Part 2

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The meeting with Hope had somewhat disturbed Klaus' way of life. If what he'd been doing for the past year could be called 'living'. Over the course of his thousand years of life, Klaus had made more than his fair share of enemies, who'd give just anything to trouble and harm him. The moment the supernatural world learned that the mighty hybrid Klaus Mikaelson was now with a child, all those enemies came out from the depths of whatever hell they lived to hunt down the only thing Klaus cared the most about. His daughter.
As long as Klaus stood above this Earth though, no one would dare be a threat to his child. No one would dare harm her. He wouldn't allow it. So for the past year, Klaus'd searched and slaughtered enemies, be it hundred year old vampires or cursed witches who wanted to channel his daughters powers.
Today was the day Klaus and Hope agreed to meet again and Klaus couldn't stop himself from pacing all around the room. What if part of the Hollow that was inside him, could find its way to Hope and posses her body? It had happened once and Klaus felt as if he'd been through hell, when he'd seen his daughter on verge of losing herself to the spirit that possessed her. Oh, but how much had he missed her. His little lovely baby. Now all grown up and going to school. Top of her class. Klaus took a deep breath, chest overflowing with pride. He wasn't sure when exactly she would come, but he assumed it would be the same hour as the first time. Though he wasn't sure Hope could eat, he'd compelled the best pastry chef in the city to make him the most perfect beignets, Hope's favourite sweets. Klaus remembered the time he'd been at the Mikaelson Compound with Hope and told her how he'd had his first beignet. He smiled at the memory, lost in his thoughts until-

'Dad.' A cheerful call pulled him out of his thoughts.
'Hope. Sweetie, you're back.' He couldn't contain his happiness at seeing his daughter again. After the first visit, he'd doubted himself whether it had happened at all or whether he'd dreamed it.
'See I told you I could come next week.' She said enthusiastically.
'Well, I never doubted you princess. Did you take a lot of rest and good sleep?' Klaus' tried to keep the worry that gnawed him from the inside, out of his voice. If Hope ended up tired or worn out from using her powers to much, he'd rather stick to phone calls.
'Did you go at school this week, sweetie?'
'Oh, yes! We had this treasure-hunt game two days ago. Me and Meredith were in the same team and we worked together. Our team won. Yay!' She raised her arms, giggling. Her eyes shining like little sparks. It warmed Klaus' heart in a way he'd never thought it could be warmed.

He could talk like this to her forever. Listen to how she leaned to a new way to mix colours, and how Hope and Freya had practiced new  magic. Klaus spoke religiously with both of his sisters, Freya and Rebekah. While Freya was the only one of the Mikaelsons left in New Orleans, Rebekah lived with Marcel in New York. They always told him they were fine, and as happy as they could be while away from each other, but Klaus knew that being away from each other hurt them enormously.
'So what did you do this week?'
'I destroyed every enemy that wants no good for my beautiful princess. I know that you might hear unpleasant things about me sweetie,' Klaus knew all those books about "the great evil Klaus Mikaelson" that Alaric had written about him. But he hadn't cared about anyone's opinion. Not until now. Now that he wanted to guard whatever was left, if any at all was, of his daughter's innocence. 'And truth is I haven't been a very good person, but that was all before you. Now you are my most precious, invaluable thing in my life. And I do anything to protect you. Never forget that.' He raised his hand in attempt to cup her cheek, but his fingers touched nothing even if Hope's vision so believable that one could think she was there in flesh. Yet he kept his hand there, on the same level as her face. The closest Klaus could get to his daughter. Than Hope made something that if Klaus hadn't know better he'd been on his way to the airport to New Orleans right now. She leaned into his hand.
But of course, Klaus knew better tried to keep the tears from welling into his eyes. The last thing he needed right now was to make Hope feel bad. So they just stood there silently for a moment.

'Oh, beignets!'
'Yes sweetie, your favourites.' He sighed, of course Hope wasn't able to eat them since they couldn't even touch. But he'd wanted to give her a treat. He wanted to give her anything in this world. 'I brought them for you, but I don't think you can have them.' He said apologetically.
'Hmm, I have a solution.' She said and vanished, leaving Klaus alone and empty.  That was a weird departure. Had he upset her?
Now why would you show her something she can't have. Fool.
Klaus was thinking of reaching his phone on the table to call Hayley, when Hope showed up again, this time with a beignet on her hand.
'This one I can eat.' She smiled brightly at her father. 'You should also take a beignet, lets eat them together.' Hope took a big bite of her beignet, the powdered sugar sticking to her upper lip. Klaus took a beignet as well, and sitting opposite his daughter he began eating as well.

It was a peaceful moment, a bonding moment, nothing was really happening  but at the same time it was. Klaus finally was spending time with his daughter, without so other-worldly threat hanging above their head. Save for the Hollow. But it wouldn't go to Hope. Klaus wouldn't let it. He'd fight it even if it meant losing his own mind and conscience in it.
Right now though, he would savour peaceful moments like this. Just small conversations, knowing how his daughter spent her days or weeks. What she liked, who where her friends. It was the closest thing Klaus could have to a place in Hope's life.
'I think it's time to leave now.' Hope said with a small voice.
'Is it? I think we spent more time today than the first time.' He smiled, trying to cheer her up. 'You're doing wonderfully my littlest wolf. I love you.'
'I love you too dad.'
'We'll keep in contact through the phone throughout the week, okay sweetie? Be a good girl and listen to your mother. Eat your food and sleep lots okay?'
'Yes dad, I will. Goodbye now.' She waved her hand, and in a blink of an eye she was gone.
Klaus waved his hand towards the spot his daughter had just been.
'Goodbye sweetie.'

My littlest wolf; A Klope fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now