{ 1 Peter 4:8 }

866 47 22

Chapter 16's song: Run by Hozier

{ "Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins." }

5 years later...

"Rare, is this love? Keep it covered." A masculine siren-like voice pervades the air. His tone is gentle and light flowing within his throat and the softness of his sound is contrary to their typical apathetic appearance. Their eyes concentrate on the other person inside the room.

Analyzing their every subtle movement to their two-step side-to-side dance. Their hands grab onto their dandelion-yellow crinoline dress. Their countenance radiates with euphoria and serenity. Watching them seems to wash the male all of his worries away. "Oh, but the farrow knows. Her hungry eyes, her ancient soul." The man continues his alluring song.

The person—Y/n senses herself falling deeper into the depths of the melody. Her body gracefully sways side to side as her mind shifts down below her subconscious. She perceives the world around her beginning to slip away, the more he continues to sing.

'Gosh. Vincent has a phenomenal voice. I could honestly let him sing me to sleep. The way he sings is simply unique and extraordinary.' The protagonist compliments the male behind her whos causally sitting on the black sofa of the study room.

Y/n's eyes are shut allowing herself to become extensively emerged with his angelic voice. The words appear to tangle the human lady up and the temptation to give herself over to it makes it difficult to resist. Her body seemed to cling to every word making herself spiral more into becoming dependent on it for her euphoric emotions welling inside her.


The singing has ceased. The seventeen-year-old girl unconsciously rips herself from the depth of the demon's lullaby. Her figure rushes over to the opposite end of the black leather sofa. Her arms intersected one another as she settle them on the armrest of the sofa. Her chin digs into her limbs while she casually gazes at the salt-and-pepper-haired demon. Despite her cordial expression, he cowers away from her getting closer to him if he doesn't need to.

His body instantly shifts away inching farther to simply notice the ambivalent emotions inside of her. "Lovely piece. Was it derived from Scotland?" She questions.

"Aye, tis. I could perhaps teach ye the lyrics." He suggests. Vincent's voice lingers with his normal monotone and an intimation of interest to the younger lass' answer. Her head automatically inclines to his invitation to connect more to the woman.

He produces an audible sound implying he will grant her wish. "Repeat after me. Rare is this love." Vincent starts the first line to the traditional song of Scotland. The girl eagerly anticipates every single syllable to be as perfect as how Vincent was singing it earlier. "Rare, is this love." She obliged his commands.

"Keep it covered. I need you to run to me, run to me, lover." Vincent robotically recites the lyrics of course she trails along with his words.

He lets a breath slip out of his mouth. "Now, we will sing it this time." Vincent advises her.

Rare is this love. Keep it covered.~

RAAre, is Thisss LovE. KEEEp it cOveREd.

During the duration of their singing. Vincent catches himself attempting to suppress laughter towards the mortal's ability. He strives to shift his head to the complete opposite side of the girl's direction each time he distinguishes the ticklish emotions erupting from the pits of his stomach. Also to lower Y/n's suspicions of his futile attempts of concealing his mirthfulness.

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