{ Matthew 5:9 }

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Chapter 6's song: Serenade For Strings in E Major By Antonio Vivaldi

{    "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God."   }

"For Y/n's ninth birthday, you and her will be going to the circus!" Y/n's mother proclaims as the mentioned girl jumps up and down in tumult, her shouts of exhilaration purely amplifies her mirthfulness. She's grasping onto the bent-over woman's forearms in an attempt to maintain her composure while in the process of shaking up her mother's figure.

"The... carriage is waiting for you!" The lady declares, implying for her daughter to release her limbs. The boy, accompanying the birthday kid simply nods at this and seizes her tiny hand in his. This interaction only compels the jittery offspring to defer her movement all completely. Her eyes trail over to the mysterious—unpredictable, golden eyes of the boy, who's holding her palm in his.

"...'Mon (come on)." Vincent advises her, gesturing her with his head to go in that direction towards the front door. Still puzzled by their hands, she easily oblige his commands. Her eyes seeming to return back to the main topic—his palm and surprisingly they're... cold.

Albeit the surprise is gone as soon as they left out that enormous door. She's invited by the cool, crisp breeze instead of his icy slender fingers wrapping around her tiny one. "Ye ken, I dinna fondly care for touchin' a wee lassie." He utters before wiping the same hand off on his suit.

'Well! Aren't ye a wee kid, too? I wanted to say that, nevertheless I had to bite my tongue on this one since today's my birthday.' The girl concludes in her mind, alleviating herself from causing a quarrel over who's the most guileful one. A nine year old, or a fourteen year old?


"Woah! We should be swift and get in there before they snatch away all the best seats!!" Y/n exclaims, sprinting over to where the seating area is. Her excitement floods back in her body as she maneuvers herself around the crowd, just for her to get somewhat decent seatings whilst abandoning the boy to fend for himself.

"Lass! Lassie! Y/n!!" Vincent incessantly shouts for the girl's name to capture her attention. He commences to navigate through the throng of people from babies to senior citizens, all anticipating the thrill of the show to begin.

Garrulous people doesn't help out their predicament since their talking only drowns out his adolescent voice. He continues to shout her name although his tone consistently creaks every thirty minutes producing him to clear his throat.

Ultimately, the young lady perceives his dreadful calls. She pivots her figure around to trudge back to his horrendous shoutings, her arms gently pushing folks aside. Her lips' opening each time she shoves someone she verbally speaks the words: Excuse me, ma'am/sir. Eventually, she discerns the slightly taller guy in the midst of the crowd.

"What~, Vinny! You can't keep up with a nimble girl like me!" Y/n unintentionally banters at the boy, who, she rustle her tiny hand in his hair, without giving him any chance to react by this gesture. That's actually quite intimate to his kind. Instantly, his face transforms into a ripe tomato ready to be plucked.

Vincent thrust himself away from her touch albeit it was already too late for him to defer his side effects. The effects begins to permeate throughout y/n with these unknown emotions racing in her, her own face generates this intoxicating warmth inside her, the heat within habitually shooting up to her sensitive parts.

Her figure wriggling side to side with her eyes glistening in something unknowingly to her but to Vincent, quite the contrary. "Eww... I feel weird~." She comments extending her hands out in front of her to simply distinguish the unsteadiness welling up inside her.

Her eyes now changing her focus over to his, hesitantly Vincent rest a palm on her left shoulder. Once again, shocked by this action she doesn't notice the foreign feelings starting to disperse as if it was never there in the first place.

Their eyes connecting with one another. One gaze displaying enthusiasm and warmth of comfort. The other one habitually presents apathetic, however there's a shimmer of the same emotion from before appear back into his instead.

Perceiving the familiar sensation, Vincent snatches himself away from her, just to walk in the same direction she retreated away to. "Vinny!! Wait up!" The birthday girl scurries off to the faintly reddish waned boy, his right hand covering his lower region of his face.

'Ugh! Why did she have to do that?... she's not acknowledged by the trigger parts of an incubus.' Vincent mentions, pivoting his head over to the lassie chasing after him, now.


"Can we get some snacks?" The birthday girl whispers in his personal space. Her breath brushing softly against his cheek, casually he positions his face farther away and scoop over to create some air between the two. Although the boy ignores her commands the female does the same actions from earlier.

Plopping over to the next available room, his bubble, lean towards his face implying they should get some snacks. Once more, move, scoot. Plop lean whisper. Then again, move scoot plop lean whisper they continue to do this same interaction until Vincent's thigh to thigh with another person. An exasperated Vincent, he breaks.

"Fine! Fine! I'll fetch ye some ludicrous snacks." Vincent exclaims, lifting his body upwards to go to the concession stand alone. The girl settles her hands on the side of her, wrapping her fingers on the edge of the bench nearly digging underneath her seat and others.

The anticipation is welling inside her, all ready to explode in extreme triumph for the show to simply start or to distinguish a particular person in the middle of the stadium. Her face emanates into pure exhilaration: A big cheeky smile, her miniature figure rocking back and forth, her legs crossing each other as it moves in a swaying motion below her.

"Ladies and gentlemen~!" A booming voice echoes throughout the enormous building. The protagonist automatically squeal out a high pitched tone with all the other folks cheering on the start of the show. However her eyes abruptly catches something in her perceptual vision.

𝕳𝖊'𝖘 𝕷𝖎𝖐𝖊 𝕬 𝕳𝖞𝖆𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖍Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant