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A/N Ever since posting the last part I've wanted to write a bonus chapter/epilogue because, well why not? 😆 But I also liked the peace from not having to write or worry about writing, words not flowing etc... (I'd actually meant to post this for the fics 1st anniversary but it wasn't nowhere near ready 🫣)

'Can't wait! Can't wait! Can't wait!'
'Calm down Hope. In a few minutes we'll land.' Hope grinned. 'I know. I'm just really excited. I mean, I've never been any further than Mystic Falls and now we're going to England. And both of you are with me.' Both Klaus and Hayley's faces softened.
Even after months, the sight of her parents sitting next to each other or simply being in the same room felt unreal to Hope. And now they were flying to England in a private jet courtesy of her dad. Whether it was compulsion or he'd simply paid Hope wasn't so sure, yet she didn't think much of it.
What she did think about was the reason why they were travelling. Her birthday was in ten days, her sweet sixteen.
'You haven't exactly told us where we're going Klaus.' Hayley mentioned. 'You're right little wolf. Its about time I told you.' Klaus set his drink on the table beside him. 'We're going back to where Elijah and I first met Katerina, you may have known her,' he gestured to Hayley.
'The vampire doppelgänger from Stefan's journals?' Hope perked up, face alight with curiosity at the new information.
'The one and only. Albeit she was still a human back then. We had-still have-a castle back there.'
'Mr. Mikaelson,' a young woman, clad in a crisp black suit walked towards them. 'We're landing in ten minutes.'

Just outside the jet, a black with dark windows awaited the Mikaelsons. The day would soon be over and the sky was painted with purples, pinks and oranges. Hope turned her face towards the sun seeking its warmth while stretching her arms above her head and rose on her toes. Nothing like a good stretch for her cramped muscles. Though the jet had been comfortable, sitting for too many hours wasn't and Hope didn't want to get into another confined space just yet. The air was cool with a faint smell of gasoline. Hope breathed in deeply. Smell of gasoline was excellent.
'Okay dad,' she looped her arm through his. 'Continue.' Pulling Hayley with her other arm, Hope sandwiched herself between her parents and steered them towards the car.
'The castle was built by us, of course.' Klaus started, pride dripping from his voice.
'Of course,' Hayley mimicked him.

'Took us about twelve years to build it, stone from top to bottom. Back then castles were build with few, small window high up to keep out bad weather and enemies alike also it created the perfect living conditions for creatures like us. I feels like only yesterday when Rebekah would bring in merchants from all over the place selling expensive carpets and drapes. Elijah-' he faltered memories of his brother cutting into him sharper than any stake. 'Elijah had his own study there.'
Hayley huffed. 'Of course he did.'

'Come one, get in.' Klaus opened the sliding door of the car and gently pushed his ladies in. 'He would rarely meet us there thought, even after I'd personally reassured him numerous times that I had no interest in those crinkly, ancient books of his.' A bittersweet smile crossed Klau's face and his eyes stared ahead yet at the same time it seemed like they were lost in faraway memories. Hope reached towards him, from where she was sitting next to Hayley and squeezed his left hand. Klaus put his right hand over hers and smiled faintly. 'Though he was right to be wary of us. One time, in New Orleans Rebekah and I set fire to his study.'
'Why would you do that?' Hope asked horrified yet a little amused.
'Disappointed but somehow not surprised.' Hayley shook her head.
'Although, rest assured my dears. All the books were saved... Maybe some weren't.' He relented after a moment. 'I'm sure we can find one of those books here.'
'Why so?'

'When New Orleans burnt to the ground, in 1788, we worked hard to rebuilt the city, but even then after some decades we needed to flee. So we came here, stayed in the castle we're about to go now, briefly, and left what possessions we'd taken from New Orleans there. From there we moved on.'
'Do you have, um I don't know, castles and mansions all over the world?' Hope joked.
'No, just on one half of it.' Klaus deadpanned, Hope tsked and rolled her eyes. 'You know, neither of you has said why we're travelling?'
'Why Hope its just a normal, nice family trip.' Hope cocked her head, distrustful. 'With my birthday in ten days?'
'See, Klaus, I told you your genius plan wouldn't work.' Hayley smirked.
'I'd already thought that our littlest wolf would find out, nevertheless worry not little wolf, all is not lost.' Klaus responded solemn.
'Why are talking like this?'
'Well, Hope, let's just say we have prepared a surprise for you sixteenth birthday.' A slow grin bloomed on Hope's face and she squealed. 'I knew it.' She leaned and hugged Hayley tightly, then jumped up to hug Klaus as well. 'Thank you!'

My littlest wolf; A Klope fanfictionWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu