrupted by the salt-and-pepper-haired male approaching the front room.

His female companion; Lilian is conversing with one another. She's grinning upon her excitement at their conversation. Whatever is happening, causes Vincent to rotate his eyes upwards and then to the other side.

Vincent glimpses into the hallways Y/n is in, and he moves his focus away once again. Eventually, it flickers right back to her ascending presence. The boredom that was smeared on his pale complexion is completely wiped clean. His eyes are softened and repose to his childhood friend: Y/n. Although he persists in the languid expression he's discreetly exhibiting his elated feelings of being around Y/n.

"Lass? Ye are excessively late and extemporaneous." Vincent interrogated the very punctual woman. The lady simply shakes her head at his remark. "I am not!" She bickers to the demon, questioning her presence. "Lass the way ye were packin, I could've played three chess matches." Vincent scoffs.

"Vinny, how are you such a drama Queen?" Y/n taunts. Of course, she was only a few minutes late, her tardiness made it difficult for him to attain him and not follow her into her room.

"Well, I will make ascertain your child, Vincent will remain in good shape." Her mother vows to his parents. The father had one of his arms around Cassia's waist as he look at his golden pocket watch. Observing the big hand ticking away. The mother has both hands overlapping with each other in front of her.

"We know Vincent can take care of himself." Cassia reassures her parent. Her elocution dips into a sinister tone at the end, knowing everyone's acknowledged by their abilities. "Well. I'm going to miss you, my friend." Lilian confesses, tugging at Vincent's left arm sleeves.

Her arms encircled his huge form Vincent pats her back once before placing his arms back to the side. Indicating that he's done being affectionate to her. 'They look lovely together?' The protagonist surmises by the previous intimate moment.

"Alright, we're departing now. Anon, everyone!" Her mother notifies the people at the front entrance. The carriage's awaiting the three presences. Immediately, Y/n dashes to the vehicle in front too happy to see her French friend.

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