Part 6

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A/N pls pretend Stefan wasn't dead yet. Maybe i'll write Stefan here. I feel like Hope would've had a nice relationship with Stefan due to his "friendship" with Klaus. (Yes maybe they aren't the bestest of friend but they separated on very good terms in season 3) And also he is the one that know Hope is a Mikaelson, enjoy this part.

Three months later Hope had returned to the Salvatore school. Her grades were up to the sky, her hair had grown longer and it had started to grow a few shades darker. She was hopping in the corridor, going to her class to her dorm. All of today's classes were finished and she was looking forward to revising in the library later for a cloaking spell she'd been trying to make.
Entering her room, Hope dropped the books she'd been carrying and the bag on top of her study table and threw her body on the bed. She should get up and change but five minutes of rest won't hurt. Just five minutes. Hope's eyes slowly closed as she drifted to sleep. After school naps were always the best.
Hope woke up and the first thing she saw was the sun setting and the sky was filled with all the beautiful shades of purple and orange. She was still in her school uniform and had fell asleep so deeply, she was almost in the same position she fell asleep in. Hope checked the time. It had been about three hours since she came into the room. Yawning she got up from her bed and walked towards her closet. As she was walking by her study table something caught her eye. Something white, it looked like an envelope. Hope was sure she hadn't left it there today nor had it been with her books. Slowly she walked towards the study table.

There was one single sentence on top of it.
"To Hope from K."
It was from her father. Hope couldn't decide if she was happy or not to hear from him. She hadn't hear of him since the night he spoke with her mother using magic. Hope's magic. And she'd heard all they'd said. Of course Hope hadn't meant to do that but the words had reached her either way. Other words that reached her were from school kids.

'Did you know Headmaster Alaric wrote a book about the Original Hybrid? He is ruthless. I've read it.'
Yes her father was ruthless but he was also a protector. Her protector. Hope let out a breath and reached for the letter. She opened the envelope and there lay a white folded piece of paper and another, significantly smaller beige one. Hope took the folded paper at first, took a deep breath and opened it.

My dearest Hope,
I wish this letter finds you well, safe, sound and healthy.
I don't truly know how to start this letter but I believe you are due an apology. Truth be told I don't know what the right way to parent really is. But all I ever wished for was to protect you. Maybe you're thinking why am I reaching out now and not before. It's been a long time since I last saw your mother thanks to your magic and for that I am much thankful.
You came to me those nights because letters and phone calls weren't enough. So after that night I thought I could protect you better if I would just disappear from your life. That it would be easier for me to protect you that way, but I learned that I was wrong. Hope. My humanity. My will to do better. To be better.
Cutting you out has proved to be painful for the both of us. I may not be the perfect father but my love for you has no boundaries. Please allow me to mend my ways and be a better father. I will write more, every night if you want. I will make letters and phone calls enough, that is of course, when you'll be ready for a phone call. I will make it work. I would love to hear your voice.

'I would love to hear your voice too,' she said to the letter. Somehow it felt like it would reach her father. Hope wiped her tears, she wasn't really sure when she'd started crying, only that she was crying. Sniffing she continued reading the letter.

I hope you like your bike.
It felt like that sentence was a dam and it just had broken letting all her tears out. So the bike was her father's gift. Even though her mother had refused to tell her where it had come from Hope had thought it might be from her aunt and Marcel. Had he brought her gifts every birthday? Hope wiped her tears again with the sleeves of her shirt. She was still wearing that school uniform.

P.S I hope you still like beignets. Please do tell if there are other sweets you like more. I love you my littlest wolf.
Hope was crying and smiling at the same time now. She'd heard her dad call her mom "little wolf" and everyone knew his as the big bad wolf. And she was their littlest wolf, it felt reassuring somehow. Opening the envelope again she took out the beige paper. It was thicker and no bigger than her palm. On top of it, written in cursive was:
Ava's Pastry.
Sweets of all kinds.

On the back there was an address and a phone number. The place was just a fifteen minute walk away from the school. She'd been there once, the beignets had been really good. Not as good as in New Orleans but the best Hope had eaten in Mystic Falls. She took the paper and put it carefully in the envelope. She wanted to keep them as near herself as possible. Hope took the envelope and put it under her pillow, then she want to the bathroom. Washed her tear streaked face and changed out of the school uniform. It would seem that she needed to postpone going to the library. Maybe she could go tomorrow.

Right now she needed to eat a beignet.
Hope was feeling different, relieved. As if she'd had a very big burden on her shoulders that even Hope hadn't known about it and now she was free of it. Now she felt so light she could fly.
With these thoughts on her head Hope took her favourite notebook, a pen and a little bag to put them. With the pastry's business card in her pocket Hope rushed out of the dorm, out of the school towards the place where the bikes were kept. The sun had almost set but it would take an hour and at least thirty minutes for it to become completely dark. She had time.
But right now she needed a safe place to write.

My littlest wolf; A Klope fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now