{ James 1:14-15 }

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Chapter 18's song: Bleached By Video Days

{ "But each one is tempted when he is carried away and enticed by his own lust. Then when lust has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and when sin is accomplished, it brings forth death." }

Soft delicate laughter floats above the people, chasing around a tree as they continue to sprint away farther from each other. Two bodies distance themselves from one another while they constantly expand the space between them.

One of the beings burst a taunt towards the slower one stating: "Come on, Mr. Callaway. You are doing your species no justice." The feminine voice soar smoothly within the atmosphere eventually landing into the other's ears. Consequently, the statement initiates a burst of adrenaline rushing through their veins.

Her head pivots back around to the spacious meadow surrounding them then the eyes of the jokester catch a glimpse of a black and white wall abruptly ahead. Already in motion, she's unable to defer her movements and collides with this sudden wall. While falling, the person panics immediately seeking anything to relieve the softening of the fall. Her grasp catches onto a piece of clothing however instead of saving her from falling it continues to descend with her.

Her body hitting the ground and the clothing she grabs is the one and only Vincent St. Evans Callaway. His arms are on either side of the seventeen-year-old girl as her attention is solely on his enchanting gaze. Silently his magnetizing golden yellow eyes never wanted to break free from the tranquility it has on the lady below.

The darkness within allures the protagonist's pure light, her innocence entices the darkness inside, wanting to dance and tangle with it. To simply be infused to one another, not desiring to eat her light, but to become one in it.

The light that once cast him out of his home is presented to him and he distinguishes sensations in his body beginning to generate familiar thoughts in his already corrupted mind. Pondering thoughts conjure up in his mind, wondering and yearning to become acknowledged to these conclusions.

Her body is underneath him while he's on top, conscious about her helpless form below. His left leg is bent at a 90° angle between the protagonist's thighs, yet the leg gradually moves upwards to where she is the most vulnerable and sensitive. Her purity is merely in between her thighs, rubbing against his leg.

His attention flickers over to her delicate tinted lips. That beautiful part of the body can bring wondrous sensations, he would love to evoke wondrous memories in the precious lady. Exhibit behaviors she would gladly scream to and sing on.

Give her a good time and a very long one. He would indeed take his sweet time with her, devoting and worshipping her body in ways she deserves. Every inch would be given to his appreciation upon her light. Every time she opens those sweet lips, it would be making her proficient in singing.

Back into reality, the protagonist below merely smiles upon the demon's fixation on her purity. Her body begins to emit another wondrous sound to his ears...laughter. Snapping out of his trance, he notices Y/n's giggling at him. Baffled by the sudden amusement, he accompanies her spiral of excitement and he eventually perceives soft hands settle onto his chest with a gentle jab backwards.

He collapses to the side of the teenager whilst she rises her figure up from the ground. Dusting and ridding herself of those pesky brown particles that invasively collected themselves on her elegant, crème, and sky-blue dress. "Ludicrous dress and your chest." She exclaims to the demon on the ground.

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