Part 9

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Marcel, Josh and a group of werewolves are waiting in front of Henry's doorstep.
'He's just a kid.'
'Hey Lisina.' Josh put his hands up, speaking calmly. Trying to tell her he meant no threat. 'Listen. Marcel,' he gestured towards a determined-faced Marcel waiting outside to be invited. 'Has only two rules. Don't harm children. And no killing vampires.'

'Don't let him take me.' Henry sat crouched behind Lisina, his body shaking from the barely controlled hunger.
'Henry will be punished, but he'll survive.' Josh spoke, still holding his peaceful stance, slowly walking towards Lisina.
'What's the sentence? Years in the head garden?' Lisina backed away as Josh made another step.
'No. Look, nobody hurts kids. I won't ruin his life; he'll just do a few years.' Authority oozed from Marcel's voice.
'Look at him. He's a nice kid.'

'Not when he's wracked by bloodlust. He needs to dry out, take his punishment. When he gets out, he'll be one of my guys, okay? I don't care if he's half werewolf or half mermaid... I protect my guys.'
Lisina's face scrunched in pain. This would shape Henry's life and she couldn't help but think whether it would be a mistake. But she knew she couldn't keep him at the Bayou, not with the bloodlust strong.
'Henry, this is the only way I know how to protect you.'
'Please no.' Henry pleaded, almost crying.
'Marcel you can come in.' Quicker than the eyes could follow Marcel whooshed in, took Henry and left.
'Please tell me it isn't true. What have you done with you mother? Do you have any idea what you've done?'
'I knew it would take something big to bring you home.' Hope admitted.
'So you had your little hybrid friend attack your mother?'
'Henry just did the heavy lifting.' She explained. 'And "attack" is a really strong word. Mom's fine. In a really nice coffin, sleeping. I even cloaked her in a sleeping spell that I wrote myself.'
'Oh, well, in that case, I've never been prouder. Where is she?' Klaus demanded. 'You're just gonna go disappear again if I tell you.'

'Hope, you are in danger when we're in proximity. I know you feel that. The little girl I knew would never have dreamed up a scheme like this.' He sighed, turning his gaze away from her.
'Well, sorry to disappoint you. But that little girl hadn't read your memoirs. You compelled Cami O'Connell to write your story. About a guy who used to put his family members in coffins and use them as leverage.'

'So you've studied my old tricks. Did you learn this one?' One moment Klaus was across the room, the other he was right in front of Hope, putting the tips of his fingers in her temple. 'She's at St. Anne's.'
'Get out of my head!'
'You could die, Hope. Just by standing here, I could be destroying you. I'll ask your mother to take it easy on you. Okay? Good-bye, Hope.'
Not so fast, she thought. Using her magic Hope closed the double doors right in front of Klaus' face.
'I know some tricks too.' She smiled.
'Why did you do this Hope? I thought we were doing fine.' Klaus stomped down the stairs angrily.
'Fine?' Hope followed after him.
'The letters. Were they not enough? You came to me that night because cards and letters weren't enough. I stopped them for your own good in the first place.'

'You don't know whats good for me. You know, you stir up these stories about a crazy original original dropping bodies around, and I have to be quiet little Hope Marshall, when I am so mad I want to scream.' Hope raised her voice, trying to stop the tears threatening to spill in her eyes, trying to turn her sadness into anger.
'I want to be Hope Mikaelson. For a family whose legacy is centred in being a unified family, it surely isn't. I know none of you chose this but at least we can try to reverse the Hollow's magic somehow. I want to have mom and you here everyday. And uncle Elijah and aunt Rebekah and Marcel, and we can all have a good time. You can even come to my parent-teacher meetings.' Tears streaked Hope's face as she raised her voice, trying to stop the tears threatening to spill in her eyes, trying to turn her sadness into anger.
Tears streaked Hope's face as she started sobbing loudly. Klaus couldn't handle the tears, the sobbing. Couldn't handle the image of what they could've been. A normal family. As normal as a family of supernatural creatures could be at least. He turned his face away.
'I don't want to go to school and hearing everyone talk about all the terror you emit. You taught me how to mix paint and called me princess. I want you to pick me up at school.' Klaus scoffed, his face wet with tears as well.
'All the normal things.' He murmured, his voice barely a whisper.
'All the normal things.' Hope repeated softly.

'In my experience, fathers cause pain. Whether by their presence or their absence, there's a certain type of ruin that only a father can... can leave behind. I wanted to different, for you but-' Hope shook her head franticly, whatever her father was going to say next she didn't want to hear it. Not when it could be something with the force to crush the bond they had formed over the letters.

'Maybe I should've never come back into your life. Maybe my little girl would've been better off if she'd never loved me.'
'You-you really think that?' Hope sniffed, wiping hot, fresh tears from her face. She raised her hand, twisting it in the air. The double doors opened.
Klaus finally turned his head around to meet his daughter's eyes. They stared at each other for a moment letting unspoken words between them.
'You can go now.' She whispered and turned around leaving the room.
'That was really nice, what you did for Henry.' Marcel and Hope walked into the Compound side by side.
'Great. I'll give myself a point.'
'It's this weird thing I did when I was little. I-I get a point if I do something nice, follow rules. If I, uh, have a bad thought, or... lose my temper, then I lose a point.' Marcel stopped in his tracks, turning towards Hope.
'Oh, honey, you can't put that kind of pressure on yourself.'
'My family sacrificed everything to save me. I'm supposed to be worth it. I mean, I'm supposed to be better, right? My dad thinks... that I would've been better if I had never loved him.'
'Hey. He may not have the words to tell you, but no matter what, your dad will love the very worst of you until the oceans are dust. You are worth every sacrifice. And... you are good.'
'I know. Or at least I thought I knew. Years ago when you came to New Orleans...I know you were the one made him talk to me again. Thank you by the way even though no words will be enough. Me and dad, we started exchanging letters and I really loved them. I cherish each and every letter that I got. I even got some updates on uncle Elijah.' She paused.
'I sense a but there.'
Hope chuckled.
'But our family they have been together for a millennia, and now they are doomed to never see each other again. Not unless they want to bring a blood bath at least. All because of me. I want us to be together Marcel. All of us. I even found a way on how to do it.'
Hope looked straight into Marcel's eyes, willing him to understand.
'That's why you did that to Hayley?'
'I've been fine with writing letters to dad but it can't go like that forever. Something must be done. Everyone has given so much for me.'
Marcel said nothing just extended his arms towards Hope pulling her in an embrace.
'Oh..oh its fine.' She sniffed.
It wasn't fine.
'This. This is for me too.'
'Hope, we went to the church to get your mother. She wasn't there.'
Hope turned around in her vanity chair, facing her father. He looked frantic.
'What? No. I protected her. I wrote the perfect cloaking spell, I kept her safe. I... I don't understand. The-the coffin was just empty?'
'The coffin was destroyed. Whatever happened to your mother didn't happen without a fight.' Hope's face turned ashen. Her eyes were clouded as if she was lost in some place far into her head and couldn't comprehend what was happening in front of her.
'Look, I know it wasn't your intention for someone to get hurt. I know you did this because I left you with no choice. Sweetheart, look at me. This... this is my fault. I'm gonna fix it. I've already spoken to Alaric. You'll go back to Mystic Falls tonight. I need to know you're safe.' Hope started coughing. She held her hands on her chest as if they would bring some relief to her aching lungs.
'What is it? Hope?' More coughing. She couldn't breathe. It hurt and her lungs burned.
'Go, go. You have to get out! You have to get out.' More coughing. 'I'll find your mother. And I swear I'll return her to you.' Hope fell on her knees, her insides burning up. Gagging her body fell forward, a blood-red snake coming out of her mouth. Too close.
Klaus watched in horror as the snake slithered away from his daughter's body before muttering 'I love you' and running away into the night.

To Hayley.

My littlest wolf; A Klope fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now