Part 4

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HAYLEY: Who knew that an 11-year-old's birthday party would be so exhausting? Oh, she, uh, she really liked the bike you got her.
KLAUS: Well, she doesn't need to know where it's from.
HAYLEY: Look, I can't fix this if I don't know why you two aren't speaking.
KLAUS: Well, that's actually why I'm calling. We no longer need to continue having these little chats. You've done a fine job with her. And I trust you'll continue to do as such.
HAYLEY: Since when do Mikaelsons bail on each other?
KLAUS: You're not a Mikaelson. You've escaped us, Hayley. For God's sake, take the win.
HAYLEY: I'm not giving up on you, Klaus.

Its been two years and a half since Klaus stopped contacting his daughter, but he still talked to Hayley. Now he had a mind to cut off ties with her too.
Hope had been his salvation and wish to do better, to be better. And now he'd ruined it all. Now he was bitting off heads of his enemies left and right.
Vampires he had fought centuries ago, tracked them and killed them, even though they hadn't attacked him first. They hadn't threatened him or anything. Klaus nowadays just felt the need to slaughter. 

Klaus: Recently, though, I'm left to orbit from afar, and to pass the time by dropping in on old acquaintances. Entres nous, in , the Gatineaux family and I had a little falling out. I'd really like to put that to rest. So if you'll just... stand aside?

Klaus: You must've heard of me. Klaus le Fou? Klaus le Dement? Niklaus der Morder? No? Nothing?

Klaus: I myself prefer Klaus the Mad. Do spread the word.
'Hello Marcel.'
'Hayley, umm hello?'
'I know that I don't call you much but-' she hesitated a moment.
'Is Hope okay?'
'Yes. No, I mean there is something wrong with her and I just can't pinpoint what exactly. It has to do with Klaus.'
'Ah.' Marcel's tone fell. He knew these sort of issues too well.

''Thing is, after the Hollow was separated in the Mikaelsons and Klaus left, him and Hope kept in touch. He called and I'm sure Hope used some magic trick to actually see him. Probably a blood spell. But after some months they just...' she hesitated again and bit her lip.
'Klaus didn't call for a very long time, and even when he started to call, he didn't ask for Hope. Me and Klaus would just have these little chats, but when I offered to put Hope on the phone he refused. Hope didn't ask for him either. Yesterday he sent a bike for her birthday but told me not to tell Hope it was from him. None of them is telling me what happened and I don't know how to help. Now Klaus has gone mad and I hear all these crazy talk on the streets that he's gone on a killing spree. Hope says she's fine but I can see that something is bothering her. I'm sorry for bothering yo-'

'Anything Hope-related is never a bother or waste of time. I always got your daughter's back Hayley.' Marcel could hear Hayley taking deep breaths over the phone.

'Thank you Marcel. It truly means a lot. I am feeling hopeless right now and I could't think of anyone else who could truly understand.'
'I'll have a word with Klaus. Take care of yourself and your daughter Hayley.'


Klaus had just come out of the building in a dimly lit street when something grabbed him on the shoulder and slammed him to the wall. Not something, someone.

'Marcellus, now what do you think you're doing here?'
'Let's get right into it okay? What's with you and Hope now?'
Klaus' face immediately fell and something flickered in his eyes.
'Why are you pushing Hayley and Hope away? It hurts them you know. It hurts Hope. What's with all the killings and slaughter? I thought you had changed, for Hope.'
'Right into it indeed. You know nothing. All I am doing is killing enemies that wish harm upon her.' Klaus raised his voice, the dim alley lights flickering.
'Hayley says you are absent on her life.'
'Well I can't really be present can I? Not when inside me I have a bloody witch that will posses my daughter's body at the first chance.' Klaus' face was flushed with anger.

'You could have called. To say as much as "happy birthday" at least.' Marcel clenched his fists. Now both of them were angry.
'Why can't you just understand that you have to show effort? Even if you can't be with Hope right now, give your best effort to replace yourself in her life. Hayley said this has been going on for almost three years now. What truly happened? The Klaus I know would have never hurt his baby daughter.'
Marcel's chest rose and fell while he tried to take deep breaths, for one moment it looked like he wasn't talking about Hope. Running his hands through his face Marcel looked at Klaus. Really looked at him. He looked like he was on verge of crying.

'About a year after I left,' his voice was raspy like he hadn't spoken in a long time. 'I was in my living room and than Hope showed out of thin air. She said she'd found a spell that could connect us, I could talk to her and be with her.' His voice thickened and Klaus took a deep breath. 'At first the visits were short, about 15-20 minutes then with practice Hope could hold the spell for longer. We met every Sunday, so Hope could have the rest of the week to rest and take care of herself.'

'So why did you suddenly push her away then?' Marcel was calm now. Now he looked at Klaus with concern in his eyes.
'After about three months I got a call from Hayley, saying that Freya detected some foreign magic around Hope's aura and at night nightmares haunted her. Freya and Vincent located the witches and turned out they had somehow gotten a hold of my blood and located Hope. I went to them, had a bit of a fight.'

'Right, the usual.'

'They had a spell so I couldn't really kill them there, so I knocked them out and brought them home.' Klaus took a deep breath and when he started talking again, his voice trembled. 'It was a Sunday Marcel.'
Marcel's eyes widened as he took in Klaus' words.

'She saw you.' It wasn't a question.
'The whole place was bloody Marcel and I had that damned witch's heart in my hand.' He waved his hand in front of him, fist opening and closing. 'And I- I panicked, I told her to get out. She was terrified Marcel.' Tears threatening to spill now shone in Klaus' eyes. His whole body was shaking from the emotion and guilt.

Marcel took a deep breath as he ran his hand through his face again. This wasn't a conversation to be held in some lost alleyway, in the middle of a neighbourhood inhabited by vampires who weren't much fond of Klaus.

'So now what? You're just gonna disappear from your daughter's life. Is that it? Don't you understand that it may hurt her more? Your absence.' Marcel's voice was trembling now too. 'She knows you're not a saint alright. And she has seen you bloodied up before. Years ago, when I met Hope in the dungeon. She's stronger than you may think. Maybe she won't forgive you now but that doesn't mean you should give up. You've done that plenty before. Don't do it again.'


'Hayley called because she wants her daughter to know that you love her. Go to Hope, Klaus. Ask for forgiveness or understanding. Or explain. Better now than later.' With that Marcel whooshed away leaving Klaus standing behind speechless.

My littlest wolf; A Klope fanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora